Your full representation, including names, addresses, signatures and any contact details stated will be placed on the case file, which is a public record, and will be available for inspection by members of the public at the council's offices and may be referred to in any report to Regulatory Committee.
Have your say about a planning application at the regulatory committee
Planning applications are required to be assessed and decided on 'proper' planning grounds. These might include;
- possible loss of light,
- possible loss of privacy as a result of the proposed development,
- effect upon highway safety,
- effect upon parking and traffic issues,
- proposals effect upon the design and appearance of an area, or on listed buildings and/or conservation areas close by (if applicable),
- requirement to take into account local and national planning policies and Government guidance.
We cannot however take into account the following as a basis for a planning objection;
- the developers motives or morals,
- loss of view,
- boundary and ownership disputes,
- private rights of way and covenants,
- effect upon property values,
- possible future development.
For more guidance please email or tel 01926 412906.
To make a comment about planning application NWB/24CM013 please fill in the details below. You can attach files if required. If you wish to make more detailed comments than the text box will allow, please put a brief note in the text box, and submit a document as a file attachment.
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