Application details

Application details: WDC/22CM008
Planning application ref:



Land south of Wasperton Farm, Wellesbourne Road, Wasperton, Warwickshire, CV35 8EA


Proposed sand and gravel quarry, ancillary offices, buildings, processing plant, and a new access road, with restoration using imported inert materials to recreate agricultural land and biodiversity enhancement works.

Application date:


Registration date:


Publicity start date:


Publicity end date:


Decision date:



Extension of time to:


Application type:

Minerals Major EIA

District / Borough:

Warwick District


Wasperton Barford

Electoral Division:

Budbrooke & Bishop's Tachbrook


Consultations sent - Regulatory Committee decision to be made

Case officer:

David Cooper 

Applicant details





Surname/company name:

Smiths Concrete Limited 

Company contact name:



Enslow, Kidlington, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX5 3AY 

Case officer:

David Cooper 

Agent details





Surname/company name:


Company contact name:



Landesign, Unit 3, The Ark Business Centre, Gordon Road, Loughborough, LE11 1JP 

Publicity details

Publicity start date:


Publicity end date:


Associated media

Click on column headings to sort.

Description Filename
Environmental statement Environmental Statement - ES v2 20221025.pdf
Ecological Impact Assessment 221025_406.00027.00506_Wasperton EcIA.pdf
Appendix EC7 Biodiversity Impact Assessment 221025_406.00027.00506_Wasperton_App_EC7.xls
Planning statement Planning Application- v2 20221024.pdf
Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Landscape and visual impact v2 20221025.pdf
Statutory Designations LD135-WSP-007a Designated Sites Magic 1-10000.pdf
Geological Plans Geological Plans - WSP 22-1-6 Combined Plans.pdf
Environmental statement nts v2 20221024.pdf
Pond Location Plan EC6 00027.00506.0009.0 Pond Location Plan EC6.pdf
Appendix EC6 Gt Crested Newt Survey Report 220903_406.00027.00506_Wasperton_App_EC6 gcn.pdf
Wintering Birds Survey EC5 00027.00506.0002.2 Winter Birds EC5.pdf
Breeding Bird Territories EC5 00027.00506.0002.2 Breeding Birds EC5.pdf
Appendix EC5.2 Wintering Bird Survey 220903_406.00027.00506_Wasperton_App_EC5.2 birds winter.pdf
Appendix EC5.1 Breeding Bird Survey 220903_406.00027.00506_Wasperton_App_EC5.1 birds summer.pdf
Bat Activity Survey Locations EC3 00027.00506.0008.1 Bat Activity Survey Drawing EC3.2.pdf
Bat Tree Locations EC3 00027.00506.0005.2 Bat Trees EC3.1.pdf
Appendix EC3 Bat Survey Report 220903_406.00027.00506_Wasperton_App_EC3 bat.pdf
Appendix EC2 Target Notes 220903_406.00027.00506_Wasperton_App_EC2 Target notes.pdf
Appendix EC1 Biological RecordsCentre 220903_406.00027.00506_Wasperton_App_EC1 records.pdf
Access Plan - Preliminary Traffic Signals layout B033349-TTE-XX-XX-DR-H-1251-P01 Access Plan.pdf
Statement of community involvement smiths wasperton planning Qs-As document final.pdf
CEMP Draft Draft CEMP v1 20221024 .pdf
Soils and Agricultural Report Soils and Agricultural Report (Wasperton) Option 2 FULL.pdf
Noise impact assessment WBM Report Wasperton 11 Jan 2022.pdf
Hydrogeologcal and Hydrological Assessment 3242_HIA F2 (Oct 22) reduced.pdf
Transport assessment RTB028639-02_Wasperton TS.pdf
Heritage Impact Assessment 2022.05.11 HC7801 Wasperton HIA PJ V3.pdf
ES - Population and Human Health Wasperton_ES_Population_and_Health_rev1 (004).pdf
Flood risk assessment 3242 FRA F3 (Oct 22) complete.pdf
Air quality - Dust Assessment ZSCWASP_DA_B_Final.pdf
Heritage statement Trench Plan with geophysics Wasperton Quarry_TRENCH PLAN_with Geophysics.pdf
Heritage statement trench plan Wasperton Quarry_TRENCH PLAN.pdf
Annex 1.3 Heritage Statement Archaeological Geophysical Survey Annex 1.3.pdf
Annex 1.2 Heritage Statement Archaeological Desk Based assessment Annex 1.2.pdf
Annex 1.1 Heritage statement Annex 1.1.pdf
Archaeology Assessment Archaeology Chapter.pdf
Screening and Scoping Opinion WCC WASPEIA1 v2.pdf
Air quality assessment ZSCWAP_AQA_C_FINAL.pdf
Final Restoration Plan Phases 1-12 Layout Plan - Proposed LD135-WSP-005d Final restoration-A3P.pdf
Plant Site Layout Plan - Proposed LD135-WSP-006b Plant site Layout-A4P.pdf
Workshop Plan and Elevations - Proposed LD135-WSP-023 Workshop elevations-A3L.pdf
Elevation (Front) - Proposed Office Schematic LD135-WSP-21 - Office Schematic.pdf
Weighbridge Elevation (Front) - Proposed LD133-WSP-026 -Weighbridge Office Elevations A3L.pdf
Wash Plant lighting and noise levels CDE - C577790-SP1288-LAYOUT-01A.pdf
Layout Plan - Proposed LD135-WSP-aerial and phases-A2P (Map).pdf
Phase 12 Layout Plan - Proposed LD135-WSP-019b Phase 12-A3P.pdf
Phase 11 Layout Plan - Proposed LD135-WSP-018b Phase 11-A3P.pdf
Phase 10 Layout Plan - Proposed LD135-WSP-017b Phase 10-A3P.pdf
Phase 9 Layout Plan - Proposed LD135-WSP-016b Phase 9-A3P.pdf
Phase 8 Layout Plan - Proposed LD135-WSP-015b Phase 8-A3P.pdf
Phase 7 Layout Plan - Proposed LD135-WSP-014b Phase 7-A3P.pdf
Phase 6 Layout Plan - Proposed LD135-WSP-013b Phase 6-A3P.pdf
Phase 5 Layout Plan - Proposed LD135-WSP-012b Phase 5-A3P.pdf
Phase 4 Layout Plan - Proposed LD135-WSP-011b Phase 4-A3P.pdf
Phase 3 Layout Plan - Proposed LD135-WSP-010b Phase 3-A3P.pdf
Phase 2 Layout Plan - Proposed LD135-WSP-009b Phase 2-A3P.pdf
Phase 1 Initial site set up Layout Plan - Proposed LD135-WSP-008b Phase 1 Site set up-A3P.pdf
Block plan of the site LD135-WSP-024 PA and landholding plan-A3P.pdf
The location plan LD135-WSP-001b Location Plan-A3P.pdf
Application Form - Without Personal Data ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf
Landscape Plan - Additional Plans LD135-WSP-027_Landscape_Plan-A3P.pdf
MINERALS LOCAL PLAN DOCUMENT C1944-1 Wasperton Minerals Allocation Hedgerow Survey FINAL Redacted MINERALS__LOCAL_PLAN_DOCUMENT_C1944-1_Wasperton_Minerals_Allocation_Hedgerow_Survey_FINAL_REDACTED.pdf
Reg 25 Letter WDC22CM008_Reg_25_letter_and_table_12.01.24_FINAL.pdf

Appeal details

There are no appeal details for this application

Legal agreements

There are no legal agreements for this applicationsss


Click on column headings to sort.

There are no consultees for this application

Name Address Last letter date Target response date
Mr Gary Fisher Group Manager - Development Management Warwick District Council, Riverside House, Milverton Hill, Leamington Spa, CV32 5HZ 05-Jan-2023
Mr Michael Jenkins Environmental Protection Warwick District Council, Riverside House, Milverton Hill, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV32 5QF 04-Jan-2023
Mr P Gethins Environment Agency Sentinal House, 9 Wellington Road, Fradley Park, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS13 8RR 04-Jan-2023
Mr James Johnson Barford, Sherbourne & Wasperton JPC 3, Barford Woods, Barford Road, Warwick, CV34 6SZ 04-Jan-2023
Planning Policy Team Warwickshire County Council, PO Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX 04-Jan-2023
Councillor Jan Matecki 8, Turner Close, Warwick, CV34 6PZ 04-Jan-2023
Mrs Carolyn Cox Landscape,Ecology & Historic Environment, Warwickshire County Council, P O Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX 04-Jan-2023
Dr Jon Radley Heritage & Culture Museum & Natural Env Warwickshire Museum, Market Place, Warwick, CV34 4SA 04-Jan-2023
Mr Jagjit Mahal Flood Risk and Water Management Warwickshire County Council, Warwick, CV34 4SX 04-Jan-2023
Mr Ben Brook Chief Fire Officer Warwickshire Fire & Rescue Service, Service Headquarters, Warwick Street, Leamington Spa, CV32 5LH 04-Jan-2023
Ms Elaine Bettger Rights of Way GIS and Access Information Warwickshire County Council, PO Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX 04-Jan-2023
Ms Joanne Archer Principal Highway Control Engineer Warwickshire County Council, PO Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX 04-Jan-2023
Miss Anna Stocks Archaeological Information and Advice Warwickshire County Council, P O Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX 04-Jan-2023
Mr David Lowe Ecology Services Warwickshire County Council, P O Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX 04-Jan-2023
Mrs Rachael Dimbleby Warwickshire Fire & Rescue Service, Water Supplies Planning Officer, Water Department, Bedworth Fire Station, Park Road, Bedworth, CV12 8LB 04-Jan-2023
Dr John Dunkerton Hampton Lucy Parish Council 41-42, Church Street, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8BE 04-Jan-2023
Councillor Penny-Anne O'Donnell c/o Shire Hall, Market Place, Warwick, CV34 4RL 04-Jan-2023
Western Power Distribution Herald Way, Pegasus Business Park, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donnington, DE74 2TU 05-Jan-2023
Mr Mark English Warwickshire Police Design Out Crime Officer, Nuneaton Warwickshire Justice Centre, Vicarage Street, Nuneaton, CV11 4JU 04-Jan-2023
Mr Paul Scott Consultations Team - Operations Delivery Natural England, County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester, WR5 2NP 04-Jan-2023
Planning Casework Unit 4th Floor, 23 Stephenson Street, Birmingham, B2 4BH 04-Jan-2023
Mr Michael Bird Footpath Secretary Ramblers Association Warwickshire Area, 16, Melford Hall Road, Solihull, B91 2ES 05-Jan-2023
Mr Robert Dawson Warwick District Council Development Services, Riverside House, Milverton Hill, Leamington Spa, CV32 5HZ 04-Jan-2023
Mr Richard Timothy National Highways The Cube, 199, Wharfside Street, Birmingham, B1 1RN 04-Jan-2023
Mr Neil Rimmington Historic England The Axis, 10, Holiday Street, Birmingham, B1 1TG 04-Jan-2023
Mr Rod Scott Barford Residents Association 37, Dugard Place, Barford, CV35 8DX 04-Jan-2023
Mrs Jennie Johnson Warwickshire Wildlife Trust Brandon Marsh Nature Centre, Brandon Lane, Brandon, CV3 3GW 04-Jan-2023
Mr Nick Halliday Severn Trent Water Ltd Asset Protection Waste Water (East), Severn Trent Water Ltd, Leicester Water Centre, Gorse Hill, Leicester, LE7 7GU 04-Jan-2023
RSPB RSPB - Midlands Regional Office, One Cornwall St, Birmingham, B3 2DH 05-Jan-2023
Health & Safety Executive HSE's Planning Advice Team, Health and Safety Laboratory, Harpur Hill, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 9JN 05-Jan-2023
Environmental Health Team Leader Stratford On Avon District Council, Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6HX 04-Jan-2023
Mr Robert Weeks Head of Environment Stratford on Avon District Council, Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford Upon Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 6HX 04-Jan-2023
Dr Shade Agboola Director of Public Health Warwickshire County Council, P O Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX 04-Jan-2023
Mr Andrew Cornfoot Business Manager, Policy & Site Delivery Warwick District Council, Riverside House, Milverton Hill, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV32 5QF 04-Jan-2023
Mr Robert Parker-Gulliford SDC Conservation Officer Stratford On Avon District Council, Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6HX 04-Jan-2023
Sir/Madam Warwickshire Geological Conservation 78b, Warwick Road, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1HL 04-Jan-2023
Mr Philip Clarke Head of Place, Arts and Economy Warwick District Council, Riverside House, Milverton Hill, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV32 5QF 04-Jan-2023
Sir/Madam Warwickshire Geological Conservation 78b, Warwick Road, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1HL
Mrs Lynda Scriven Wellesbourne & Walton JPC 2, School Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NH 09-Jan-2023
Countryside Recreation Warwickshire County Council, Shire Hall, Market Place, Warwick, CV34 4RL
Mr Paul Scott Consultations Team - Operations Delivery Natural England, County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester, WR5 2NP
Environmental Hazards 11-Apr-2023
Net Zero Team Warwickshire County Council, Shire Hall, Market Place, Warwick, CV34 4RL

