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Ref No. Description Location Registered Decided Decision
NWB/18CM001 Restrospective application for steel portal frame workshop, storage and lean-to. K S D Recycled Aggregates, Lichfield Road, Curdworth, Sutton Coldfield, B76 0BB 04-Jan-2018 04-Apr-2018 Granted
WDC/17CC015 Improvement of the Stoneleigh junction on the A46 between Coventry and Warwick Existing junction of the A46 and Stoneleigh Road, Stoneleigh 19-Dec-2017 17-Jul-2018 Granted
SDC/17CM025 Retention of a temporary access from B4100 to Bird Road, Gaydon, CV35 0DB B4100, Gaydon, Warwickshire, CV35 0DB 14-Dec-2017 23-Feb-2018 Granted
WDC/17CM024 Installation of six Glass-Reinforced Polymer (GRP) Kiosks Finham Sewage Treatment Works, St Martins Road, Stoneleigh, Coventry, CV3 6SD 14-Dec-2017 23-Jan-2018 Granted
WDC/17CM023 Extension to building for additional storage and recycling handling area Insight House, Blick Road, Heathcote Industrial Estate, WARWICK, CV34 6TA 08-Dec-2017 09-Mar-2018 Withdrawn
SDC/17CC014 Development of a solar park incorporating solar panels, for 30 year period Stockton Former Landfill Site, Land west of A426 Rugby Road, Stockton, Near Southam, Warwickshire CV47 8LB 06-Dec-2017 22-Feb-2018 Granted
SDC/17CM022 Screen existing stockpiles of quarry overburden to produce secondary aggregate Edgehill Quarry, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6DH 04-Dec-2017 20-Feb-2018 Granted
NWB/17CC013 Erection of replacement front and rear boundary fence. Nursery Hill Primary School, Ansley Common, Nuneaton, CV10 0PY 20-Oct-2017 11-Dec-2017 Granted
SDC/17CM020 Retrospective application for importing and depositing topsoil to raise levels. Folly Fields Farm, Ladbroke Road, Bishops Itchington, Southam, CV47 2RP 29-Sep-2017 18-Jan-2018 Granted
RBC/17CM021 Use of land for open-windrow composting with surface water lagoons Veolia Environmental Services Limited, Coalpit Lane, Lawford Heath, CV23 9HH 21-Sep-2017 16-Apr-2018 Granted