Interested parties

There are no interested parties for this application

Name Address Last letter date Target response date
Ms Julie 30 Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
Mr Malcolm
Evergreen School
Mr John Brittain Lane, Warwick, CV34 6DX
Councillor Alan Warwick District Council Riverside House, Milverton Hill, Royal Leamington Spa, CV32 5HZ
Mrs Tanya Aspinwall 54, Church Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EW
Mr Michael 17, Anderton Avenue, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UQ
Mrs Julie 17, Anderton Avenue, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UQ
Mr Carl Aspinwall 54, Church Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EW
Mr Edward Brown 28, Barcheston Drive, Hatton Park, Warwick, CV8 1NP
Mr John Watkins 2, Carter Drive, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8ET
Mrs J Wheal 2, Beaufort Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV359NU
Mr Kenneth Wheal 2, Beaufort Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV359NU
Mrs Ingrid Oliver 3, Keytes Lane, Barford, WARWICK, CV35 8EP
Mrs B Comley 11, Home Furlong, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TW
Mrs G Jones 14, Impney Green, Droitwich, WR9 7EL
Mrs K Hoy 4, The Spinney, Warwick, CV35 8DJ
Mr Rhys Jones 14, Impney Green, Droitwich, WR9 7EL
Mr Malcolm Shone 3, Whitworth Close, Dovehouse Estate, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NQ
Mrs R Gristwood 2, Debden Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TH
Mrs Charlotte E McClymont South Wing, Rogers Lane, Ettington, Stratford Upon Avon, CV37 7SX
Mrs Vanessa Hampton Lucy House, Church Street, Hampton Lucy, CV35 8BE
Mr Geoff 146, Dovehouse Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NR
Mrs Diane 161, Dovehouse Drive, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NW
Mr Steven 14, Beaufort Close, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, CV35 9NU
Mr Geoffrey Powell 21, Church Street, BARFORD, Warwick, CV35 8EW
Mr Richard Long 12, Pembroke Gardens, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PX
Mrs Ranbir 9, Horseshoe Crescent, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SX
Miss A Ouseley 7, Halford Road, Ettington, Warwickshire, CV377TH
Miss F Ouseley 7, Halford Road, Ettington, Warwickshire, CV377TH
Mr J Thackwell 10, Valletta Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TB
Mrs E Thackwell 10, Valletta Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TB
Dr Joanna Kemp 39, Horseshoe Crescent, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SX
Mr Jeremy Pyne 5, Gloster Gardens, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TQ
Mr Hobday 43, Overbury Way, Warwick, CV35 9UL
Mr Lawson 43, Overbury Way, Warwick, CV35 9UL
Mr & Mrs Touchwood, 20, Oxford Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LW
Mrs Susan 6, Chestnut Square, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QR
Mrs Carol 65, Warwick Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UB
Mrs M L 7, Crosslands, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TN
Miss Sally Green 21, Rogers Lane, Ettington, Stratford-upon-avon, CV37 7TA
Mr A Padhi 8, Hammerton Way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NT
Mr Graham Hill 44, Banbury Road, Ettington, Stratford-Upon-Avon, CV37 7SU
Mr I Farey 15, Ash Tree Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SA
Mrs Helena 146, Dovehouse Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NR
Mr & Mrs Don Hodson 9A, Kineton Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NE
Mrs P Carter 72, Pembroke Gardens, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PX
Miss Zoe Wellesbourne House, 7, Walton Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9JB
Rev. A Larkin The Rectory, 2, Church Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8ES
Sawyer 32, St. Peters Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PD
Mr G Moss 12, Whitehead Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV359PW
Mr John 70, Mountford Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QQ
Mrs C Flower 46, Willow Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RX
Mr P Flower 46, Willow Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RX
Mr Remi 37, Ettington Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RJ
Mrs Ros Orchard 19, Wellington Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9JQ
Mr Frank Rietz 19a, Kineton Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NE
Mr Gavin Lambert 7, Cherry Close, Ettington, Stratford-Upon-Avon, CV37 7TG
Mr David Edwards 12, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EY
Ms Catherine Sheppard 48, Frost Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UF
Miss J Ryman 5, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EY
Mrs A Ridgway 63, Warwick Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UB
Mr A Ealden 11, Lincoln Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9JE
Mrs S Fisher 24, Cozens Street, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SU
Mr S Fisher 24, Cozens Street, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SU
Mr D 16, Daniell Road, Wellesbourne, WARWICK, CV35 9UD
Mrs Linda Yeates 5, Ramsay Green, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EE
Mrs Vivienne Stockill 28, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EY
Mr Matt Spall 33, Daniell Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UD
Mrs Baxter 20, Hopkins Way, Warwick, CV35 9UE
Mrs Carole 17, Mill Lane, Barford, Warwickshire, CV35 8BG
Mr Anthony Baxter 20, Hopkins Way, Warwick, CV35 9UE
Mr G Day 25, Kineton Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NE
Wheeler 19, Wyvern Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TA
Mrs N Ealden 5, Lincoln close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CVV35 9JE
Mr Paul Wheeler 19, Wyvern Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TA
Mrs C Lloyd 15, School Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NH
Mr Piotr Stasiewski 66, Banbury Road, Ettington, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 7SU
Mrs A Stavely 14, Birch Grove, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SJ
Mrs A 18, Whitehead Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PW
Mrs E I Walsham-Gray 17, Hutton Road, Kibeton, WARWICK, CV35 0FE
Mr Roelof-Paul Kruizinga 26, Hammerton Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV34 4AB
Mr T R Stead 6a, High Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BU
Hood 33, Hopkins Way, Warwick, CV35 9UE
Mr Alan Grantham 37, Newbold Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QD
Mrs Hannah Hillman 36, Horseshoe Crescent, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SX
Mrs Amanda Ray 23, Hewitt Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EZ
Mr Stephen Smith 25, Saddler Place, Warwick, CV35 9YU
Mr Ray Chambers The Willows, Old Tree Lane, Upper Tysoe, CV35 0FT
Mr Chris Tucker 7, Bettridge place, Wellesbourne, CV35 9LY
Mr C Hughes 7a, Kineton Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NE
Ms SALLY Carew 46A, Church Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EN
Mr Derrick Phipps 17, Honeysuckle lane, Wellsbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SG
Ms Sandra Shannon Linden Mead, Moat Green, Sherborne, Warwick, CV35 8AJ
Mr P Dalton 22, Warwick Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LX
Mr Tim Fenton 12, Redhill Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QN
Mrs Becky Cund 1, Macaulay lane, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QF
Mr G Minton 33, Pembroke Gardens, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PU
Mr M Bedford 8, Copeland Avenue, Wellesbourne, CV35 9LZ
Mr Anthony Camilleri 7, Blenheim Walk, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LJ
Mrs A Nixon 6, Constance Harris Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PZ
Mr Robert Reid 31, Hopkins Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV359UE
Mrs Victoria Reid 31, Hopkins Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UE
Mrs Caroline Cadbury Clock cottage, Barford hill, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BZ
Dr O Corradi-Remi 15, Grange Gardens, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RL
Mr Graham D Porter 16a, Church Street, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LS
Mr Hugo Hanlan 1, Saracen Close, Ettington, Warwickshire, CV37 7SZ
Mrs M Hunt 24, Hopkins Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UE
Mr R.H. Keenlyside 13, Ettington close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RJ
Mrs L.M. Keenlyside 27, Ettington Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RJ
Mrs M Hodkinson 39, Newbold Place, Wellesbourne, CV35 9PB
Mr Duncan Broe 2, Redhill Way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9QN
Mrs Claire Chambers The Willows, Old Tree Lane, Upper Tysoe, CV35 0TF
Baker 31, Dugard Place, Warwick, CV35 8DX
Mrs Patricia Ann Heppel 22, Verdon Place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BT
Ms SJ Parsons 124, Main Road, Middleton cheney, OX17 PD
Miss A Collins 109, Marshall Road, Banbury, OX16 4QS
Mrs Claire Buzzard 13, Fivash close, Banbury, OX16 1HZ
Mr Andrew Buckley 76, Wathen Road, Warwick, CV34 5BB
Miss julia stokes 63, Sussex Drive, Banbury, OX16 1UR
Miss Angela Davis 1, Arran Grove, Banbury, OX16 2EL
Mrs Marie Finch 2, Foxwood Close, Banbury, OX16 9ER
Mr J Waight 3, Lowes Lane, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RB
Mr Paul Simpson 6, Swan Meadow, Warwick, CV34 6HZ
Mr Peter Banks 21, GRIFFITH ROAD, Banbury, OX16 1EF
Mr Tony Zigler 109, Ridge Nether Moor, Swindon, SN3 6NE
Mrs Claire Allen 4, Little Owl Drive, Banbury, OX15 4GW
Mr B Pithouse 10, Lincoln Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9JE
Mrs Alexandra Dempsey 53, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EY
Mr Philip Withers 4, The Mews,, Wellesbourne House, Walton Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TP
Mr Jason Cunnington Field View, Church Street, Hampton Lucy, CV35 8BE
Mrs Melissa Cunnington Field View, Church Street, Hampton Lucy, CV35 8BE
Miss Amelia Cunnington Field View, Church Street, Hampton Lucy, CV35 8BE
Miss Jessica Cunnington Field View, Church Street, Hampton Lucy, CV35 8BE
Mrs Bridget Hill 60, Pembroke Gardens, Wellesbourne, CV35 9SU
Mr Keith Bond 40, Banbury Road, Ettington, CV377SU
Miss W Brock 8, Austin Drive, Banbury, OX16 1DJ
Mr H Cooper Oak House, Old Warwick Road, Ettington, CV37 7SH
Mrs D Cooper Oak House, Old Warwick Road, Ettington, CV37 7SH
Miss Cole 3, Baker Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RQ
Mrs K Smith 14, Redhill Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV359SP
Sellers 16, Wheelwright Way, Warwick, CV35 9SZ
Miss J Carter 52, Loxley Close, Warwickshire, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RU
Ms Lynn Melling 14, Bremridge Close, barford, CV35 8DG
Miss Monahan 31, Green lane, Warwick, CV34 5LG
Mr Jake Nash 31, Green lane, Warwick, CV34 5LG
Mrs Christine Trapp 4, Boyse lane, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UN
Mrs Smith 6, Welington Close, Warwick, CV35 9JQ
Mrs Julie Sandford 5, Granville Road, Wellesbourne, WARWICK, CV35 9RR
Mr David Pritchard 15, Church Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8ES
Mr Alex Macrae 10, Constance Harris Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PZ
Mr michael atkinson Normandy Lane, Stratton Business Park, Biggleswade, SG18 8QB
Mrs J M Down 10, Grange Gardens, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RL
Mr M L Down 10, Grange Gardens, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RL
Miss E Bottomley 5, Tait Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SW
Mr Eric Daws 18, Daniell Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UD
Mr jake Hawkins The Old Plume, abbey street, Glos, White British, GL12 8RN
Mr J Conway The Ridge, Chipping Sodbury, Bristol, BS37 6AY
Phoenix Consulting Archaeology Ltd 13, Grove Street, Bedford, Bedfordshire, MK40 3JJ
Mr David Jordan 7, Verdon place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BT
Mr Andrew Smith Church Farm, 58 Church Lane, Hampton Poyle, Kidlington,Oxon, OX5 2QF
Mrs Phyllis Smith 89, Oxford Road, Kidlington, OX5 2NP
Mr Alistair Combe 6, Appleby close, Banbury, OX16 0UY
Mr David Orton 80, Brixham Drive, Coventry, CV2 3LG
Mrs S Neal Clifton House, Goldicote Road, Loxley, CV35 9TZ
Mrs Henrietta Matthews Fairfax House, Warwick Road, Stratford On Avon, CV37 0EN
Mr Trevor Sturt 11, Grantham Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9JJ
Ms Susan Briscoe Ferndale House, Westend, Radway, CV35 0UF
Dixon 1, Gannaway Court, Warwick, CV35 8JR
Mr Jack Elliott 29, Gloster Gardens, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TQ
Mr Gareth Day Hanson House, 14 Castle Hill, Maidenhead, SL6 4JJ
Mr D Witcherley 14, Saddler place, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UY
Mr Jon Morrish 133, Overslade Lane, Overslade, Rugby, CV22 6EF
Mr John Brewer 1, Waterloo Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9JG
Mrs Carol Brewer 1, Waterloo Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9JG
Mr Cawthorn 27, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EY
Mr Stephen Whitehead 30B, Millbrook Rd, Carlisle, CA3 0EU
Mrs Rebecca Kelly 12, Lyefield Road East, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham, GL53 8AY
Mr Ross Hand 6, The Arches, East Leake, Loughborough, LE12 6PG
Mr Joe Bell 8, Booth Close, Pattershall, Towcester, NN12 8JP
Mr Dave Myers 57, Gunhill, Coventry, CV7 8HH
Mrs P Gallon 33, Archer Road, Kenilworth, CV8 1DJ
Mrs Annette Hewitt's Tyres 17, Horton Drive, Middleton Cheney, Banbury, OX17 2LP
Mr Maria Greatorex 17, Loxley Close, Warwickshire, Wellsbourne, CV35 9RU
Mr Trevor Shaw 4, Walton Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RD
Miss Holly Stapleton 30, Overbury Way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9UL
Miss M Knight-Adams 6, Priors Grove Close, Warwick, CV34 6LY
Miss Kerry Griffiths 12 Hewitt Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EZ
Mr Neil Bartlett Neil Bartlett Haulage Unit 1, Hotchkiss way, Coventry, CV3 2RL
Mr Matthew Marsh 16, Churchill Close, Ettington, CV37 7SP
Mrs Wendy Marsh 16, Churchill Close, Ettington, CV37 7SP
Mr B Mix Telematics Ltd 6180, Knights Court, Solihull Parkway, Birmingham, B37 7YB
Mr Blair Ramsay 16, Dugard Place,, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DX
Mr Neil Forrest 26, Stratford Road, Sherbourne, Warwick, CV35 8AH
Mr Derek Apps 11, Beaufort Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NU
Malcolm Meeks 140, Stratford Road, Warwick, CV34 6BQ
Mr Mark Griffin New Mill House, High Street, Barford, CV35 8BU
Mr Vaughan Rees Touchstone House, Vicarage Lane, Sherbourne, CV35 8AB
Mrs Ann Barbara Rees Touchstone House, Vicarage Lane, Sherbourne, CV35 8AB
Mrs S Howe 8, Onslow Croft, Leamington Spa, CV32 6SN
Mrs Vicki Tee 24, Cob hill, Swindon, SN5 4FR
Mrs Victoria Webb 13, Leam Terrace, Leamington Spa, CV31 1BB
Mrs J Herbent 11, Browning Avenue, Warwick, CV34 6JQ
Mr A Herbent 11, Browning Avenue, Warwick, CV34 6JQ
Mrs Dawn Carson 1, Battersby Close, Warwick, CV34 7AS
Mr Ray Bradshaw 5, Church Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8ES
Mrs Christine Bradshaw 5, Church Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8ES
Mrs Lucy Peacey 38, Daly Avenue, Hampton Magna, Warwick, CV35 8SE
Mrs Janis Ireland 63, Bridge End, Warwick, CV34 6PD
Mrs Nicola Jones 10, Giffard Way, Warwick, CV34 5TZ
Ms Sarah Ahluwalia Wren Cottage, 6 The Square, Ettington, CV37 7TJ
Miss Kathleen Yeates 1, Woodhead Road, Warwick, CV34 7DG
Mr Stephen Bolton Sunnydene, Ashorne, Warwick, CV35 9DR
Mrs J A Green 5, Richmond Gardens, Redhill, Nottingham, NG5 8JS
Mrs E Jones 2, Browning Avenue, Warwick, CV34 6JF
Mrs Sarah Davison 21, Riversleigh Road, Leamington Spa, CV32 6BG
Paul Underwood 5, Brooke Close, Warwick, CV34 6PE
Ms T Dobson 53, Hutton Road, Kineton, CV35 0FE
Mrs J James 26, Whitehead Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PW
Mrs H Fletcher 9, New Street, Leamington Spa, CV32 7LA
Mrs C Hobson 48, Mountford Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QQ
A Hawker 21, Grange Gardens, Warwick, CV35 9RL
Trinder Meer Lodge, Loxley, Warwick, CV35 9JS
Mr Bird Meer Lodge, Loxley, Warwick, CV35 9JS
Mr Ray Lee 28, Daniell Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UD
Mrs Rosamond Lee 28, Daniell Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UD
Mr D Park 3, Croftland Avenue, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SQ
Mrs C Lan 3, Croftland Avenue, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SQ
Mr S H ASH 28, Westfield Crescent, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RP
Mr Robert Scott 32, Bridge Street, Barford, CV35 8EH
Mr Tom Hainey 10, Fairfax Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8ER
Mrs Liz Hainey 10, Fairfax Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8ER
Mrs S J Udell 17, Keytes Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EP
Mrs J Taylor 4, Hays Meadow, Ettington, Stratford-Upon-Avon, CV37 7FD
Mr Oliver Pinel 12, Loxley Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RU
Miss N Murphy 26, Sid Courtney Road, Tiddington, Stratford-Upon-Avon, CV37 7FA
Dr J Vicente 9, Blenheim Walk, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LJ
Mr Rob Thompson 12, Waterloo close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9JG
Mrs Jennifer Scholefield 11, At Luke Drive, Wellesbourne, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV35 9AW
Mr Robert Jolly 2, Elliotts Orchard, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8ED
Mr Mitchell J Goodwin 9, Constance Harris close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PZ
Mrs List 3, Bettridge Place, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LY
Mr Thornton 1, The Green, Warwick, CV35 9DT
Mr Jack Hazlewood 3, Wellington Close, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, CV35 9JQ
Mr aarron smith 28, Cymbeline way, Leamington, Warwickshire, CV34 6FQ
Dr G. van der Ploeg A, CV35 9NH
Mr s dancer smiths 61, Lapwing close, Bicester, OX26 6XR
Mr Philip Ray 57A, Norbreck Close, Great Sankey, Warrington, WA5 2SJ
Mr Anthony E Bean 19, St Peters Road, Kineton, Warwick, CV35 0LE
Mr Russell Inman 19, Clark Walk, Ettington, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 7SE
Mrs Dannielle Hunt 3, Sharps Yard, Church Street, Barford, Warwickshire, CV35 8EN
Mr Matthew Hunt 3, Sharps Yard, Church Street, Barford, Warwickshire, CV35 8EN
Mr Harry Hunt 3, Sharps Yard, Church Street, Barford, Warwickshire, CV35 8EN
Mr William Hunt 3, Sharps Yard, Church Street, Barford, Warwickshire, CV35 8EN
Mrs Rita Hunt 48, Church Street, Barford, Warwickshire, CV35 8EW
Mr A Smith 21, Common Lane, Kenilworth, CV8 2ER
Dr S Hallard 34, Nason Way, Shipston-On-Stour, CV36 4RL
Mr Gary Davies 48, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, CV35 9EY
S McOwan 35, Townsend Road, Tiddington, Stratford-Upon-Avon, CV37 7DE
Mr M Freeman 6, Wellesbourne Farm, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SL
Mr N Savage 54, Cozens Road, Warwick, CV35 9SU
Miss Natalie Pastor 28, Bridge Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EH
Henn Ridgewood House, BS37 6AY
Mr Ian Fennelly 11, Stonehouse Close, Cubbington, Leamington Spa, CV32 7LP
Mr ian stanley 13, newgreen park, coventry, coventry, CV2 1HR
Mr neil reeves 14, Drysdale Close, Wickhamford, Evesham, WR11 7RZ
Mr Jake Holden 59, The Greenway, Daventry, NN11 4EE
Mr Paul Berry 5, Orchard Way, King Sutton, OX173PY
Mr Tom Wilson 1, Works Cottages, CV47 2FG
Mr Frederick Ward 1, Hilary close, Ashorne, Warwick, CV35 9DJ
Mrs Amanda Perkins 25, Cherry Orchard, Wellesbourne, CV359NB
Mrs Pat Clarke 88A, Mountford Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9QQ
Miss Leigh Evetts The Willows, Spring Lane, Combrook, Warwick, CV35 9HN
Cahill Emsdene Cottage, 1 Church Street, Warwick, CV35 9LS
Mrs Beata Przybysz-Stasiewska 66, Banbury Road, Ettington, Stratford upon Avon, CV37 7SU
Etherington 10, Lazenby Crescent, Darlington, DL3 9QB
Miss Walters 2, Newbold Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NZ
Mr Roger harry Pye 7, Churchill Close, Ettington, Stratford-upon-avon, CV37 7SP
Mrs K Collins 14, Alma Terrace, Calne, SN11 0HN
Miss Sam Harvey 12, Herwin Close, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, CV35 9WD
Mr D Close 24, Brookside Avenue, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RZ
Mr P Frimston Rose Cottage, New Inn, Pencader, Carmarthen, SA39 9AZ
Stratford 43, Anslow Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UT
Mrs Gillian Lavin The Green, Moreton Morrell, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV35 8AN
Miss Friswell Far Farm Barn, Lutterworth Road, Nuneaton, CV11 6RA
woodfield 33, Kings Gardens, Bedworth, Warwickshire, CV12 8JG
white 35, Kings Garden, Bedworth, CV12 8JG
Dexter Yew Tree Farm, Marston Lane, Bedworth, CV12 9SD
Mr Alex Green North Lodge, Ashorne Hill, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV33 9QN
Phoenix Weighing Services Ltf Georgeland, Green Lane, Overseal, Swadlincote, DE12 6JP
Mr Christopher Beddow 49, Horseshoe crescent, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SX
Miss Lewis 35, Overbury Way, Warwick, CV35 9UL
Mr James Ashley Manor Orchard, Bridge street, Wellesbourne, CV35 9QP
Mr simon carter 10, Battle Court, Kineton, CV35 0LX
Mr kevin Hewitt 25, Hitchman Drive, Chipping Norton, OX7 5BG
Gibson Shelford, Lutterworth Road, Nuneaton, CV11 6RD
Mr Shaun Wyatt 16, Astrop gardens, Banbury, OX17 3PR
Swinfen 5, Leicester Road, Wolvey, Hinckley, LE10 3HJ
Mr Matthew Macfadyen 22, Keytes Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV358EP
Mrs Alexandra Farr 18, Dugard Place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DX
Mrs Sally Byrne 14, Stuart Close, Warwick, CV34 6AQ
Mr John Cowley 5, Middleton Close, Tysoe, CV35 0SS
Mr John Evans 3, The Asps Cottage, Warwickshire, Warwick, CV34 6SS
Mrs Christine Thornton 1, The Green, Ashorne, Warwick, CV35 9DT
Mrs C RIDDELL Parsonsfield, Camp Lane, Henley in Arden, B95 5QJ
Miss Burrow 26, Delany Avenue, Warwick, CV35 9UA
Mrs Catherine Bartlem The Vicarage, Church Street, Wellesbourne, CV35 9LS
Mrs B Churchill 4, Joseph Arch Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9JH
Mr Malcolm Fennell 34, Humphrey burton, Styvechale, Coventry, CV3 6HX
Mr Michael Lock 46, New Queen Street, Bristol, BS15 1DF
Mr Tom finch 10, The Willows, King Sutton, OX17 3QJ
Ms Yvonne Leek 63, Cymbeline Way, Bilton, Rugby, CV22 6JZ
Mr Richard H H Wimpenny 10, Bettridge Place, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LY
Mr Jonathan Daly Ashgrove, Charlecote, Warwick, CV35 9EW
Mr Peter Ashby 3, Hawthorne Close, Woodford Halse, NN11 3NY
Mr Christopher Glasson Terrace Cottage, Main Street, Charlton, OX17 3DR
Mrs Susan Archer Rosedale, Watery Lane, Pillerton Hersey, CV35 0QP
jones 3, Barford Exchange, Wellesbourne Road, Warwick, CV35 8AQ
Mr Mike Hooper 14, Bridge Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EH
Mr Stephen Guice 8, Lowes Lane, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RB
Mrs Julie Guice 8, Lowes Lane, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RB
Mrs Anne Peake 7, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EL
Mr T Venus 15, Blenheim Walk, Warwick, CV35 9LJ
Mr Sam Hansen 6, Beaufort Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NU
Mr E Lowndes 32, Grange Road, Warwick, CV32 7RU
Mrs H Fearon 5, Jeacock Place, Wellesbourne, CV35 9UZ
Mrs Emma Barnes 3, Staple Hill House, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LH
Mrs Mary Shayler 171, Dovehouse Drive, Wellesbourne, WARWICK, CV35 9NW
Mr Steve Coulston 30, Ettington Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RJ
Mrs Lauren Dore 31, Conrad Lewis Way, Warwick, CV34 8AL
Mrs Sarah Jordan 7, Verdon place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BT
Mr Jim Kelly 14, Quarry Close, Banbury, OX15 4HA
Miss Rhyan Leigh 94, Tanworth Lane, Shirley, Solihull, B90 4DF
Mr Jeff watts 26, Margaret close, Banbury, OX16 0QE
Mr Phill Newman 7, Austin Road, Bodicote, OX15 4AS
Mr george Clark 2, Margaret close, Banbury, OX16 0QE
Mr Keith Acutt 20, Delany Avenue, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, CV35 9UA
Miss L Peacock 9, Brookside Avenue, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RZ
Mr Andrew Hicks 22, Oaktree close, Moreton Morrell, Warwick, CV35 9BB
Mr John Lampitt Thelsford Farm, Charlecote, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EJ
Mr Martin Adams 15, Wye close, Bicester, OX26 2NL
Mrs E Johnson 36, Canon Price Road, Barford, CV35 8EQ
Rose 43, Westfield Crescent, Warwick, CV35 9RP
Mrs L Loosley 6, Baden west road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QJ
Mrs C Stanley 47, Horseshoe Crescent, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SX
Miss Lucy Mildred Bridge Street, Warwick, CV35 8EH
Mr JONATHAN hale 17, Robins Grove, WARWICK, CV34 6RF
Mrs Bailey Lamburn 2, Maple Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SR
Mr R Dunne 11, Chestnut Grove, Moreton Morrell, CV35 9DG
Ms Anita Turvey 15, Pembroke Gardens, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PU
Mrs Bradley 1, Grange Gardens, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RL
Mrs Anna Potts 23, Brownlow, Leamington Spa, CV32 5XH
Mr Dene Holloway 14, Willett Gardens, Wellesbourne, CV35 9PQ
Mrs Matson 13, Mountford close, Warwick, CV35 9QG
Kirby 136, Loxley Road, Stratford-Upon-Avon, CV37 7DT
Mrs R Beacham-Sharpe 1, Rose Lane, Wellesbourne, CV35 9QW
Mrs Jeanette Dobson 73, Warwick Rd, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UB
Ms Rebecca Palmer 69, Elliott Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RT
Mr Snelling 36, Ettington Close, Warwick, CV35 9RJ
Willett 7, Nason Way, Shipston-On-Stour, CV36 4RL
Mr arran Trent pumps ltd stoneleigh, WS153DL
Mr Martin Adams 15, Wye close, Bicester, OX26 2NL
Mrs Elizabeth Carrick 18, Lyminster ave, Brighton, BN1 8JN
Mr Michael Dobson 73, Warwick Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UB
Ms Spittle 1, The Square, Ettington, Stratford-Upon-Avon, CV37 7TJ
Mr Richard Holden 118, De Montfort Way, Canly, Coventry, CV4 7DT
Mr Graham Carrick 18, Lyminster ave, Brighton, BN1 8JN
Mrs Sarah Perrott 18, Bridge Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EH
Miss Rebecca Guice 17, The Spinney, Hampton Lucy, Warwickshire, CV35 8DJ
Mr Richard Griffiths 1, Old Rectory Cottages, Vicarage Lane, Warwick, CV35 8AB
Boss 22, Chestnut Grove, Warwick, CV35 9DG
Mrs Rebecca Creek 62, Willow Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RX
Miss Lauren Malone 16, Skip Lane, Walsall, WS5 3LL
Dr Daniel Thomas 9, Blenheim Walk, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LJ
Mr Colin Payne 4, Cozens Street, Wellesbourne, CV35 9SU
Mr David Halliwell 14, Chapel Street, Wellesbourne, CV35 9QU
Mr Iain Evans 3, Oak Avenue, Wellesbourne, CV35 9SS
Ms Tracy L Harris 36, Frost Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UF
Mrs Karen Kingham 9, Nelson Close, Ettington, CV37 7SL
Dr Paul Williams 11, High Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BU
Ms Jane Dennick 14, Hampdon Way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NX
Mrs A Boak 41, Dugard Place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DX
Mrs Judith Spoor 4, Fairfax Close, Barford, CV35 8ER
Mr David Spoor 4, Fairfax Close, Barford, CV35 8ER
Miss H Upchurch Woodcote, Park close, Wilmcote, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 9XE
Mrs Medini Richardson 7 The Spinney, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8DJ
Mrs Jane Stamp 34, Church Street, Barford, WARWICK, CV35 8EN
Mrs Sarah Keig 3, Yeats Drive, Warwick, CV34 6TZ
Mr Charles Edwards 3, Colwood Gardens, London, SW19 2DS
Mrs H Byerley 31, Sandy Way, Warwick, CV35 8DY
Mr Robert Miatt 2, Fairfax close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8ER
Mrs Margaret Thomas Arran, Moreton Paddox, Moreton Morrell, Warwick, CV35 9BU
Mr S Evetts 18, Shreres Dyche, Warwick, CV34 6BX
Mr Peter J Macfie 3, Thomas Hardy Way, Warwick, CV34 6TQ
Miss Philippa A Steele 2, Ivy Lane, Ettington, Stratford-upon-avon, CV37 7TD
Mrs Victoria Powell 1, Wilkins Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EX
Mr K Lavin The Green, School lane, Moreton Morrell, Warwick, CV35 9AN
Mr Matt Alton 2, Teasdale Place, Warwick, CV34 6TG
Mr Raymond Bates 28, Chapel Street, Wellesbourne, CV35 9QU
Mrs Mair Fear 17, Myton Gardens, Warwick, CV34 6BH
Mr Adrian Stubbings 40, Frost Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UF
Mrs Margaret Bolton 25, Oxford Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LN
Mrs J Smith 7, Charlecote, Warwick, CV35 9EW
Mr Andrew Smith Oak Tree Cottage, 7, Charlecote, Warwick, CV35 9EW
Mr Peter Parker 71, High Street, Astcote, Towcester, NN12 8NW
Miss H Cartwright 68, Webb Road, Shipston-on-stour, CV36 4GN
Mrs Philippa WILSON Avonside Cottage, 1 High Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BU
Mr Alex Lakic 15a, School Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NH
Mr Joe Storey 68, Webb Road, Shipton-on-Stour, CV36 4GN
Miss G Moyce 2, Otters Rest, Leamington Spa, CV31 1AD
Mr Bryan Morrow 12, Wasperton Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DT
Mrs Kathryn Lakic 15a, School Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NH
Mr Cork 3, Wadham Close, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 4TW
Eales 11, Brook lane, Moreton morrell, Warwick, CV35 9AT
Sherren 39, Cliffe Way, Warwick, CV34 5JF
Mr Michael Hurrell 6, Combrook, Warwick, CV35 9HP
Mr Stephen Jeffs-Watts 6, Copeland Avenue, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LZ
Mr Thomas 5, Talbot Court, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9HB
Miss Naomi Cruden 52, Guy Street, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4LW
Mrs Ann Holliday 18, Verdon Place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BT
Mrs Carole Fidler 5, Moat Green, Sherbourne, Warwickshire, CV35 8AJ
Mrs Judy Tillyer 6, Lilac Grove, Warwick, CV34 5SU
Mrs Jane Dodge 1, Ferry Bank, Ferry Lane, Alveston, Stratford upon Avon, CV37 7QX
Adams 19, Woodham Gate, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, DL5 4UB
Mr B d Jones 10, Giffard Way, Warwick, CV34 5TZ
Mr J W RUTTER 33, Church Street, Barford, CV35 8BS
Dr michael Metcalfe The Willow Tree, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Mr Malcolm Hiles 13, Charlecote, Charlecote, Warwick, CV35 9EW
Powell 1, Henry Street, Kenilworth, CV8 2HL
Mrs Amintha Buckland Redbank, Glen Road, HINDHEAD, GU26 6QE
Mrs Carol Metcalfe The Willow Tree, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Mr Simon Roberts 38, Hammerton Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NT
Mrs Heather Wither 149, Town Lane, Chorley, PR6 8AG
Mr Fred Wither 149, Town Lane, Chorley, PR6 8AG
Mrs Wither 35, Pear Tree Road, Chorley, PR6 7JP
Mrs Jane Kirk 24, Juliet Drive, Warwick, CV34 6GN
Miss Lila Buckland Redbank, Glen Road, HINDHEAD, GU26 6QE
Mrs S Patterson 169, Dovehouse Drive, Wellesbourne, Stratford upon Avon, CV35 9NW
Mrs Emmalene Dresden Fitzgeorge Place, Warren Rise, New Malden, KT3 4SJ
Mr W Patterson 169, Dovehouse Drive, Wellesbourne, Stratford upon Avon, CV35 9NW
Mrs E Hardy 95, Ockford Ridge, Godalming, GU7 2NF
Mrs Zelinda Adam Gray Cottage, Valenders Lane, Ilmington, Shipston on Stour, CV36 4LB
Mrs Sonja Clack Helen Ley House, Bericote Road, Blackdown, Leamington Spa, CV32 6QP
Mr Robert Adams 6, Moor Croft, Crowle, Scunthorpe, DN17 4FD
Miss Sarah Powell North Lodge, Ashorne Hill Management College, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV33 9QN
Mrs Esther Hutchinson 27, Saddler Place, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UY
Miss Molly Kingham 9, Nelson Close, Ettington, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 7SL
Mrs Clare Coates 6, Redhill Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QN
Mrs Samantha Edwards Dovecote Cottage, Barford Hill, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BZ
Mr wayne mold 26, Stanbridge Close, Banbury, OX16 0NR
Mark Facer 16, Lancaster Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9JF
Miss sophie byrne 3, Trinity Mews, Priory Road, Warwick, CV34 4NA
Mr James Adam Grey Cottage, Valenders Lane, Ilmington, CV36 4LB
Mrs Deborah Jones Boxmoor, Meer End Road, Kenilworth, CV8 1PW
Mr Jim Greatorex 17, Loxley Close, Warwick, CV35 9RU
Mr Michael Bond 10, Church Street, Barford, CV35 8EN
Mr David Lusty 4, Wilkins Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EX
Mrs E Locker 34, Bridge Street, Barford, CV35 8EH
Mr S Patterson 67, Foxholes Lane, Redditch, B97 5YT
Mrs A Chambers Bryhers Reach, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Mrs Joan Burman 1, Avon Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BX
Mr Cody Mullan 565, Chester road, Birmingham, B36 0JU
Mr Brad Farmer 2, Hughes Hill, Warwick, CV35 7AS
Ms Tor Wilkes Manor Farm, Chapel Street, STRATFORD-UPON-AVON, CV37 8QF
Mrs Wendy Vaughan 21, Mallory Road, Bishops Tachbrook, Leamington Spa, CV33 9QX
Mr Tobias Hunt 4, Carter Drive, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8ET
Mrs Victoria Hunt 4, Carter Drive, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8ET
Mr Lawrence Scandrett 3, Diffus Hill, Moreton Morrell, Warwick, CV35 9AX
Mr Stephen Hartle 7, Boggard Lane, Charlesworth, Glossop, SK13 5HL
Mr Malcolm Larby 1A, Mountford Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9QG
Mrs Dawn SMITH 4, Church walk, Wellesbourne, CV35 9QT
Mr P Carey 13, Badby Leys, Rugby, CV22 5RB
Mr Monks 8, Green Acres, Lilley, Luton, LU2 8LS
Mrs B Monks 8, Green Acres, Lilley, Luton, LU2 8LS
Little 20, Carter Drive, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8ET
Bennett Hallow End House, HR2 8HT
Mr Paul Boyes 42, Church Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EN
Mr John Harkin 32, Carters Lane, Tiddington, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 7AP
Ms Alison Kay Sundial House, The Rookery, Alveston, Stratford upon Avon, CV37 7QP
Mr M Webster Webster Ridgewood, Nightingales, West Chiltington, Pulborough, RH20 2QT
Mrs A Clarke 2, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, CV35 9EY
Mr Peter Bolton King 18, Adelaide Road, Leamington Spa, CV31 3PW
Mr C Robinson 51, Banbury Road, Ettington, CV37 7SR
Ettington Parish Council Park View, Honington, Shipston-On-Stour, CV36 5AA
Mr JOHN ORCHARD Gable Mews, Moreton Paddox, Warwick, CV35 9BU
Mr D King 1, Fallow Way, Banbury, OX16 9TF
Mr Matthew Osborne 8, Warinford Close, Warwick, CV34 6XU
Mrs H Osborne 8, Warinford Close, Warwick, CV34 6XU
Mrs Anne Ridyard 7, Seaford Road, BL2 4BY
Mrs Katie Munn Pineview Cottage, Ashorne, Warwick, CV35 9DT
Mr peter hatcher 10, Kineton Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NF
Mr Paul Abrahamson 16, Whitehead Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PW
Mrs R Pugh 40, Glendower Approach, Heathcote, Warwick, CV34 6ET
Mrs Dominique Thorn 18, Manor Lane, Ettington, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 7TE
Mrs N F Mears 47, Youens Drive, Thame, Oxon, OX9 3ZQ
Mrs Christine O'Sullivan 26, Fore Street, Old Hatfield, AL10
Mr Tim Carter 180, The Broadway, London, SW19 1RX
Mr D Skepper Ferndale, Moreton Paddox, Warwick, CV35 9BT
Mrs R Jarrett 32, Pembroke Gardens, Wellesbourne, CV35 9PX
Mrs J Heap 12, Dugard Place, Barford, CV35 8DX
Mr A Ellerington 17, Jeacock Place, Wellesbourne, CV35 9UZ
Miss B Cave 17, Jeacock Place, Wellesbourne, CV35 9UZ
Mr cook Keith Cook Construction Ltd 27, Bankside, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1JE
Mr Stephen Price 26, High Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BU
Agetur Uk Ltd Unit 5, St Davids Court, Top Station Road, Brackley, NN13 7UG
Mrs Brenda Pengelly 32, Warwick Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EA
Jason Gillett Groundworks Ltd 6, Worcester Road, CHIPPING NORTON, OX7 5XT
Mr Steve Kirk Pine Trees, Dark Lane, Tiddington, Stratford upon Avon, CV37 7AD
Mr R Gupta 29, Main street, Charlecote, Warwick, CV35 9EW
Mr paul murray 32, Purser Drive, Warwick, CV34 6BW
Miss Kathleen Heap 12, Dugard Place, Barford, CV35 8DX
Mrs Jacqueline Harrison Simmons Barn, Charlecote, Warwick, CV35 9EW
Mr Ian Harrison Simmons Barn, Chatlecote, Warwick, CV359EW
Andrew Cartwright Hollington House, CV37 7AT
Mr Neil Clarke 37, Halifax Way, GL56 0GN
Mrs Melissa Smith 92, The Drive, Richmansworth, WD3 4DU
Mrs Caroline Cooke 2, Moat Green, Sherbourne, Warwick, CV35 8AJ
Mrs Susan Murray 32, Purser Drive, Warwick, CV34 6BW
Mrs Hannah Heath 86, Purser Drive, Warwick, CV34 6BW
J P Dunn Construction Ltd Unit 5, KT7 0SR
Mr Syson 1, Beeches Walk, Tiddington, CV37 7AT
Mrs Arlene Tubman 5a, Avon Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BX
Mr Mark Kingham 9, Nelson Close, Ettington, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 7SL
Allcock 3, The Halt Close, Cheltenham, GL54 5RN
Mrs ELLEN GARDINER 10, Hareway Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DB
Mr Ben Gardiner 10, Hareway Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DB
Mrs A Williams 11, High Street, Barford, CV35 8BU
H Williams 11, High Street, Barford, CV35 8BU
Mrs D Garner 5, Lower End, Stratford-Upon-Avon, CV37 7QH
Mrs Susan Wilkes 32, Elmcroft, Oxton, NG25 0SB
Mr Richard Brant 104, Lowbrook Lane, Tidbury Green, Solihull, B90 1QS
Dr Jeremy Dale 35, Bridge End, Warwick, CV34 6PB
Dr Peta Wilkinson 5 The Stables, Vicarage Lane, Sherbourne, Warwick, CV35 8AB
Mr John Vadasz 10, Crosslands, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TN
Miss Grace Wilkes 32, Elmcroft, Oxton, Southwell, NG25 0SB
Mr A Parsons 6, St Luke Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9AW
Miss A Hebden 229, Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth, CV8 1PN
Mr Paul Watson 20, Keytes Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EP
Mrs Norma Hiles 13, Charlecote, Warwick, CV35 9EW
Mr David Goodhew 52, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EY
Mrs Laura Commer 5, Paulet Lane, Wellesbourne, CV35 9US
Mr Antonio Aiello 83, Willow drive, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RX
Miss F Beecham 14, Millisoms Road, Shirley, Solihull, B90 1EL
Miss Beth Hodierne 216, Kineton Green Road, Solihull, B92 7ER
Mr G Beecham 14, Millisoms Road, Shirley, Solihull, B90 1EL
Miss Laura Maguire 206, Olton Road, Solihull, B90 3NW
Mrs M Beecham 14, Millisoms Road, Shirley, Solihull, B90 1EL
Mr Ian Perry 206, Olton Road, Solihull, B90 3NW
Mark Cowin 40, Spring lane, Solihull, B94 6QY
Davinia Fisher 40, Spring lane, Solihull, B94 6QY
Mrs Ruth Durham 29, Shenstone Road, Birmingham, B14 4TH
Mrs S Boffey 47, Drooper Drive, Stratford Upon Avon, CV37 9GW
Mr Alex Moore 65, Bowling Green Road, Stourbridge, DY8 3RZ
Mr W Ridgway 63, Warwick Road, Wellesbourne, CV25 9UB
Mr Peter Underwood 28, Carters Lane, Tiddington, Stratford-Upon-Avon, CV37 7AP
Mr W Ridgway 63, Warwick Road, Wellesbourne, CV25 9UB
Mrs elizabeth anne STOKES avon court, wellesbourne road, tiddington, stratford upon avon, CV37 7QA
Mrs Wendy Bridges 41, Pembroke Gardens, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PU
Miss Dickens 105, Barston Road, Oldbury, B68 0PU
Mrs Philippa Brown Yew Tree House, Queen Street, Halford, Shipston on Stour, CV36 5BT
Mr Mark Nichols 33, Gloster Gardens, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TQ
Mrs Chris Walker 34, The Greswoldes, Radford Semele, Leamington Spa, CV31 1TP
Mr M Long 28, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EL
Mr Neale Grant 7 The Crescent, HRI Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV359EQ
STanford Industrial Concrete Flooring Limited 5, Richmond Street South, West Bromwich, B70 0DG
Miss L Tustin 8, Rogers Lane, Ettington, CV37 7TA
Mr Roy Malik 22, Muntjac Drive, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 7FN
Mr Michael Batley 7, Lamb Close, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 7FT
Mrs Patricia Batley 7, Lamb Close, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 7FT
Mr Michael Darby 24, Robins Grove, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 6RF
Mrs J Malik 22, Muntjac Drive, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 7FN
Mr Kevin Mckinlay 7, Owl Rise, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 7FS
Mr P Johnston 9, Hawthorn Place, Stratford Upon Avon, CV37 7FJ
Mrs S Johnston 9, Hawthorn Place, Stratford upon Avon, CV37 7FJ
Miss K Hartnell 33, Chapel Street, Wellesbourne, CV35 9QU
Mrs Laura Bolton-King 18, Adelaide Road, Leamington Spa, CV31 3PW
Mr D Reading 22, Chapel Street, Wellesbourne, CV35 9QU
Chad Faulkner 7, Sunderland Place, Wellesbourne, CV35 9LE
Ms Jane Longville 21 Avonhurst, Dark Lane, Tiddington, STRATFORD-UPON-AVON, CV37 7AH
Mrs Hannah Lovatt 24, Valletta Way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TB
Mr Peter Broadbridge 6, Wyvern Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TA
Mrs L Shearman 30, Delany Avenue, Wellesbourne, CV35 9UA
Mr Richard Walker 55, Hazel Place, Stratford Upon Avon, CV37 7FL
Mr Sam Bragg 4, Pembroke Court, CV32 5TT
Mr J Boddington 10, Boyse Lane, Warwick, CV35 9UN
Mr Alan Seeds 7, Holly Lodge, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RE
Mr Mark Thompson 61, Hazel place, Stratford Upon Avon, CV377FL
Mrs Lynn Beckett 16, Crosslands, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TN
Miss Samantha Dixon 29, Westfield Crescent, Warwick, CV35 9RP
Mr Josh Wells 29, Westfield Crescent, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RP
Mrs Emma Stockdale 49, Blackberry Lane, Stratford Upon Avon, CV37 7ED
Mrs Elizabeth Day 24, Overbury Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UL
Mr Phil Sower 11, Leam Road, Leamington Spa, CV31 3PA
Mr Daniel Stockdale 49, Blackberry Lane, Stratford Upon Avon, CV37 7ED
Mr Peter Neville 16, Home Furlong, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TW
Miss Reed 10, Snowberry Lane, Wellesbourne, CV35 9SN
Mr Ian Trapp 4, Boyse lane, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, CV35 9UN
Mr A Rouse 10, Snowberry Lane, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SN
Christopherson 40, Cozens Street, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SU
Ms Emily Cannon 18, Railway Crescent, Shipston-on-Stour, CV36 4GE
Mrs Katherine Alford 11, Horseshoe Crescent, Wellesbourne, CV35 9SX
Miss Lauren Tingey 22, Horseshoe Crescent, Warwick, CV35 9SX
Mrs Adria Punnett 2, The Close, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8AY
Mr James Randall 62, Bristol Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TJ
Evans 23, Waterloo Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9JG
Mrs Jenny Jameson 1, Chapel Mews, Chapel Street, Warwick, CV34 4HL
Mr Antony Owen 3, Bridge Street, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8BA
Mrs J Firth 2, Hithersand Close, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8BW
Miss M Elvins 62, Bristol Way, Warwick, CV35 9TJ
Mrs Sharon Owen 3, Bridge Street, Hampton Lucy, CV35 8BA
Mrs L Shearman 30, Delany Avenue, Wellesbourne, CV35 9UA
Mr James Pinkerton 1, Bridge Street, Hampton Lucy, CV35 8BA
Mr Alex Skinner 35, Handsworth Crescent, Coventry, CV5 7GD
Mr J McAvoy-Boss 8, Middlemarch Road, West Midlands, Coventry, CV6 3GF
Mr Steven Boss 8, Middlemarch Road, West Midlands, Coventry, CV6 3GF
Mr Scott Parker 61, Horseshoe crescent, Wellesbourne, CV35 9SX
Mr John Egan 16, Elm Avenue, Wednesfield, Wolverhampton, WV11 1DS
Mr David Adams Meer Wood House, Stratford Road, Loxley, CV35 9JW
Miss Jenna Evans 17, Stratford Road, Hampton Lucy, CV35 8BH
Mrs P Turley 233, Dovehouse Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NW
Mr Andrew Duncan 34, Gloucester Place, Witney, Oxfordshire, OX28 6LB
Mrs Stephanie Steel 94, Loxley Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 7DS
Mr Clive Edgington 18, Waterloo Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9JG
Mr S Hasnie 14, Horseshoe Crescent, Wellesbourne, CV35 9SX
Mrs K Hasnie 14, Horseshoe Crescent, Wellesbourne, CV35 9SX
Mr Mills-Baker 33, Carters Lane, Stratford-Upon-Avon, CV37 7AP
Mrs Susan Egan 15, Elm Avenue, Wednesfield, Wolverhampton, WV11 1DS
Mr S Mitchell Lammas Barn, Oxhill Bridle Road, Pillerton Hersey, CV35 0QB
Mrs Wendy Skyte 3, Grange Gardens, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RL
Mr David Howard 9, Pembroke Gardens, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PU
Mr Jack Newman 10b, Farrington Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TL
Mrs A Everard Hillcote, Banbury Street, Kineton, Warwick, CV35 0JU
Mrs Anne Walker 10, Hawthorn Place, Stratford upon Avon, CV37 7FJ
Alan Walker 10, Hawthorn Place, Stratford-Upon-Avon, CV37 7FJ
Mrs Valeria ShS 4, Walton Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RD
D Venus 15, Blenheim Walk, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LJ
Mrs H Larby Sheridan 1A, Mountford Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QG
Mrs Abigail Haley 34, Frost Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UF
Mrs Jennifer Green 23, Grantham Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9JJ
Mrs Julie Keatinge Greensway House, Kineton, Warwick, CV35 0EA
Mr S HARRODINE 28, Westfield Crescent, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RP
Dorothy Pyatt Manor Stables, Moreton Morrell, CV35 9AL
Mrs Louisa Green 5, Brookside avenue, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RZ
Mr Robert Lavers 1, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EY
Mr Brian Nicholls 8, Cozens Street, Wellesbourne, CV35 9SU
Gill Badger 7, Birch Grove, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SJ
Dr William Finch-Savage 3, Hithersand Close, Warwick, CV35 8BW
Fisher 38, Cozens Street, Wellesbourne, CV35 9SU
Dr David Robinson 10, Anson Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LL
Mrs E ROBINSON 10, Anson Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LL
Mr Stephen Hunt 22, Willow Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, CV35 9SB
Warwickshhire Climate Alliance 39, Archery Road, Leamington Spa, CV31 3PT
Mr D Almond 1, Brookside Avenue, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RZ
Mrs Jacqueline M Nouwens Flat 5, The Firs Cocksparrow Street, Warwick, CV34 4ED
Mrs Christine Murphy 4-6, BRIDGE STREET, BARFORD, WARWICK, CV35 8EH
Miss E van der Watt 53, Chapel Street, Wellesbourne, CV35 9QU
Mr Keith Deere 20, Newbold place, Warwick, CV35 9PB
Mrs Alison Deere 20, Newbold place, Warwick, CV35 9PB
Mrs Leanne Schneiderrose 2, Valletta Way, Warwick, CV35 9TB
Mr russ nottingham 32, Oaktree Close, Bearley, Stratford Upon Avon, CV37 0SD
Mrs G Barr 37, Mountford Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9QG
Mr Dennis Langton 5, Hopkins way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UE
Mrs Lucy Cupples 8, Olive Grove, Warwick, CV34 7BB
Mrs F Virnuls 12, Hopkins Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UE
Alan Walker 10, Hawthorn Place, Stratford-Upon-Avon, CV37 7FJ
Mr William Wood Flat 9 Avonhurst, Dark Lane, Tiddington, CV37 7AH
Mr Andrew Virnuls 12, Hopkins Way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9UE
Khan 36, Poplar Road, Sparkhill, Birmingham, B11 1UW
Mrs L Herbert 13, Wellesbourne Road, Warwick, CV35 8EL
Mr Simon Munson 13, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EL
Mrs M Herbert 16, Fircroft, Solihull, Birmingham, B91 1JL
Mr Stephen Munson The Retreat, Mill Lane, Kineton, Warwick, CV35 0LA
Mr J Herbert 16, Fircroft, Solihull, Birmingham, B91 1JL
Mrs L Munson The Retreat, Mill Lane, Kineton, Warwick, CV35 0LA
Mrs J Kidner 12, Rowlands Crescent, Solihull, Birmingham, B91 2JF
Ms K Tredinnick 24, Webb Road, Shipston on Stour, CV36 4GN
Mr A Chopra 1a, Hengrove Crescent, TW15 3DF
Miss Eleanor Sandy 3, The Oaklands, Coventry, CV4 9SY
Mrs Caroline Pepperell 3, The Langlands, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8BN
Mr John Pepperell 3, The Langlands, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8BN
Mrs Jane Cox 24, Redhill Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QN
Mr Andrew Marshall Whiteoaks, Newbold Pacey, Warwick, CV35 9DP
Mrs Jennifer Moors 3, Sherwood road, Swindon, SN3 2AJ
Mr Keith Moors 3, Sherwood road, Swindon, SN3 2AJ
Mr James Pickering 9, Evans Way, Chipping Norton, OX7 5QX
Miss Suzanne Underwood 1, Armscroft Court, Gloucester, GL2 0TE
Mrs Janette Stone 52, Roman road, Abbeymead, Gloucester, GL4 5HR
Mrs Hazel Webb 3 Stanmoor, Abbeydale, Gloucester, GL4 5BT
Mr & Mrs Adtian Webb 3 Stanmoor, Abbeydale, Gloucester, GL4 5BT
Mr Ian Elwell 2A, High Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BU
Mrs Sarah Dixon 10, Waterloo close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9JG
Ms caroline keen 6, Hickmans Green close, Warwick, CV34 6LJ
Mrs Ryan Mccorkell 8, Montague Road, Warwick, CV34 5LW
Miss Chelsea Maugham 11, Verney Close, Lighthorne, Warwick, CV35 0AZ
Mr Sam Moore 64, Hansen Avenue, Shipston on Stour, Warwick, CV36 4HS
Ms Lola Parton 15, The Spinney, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8DJ
Mr C Hawker 21, Grange Gardens, Wellesbourne, Stratford upon Avon, CV35 9RL
Mr Eamonn Andrew Brain 3, Charlecote Road, WELLESBOURNE, Warwick, CV35 9LU
Mrs Julia Brain 3, Charlecote road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LU
Mrs Alison Swan 35, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DS
Mrs Alison Peerman Cedarwoods, 1 Mountford Close, WARWICK, CV35 9QG
Mrs Linda Kendall 3, Gloster Gardens, Welleabourne, CV35 9TQ
Mr Peter Coote Walnut Lodge, Goldicote Road, Loxley, Warwick, CV35 9LA
Mrs Nicky Harvey 2, Linden Avenue, Wellesbourne, CV35 9SD
Mr Allan Purser 65, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EY
Mrs Margaret Haywood 24a, Kineton Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LQ
Mr John Haywood 24a, Kineton Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LQ
Mrs Margaret Instone 1, School Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NP
Mr David Colledge 14, Herwin Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9WD
Mr Robert Parker Castle Cottage, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9DL
Mr Ronald Smedley 16, Kineton Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LQ
Mrs Rebecca Coe 12, Worcester Place, Shipston on Stour, Warwick, CV36 4DX
Mrs Broers 11, The Close, Wellesbourne, CV45 8AY
Ms Julie Riches 50, Green Farm End, Kineton, CV35 OLD
Ms Sue Mole 13, Fossesay crescent, Tredington, CV36 4NX
Ms Carol Schofield The Gallery, Church Hill Court, Lighthorne, CV35 0AR
Mrs Gillian Lee 14, Macaulay Lane, Wellesbourne, CV35 9QF
Ms Lynda Payne Timber Cottage, Newbold Pacey, Warwick, CV35 9DP
Ms Lorna Bowden Z3, Byron Walk, Temple Hardwick, Southam, CV47 2UJ
Ms Joanne Akynz 45, Overton Road, Alcock’s Green, Birmingham, B27 7LL
Mr Nathan Sylies 6, Waterloo Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9JG
Mr Gregory Bellamy 9, Croft Close, Warwick, CV34 6QY
Mrs Alisa Hinson 6, Bridge street, Wellesbourne, CV35 9QP
Ms Nikki MacDonald Berryfield, Priory Road, Alcester, B49 5DY
Mr Peter Lightfoot 20, Barkume Close, Banbury, OX16 1FD
Ms L Walsh 27, Cranwell Drive, Wellesbourne, CV35 9PT
Miss Georgia Ort 33, Glebe Estate, Wilmcote, CV37 9XL
Miss Christine Coote Walnut Lodge, Goldicote Road, Loxley, Warwick, CV35 9LA
Ms Kristin Lees 7, Spencer Court, Cherry Orchard, Stratford on Avon, CV37 9AL
Mr Thomas Reeves 61, Brontefarm Tosd, Shirley, West Midlands, B10 3DF
Mr Tom Davies 230, Chinbrook Road, Bilksley, B13 0NE
Mr Richard Hauln 81, Faulkdon Lodge Crescent, Sutton Coldfield, B75 7CU
Mr S Chidlow 6a, Mill Street, Warwick, CV34 4HB
Mrs Pauline Dobson 43, Millbank, Warwick, CV34 5TH
Mackinnon-Little 274, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NN
Mr George Taverner 24, Columbia Street, Cheltenham, GL52 2RJ
Mr Samuel Taverner 1, Gluvais Street, Penryn, TR10 8BL
Mrs Helen Arundale 12, Wake Grove, Warwick, CV34 6PN
Mr S Parker 19, Glover Close, Chase Meadow, Warwick, CV34 6RU
Mrs N Siennicki 5, Leyland's way, Warwick, CV34 6DQ
Mrs Carolyn Ayres Teapot Cottage, 44 Church Street, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8BE
Mrs Bridget Connolly 20, Dey Croft, Warwick, CV34 6NP
Mrs N Dove 2, Rogers Way, Warwick, CV34 6PY
Mr P Yates 30, Whitehead Drive, Wellesbourne, CV35 9PW
Mrs C Yates 30, Whitehead Drive, Wellesbourne, CV35 9PW
Sarah Skinns 35, Dugard Place, Barford, CV35 8DX
Mrs F Krober The Laurels, The Green, Sambourne, Redditch, B96 6NU
Dr Veronica Hyland 2, Stuart close, Warwick, CV34 6AQ
Ms Sue Jenkins 10, The Furr Marsh, Warwick, CV34 6DL
Mr James Shepstone 14, Leylands Way, Warwick, CV34 6DQ
Mr Jonathan Cox 24, Redhill Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QN
Mr Martin Banbury House 1, 151 Leam Terrace, Leamington Spa, CV31 1DF
Miss Janet Frost 4 Allibone Close, Whitnash, Leamington spa, CV31 2SR
Mrs Savva Oakham cottage, Warwick, CV35 9HY
Mrs Michelle Leeming 52, Shakespeare Avenue, Warwick, CV34 6JS
Ms Amber Dumbleton-Thomas 9, Goggbridge Lane, Chase Meadow, Warwick, CV34 6JE
Mrs Naomi Saxton-Knight 201, Rugby Road, Leamington Spa, CV32 6DY
Mrs L Hewer The Croft, Croft Lane, Little Shrewley, Warwick, CV35 7HL
Mrs A Meeres 53, Lynnon field, Chase Meadow, Warwick, CV34 6DH
Miss Patricua Mitchell 49, Lynnon Field, Chase Meadow, Warwick, CV34 6DH
Mrs Elisabeth Darwen 103, Shrewley Common, Shrewley, Warwick, CV35 7AN
Ms Maggie Ward 11, Pembroke Gardens, Wellesbourne, CV35 9PU
Ms Luan Morton 7, Hastings Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9PP
Mr Keith Hackney The Dormers, Loxley Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9JL
Mrs Joan Hackney The Dormers, Loxley road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TL
Ms Kerry Long 12, Leam Road, Lighthorne Heath, Warwick, CV33 9TE
Mr Ronald O'Connor 12, Granville Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RR
Mr Tim Newcombe Garth House, Pillerton Hersey, Warwick, CV35 0QJ
Mr Chris Pollard 6, Daniel Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9UD
Mr Alistair Weir 20, Spinney. Close, Redlands Park, Lighhorne, CV35 0AQ
Mrs Shirley HIll 11, Mordant Road, Wellesbourne, CV36 9QB
Mrs Wendy Turner 6, Close Farrington, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TL
Mr Mervyn Turner 6, Farrington Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TL
Mrs Sarah Feeney 181, Dovehouse Drive, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NW
Mr Peter Hughes 20, Rope Walk, Alcester, B49 5DD
Ms Deborah Shah 26, Combrook, Warwick, CV35 9HP
Mrs Sylvia Stafford 24, Daniel Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9UD
Mr Andrew West Fammington Farm, Loxley Lane, Wellesbourne, CV35 9JL
Mr Andrew Cross 3, Meryhurst Road, Wednesbury, WS70 9BX
Ms Nicolla Taylor 2, Chadham Road, SWellesbourne, CV35 9LP
Mr Palmer 205, Dovehouse Drive, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NW
Mr Damien McLaren 7, Singer Close, Coventry, CV6 7AY
Ms JUDY SIMKINS 4, Gloster Gardens, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TQ
Hoare 2, The Langlands, Warwick, CV35 8BN
Mr Michael Barrie 24, Redwing Close, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 9EX
Mr C Cunnane Willows Farm, Fosse Way, Ettington, CV37 7PG
Mr B Hicks 33, Elliott Drive, Wellesbourne, CV36 9RS
Mrs Brenda Sawbmayer 46, Mountford Close, Wellesbourne, CV38 9QQ
Miss J Cave 3, Farrington Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TL
Mr R Mainwarring 1, Acacia Grove, Alveston, CV37 7RB
Mrs Amanda Butler 5, Springhill Close, Shipston On Stour, CV36 4PU
Mrs Pauline Trainor 27, Lodge Crescent, Warwick, CV34 6BB
Mr John Trainor 27, Lodge Crescent, Warwick, CV34 6BB
Mr Peter Coote Walnut Lodge, Goldicote Road, Loxley, Warwick, CV35 9LA
Mr Snane Verny 23, Southway, Leamingtoin Spa, CV23 2GP
Mr Martin Blackburn 17, Wheelwright Way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9SZ
Mrs Jean Scarlett 46, Ettington Lodge, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9AJ
Miss Janis Robinson 44, Oversley Mill Park, Alcester, B49 6LL
Mr Timothy Maloney 44, Ettington Lodge, Wellesbourne, CV35 9AJ
Mr Warren Mahoney 41, EgghillLane, Northfield, Birmingham, B 31 5NU
Ms Lorraine Hunt Vine Cottage, Burmington, Shipston on Stour, CV36 5AQ
Mrs Sjheila Maloney 44, Ettington Lodge, Wellesbourne, CV35 9AJ
Mr Lucien Rivière 47, Hathaway Green Lane, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 9HX
Ms Margaret Lees 51a, Brunswick Street, Leamington, CV31 2SJ
Mr John Kirby 8, Ettington Lodge, Wellesbourne, CV35 9AJ
Mrs S Kalar 1, Tennyson Road, Coventry, CV2 5HX
Mr Baddi Pardeep 1, Maud Road, West Bromwich, West Midlands, B870 7SS
Mr Stuart hall 24, Ettington Lodge, Wellesbourne, CV35 9AJ
Mrs Penny Copeland Pitt House, Chestnut Square, Wellesbourne., CV35 9QR
Mrs J Rose 18, Ettington Lodge, Grantham Roads, Wellesbourne, CV35 9AJ
Mrs Linda Robbins 15, Grantham Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9AJ
Mr Geoff Moran 5, Laurence Mackie House, St Peters Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9DN
Mrs Jennifer Jones 19C, St Peters Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9PJ
Mr R Stone 5 Fuller Place, Moreton morrell, Warwick, CV35 9AY
Mrs Susan Reading 49, Valetta Way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TB
Mrs Brenda Hurley 3, Valetta Way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9SY
Mrs S E Freeman 52, Mountford Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9QQ
Mrs Maxine Pirtnieks 2 Berenska Drive, Leamington spa, CV32 5WB
Mr David Rowley 8, Sycamore Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9SH
Ms Kate Thorpe 3, Market Square, Kinbeton, CV35 0LP
Mr Alan McLaughlin 21, Field Gate Lane, Fenny Compton, CV47 2WB
Mr Daniel Bromage 72 Hewell Road, Barnt Green, B45 8NF
Miss C Hand 123 Knightsbridge Road, Solihull, B92 8RB
Mr Ian Hust 10, Birch Grove, Wellesboiurne, CV35 9SJ
Sir Andrew Hamilton Dene House, Walton, Warwick, CV35 9HX
Mr Andrew Batsford 85, Elliott Drive, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RT
Ms Kate Currall August Hill Lane, Warwick Road, Stratford ,on Avon, CV37 0QN
Mrs Joanne Long 75, Station Road, Solihull, B37 7BA
Miss Jennifer Lewis 11, Pebworth Avenue, Solihull, B90 4YR
Mrs Sarah Sheppard 22, Elkington Croft, Solihull, B90 4PB
Ms Kate Walker 3, Hurricane Avenue, Cofton Hackett, Birmingham, B45 8GX
Burt 21, Glendower Approach, Warwick, CV34 6ET
Miss D Fisher 40, Spring lane, Solihull, B94 6QY
Mrs Kay Halford 15, Eastley Crescent, Warwick, CV34 5RX
Mrs L 14, Billingham close, Hillfields, Solihull, B91 3UQ
Mrs V Bromage Hewell Road, Barnt Green, Worcestershire, B45 8NF
Mrs Elizabeth Brown 12a, Wolverton Close, Ipsley, Redditch, B90 0AR
Mr McIntosh 42, Wasdale Road, Northfield, Birmingham, B31 1QH
Mrs A Wright 26, New Causeway, NG13 0HA
Mr Ralph Brown 12a, Wolverton Close, Ipsley, Redditch, B98 0AR
Ms Nicola Chambers The Cottage, Crown Lane, Wychbold, WR9 0BX
Mrs R Charlton 30, Starmer Place, Hatton, Warwick, CV35 7LB
Ms P Sweeney Arrow House, B49 5DU
Ms K Fitzgerald 62, Glenavon Rd, Yardley Wood, Birmingham, B14 5BN
Mrs S Bowler 127, Acheson Road, Birmingham, B28 0TT
Mrs Tracey The Cockles Farm, Ulgham, Morpeth, NE61 3AF
Mrs Catherine Mcilduff 47, Solihull toad, West mids, Solihull, B90 3HG
Mrs Adele Moorhouse 21, Willow Way, Stratford-upon-avon, CV37 8FT
Mr T Willson 114, St Giles Road, Birmingham, B33 0HL
Miss C Hughes 11, Snitterfield, Stratford upon avon, CV37 0RT
Mrs Jessica Spedding 8, Corbett Road, Hollywood, Birmingham, B47 5LL
Miss Lily Locke Tawny Cottage, Main Street, Warwickshire, CV35 0SW
Hoare 2, The Langlands, Warwick, CV35 8BN
Ms Susan Blackburn 6, Spinney Drive, Cheswick Green, Solihull, B90 4HB
Ms Lynda Sheils 26, Stockwell Rise, Solihull, B92 9LX
Thompson 52, Grenville Arms, Wellesbourne Arms, CV35 8DS
Mrs s Coix 58, Weetfield Road, Rugby, CV22 6AT
Mrs Rebecca Errington 17, Joseph Arch Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9JH
Mrs Julia 18, Westwood Road, Sutton Coldfield, B73 6UN
Mr Nicholas. S Ryder 47 New Street, Shipston-on-stour, CV36 4EW
Mrs Pamela Leafe 109, Birmingham Road, Warwick, CV345XW
Mr David Leafe 109, Birmingham Road, Warwick, CV34 5XW
Mr Christopher 11, Whitley Avenue, Tamworth, B77 3QU
Miss Gemma Dobin 3, Rea View, Cleobury Mortimer, DY14 8BD
Mrs Nicola Williams The Fforest Inn, Powys, Presteigne, LD8 2TN
Mr Matthew Simpson 94, Austrey Road, Tamworth, B79 0HQ
Mrs Natalia Gasson 18, Castle Gate Mews, Warwick, CV34 4JD
Mr Richard 170, Hurdis Road, Solihull, B90 2DN
Mrs Kelly Johnson Chiltons, Headland Road, Welford on Avon, CV378ER
Ms A Morton Roanoke, 1, Charlecote Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LU
K Hawkes 31, Falstaff Drive, Droitwitch, Wychavon, WR9 7SN
Mr Karl Charlecote Mill, Charlecote Road, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8BB
Mr Andrew Mewton 10, Church Street, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LS
Miss S Soppitt 41, Loxley Lane, Wellesbourne, CV35 9EN
Mrs Hazel Mills Edgehill Cottage, Loxley, Warwick, CV35 9JT
Mrs Rebecca Squire 73, Meadow Road, Wythall, Birmingham, B47 6EG
Mr Dewi J Turner 25, Admiral Cowan Way, Kineton, Warwick, CV35 0PY
Mr Alan Roberts 17, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, CV35 8DR
Mr Michael Checkley 3, Elm Road, Shipston-on-Stour, CV36 4FA
Mr G Young 4, Devereux Close, Kineton, Warwick, CV35 0PL
Mrs Sue Queen 39, Jourdain Park, Heathcote, Warwick, CV34 6FJ
Mr Paul Chandler 7, The Peacocks, Warwick, CV34 6BS
Miss J Hudson 34, Hales close, Snitterfield, CV37 0JT
Ms Michelle McCutcheon 208, Albion Street, Wolverhampton, WV1 3EJ
Mr David Meredith 48, Arrmorial Road, Coventry, CV3 6GJ
Mrs Diana C Kinson 14, Birch Grove, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SJ
Dr Martin Been The White House, Snitterfield Street, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8AX
Miss Erin Sweeney 17, Norton lane, Birmingham, B47 6HA
Ms Jacqueline Page 6, Cherry Orchard, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NB
Mrs Kavita Bodalia 2, Cleeves Avenue, Warwick, CV34 6LT
Morris Botley House, B95 5QY
Mr Matt Western MP Town Hall, Parade, Leamington Spa, CV32 4AT
Mr Camp 1, Meadows Edge, Middridge, DL57JR
Mr Derek Williamson 5, Ryder Court, Newton Aycliffe, DL5 4PB
Mrs Nita Williamson 5, St Andrews Court, Newton Aycliffe, DL5 4XA
Mr McArthur 2, Ryder Court, Newton Aycliffe, DL5 4PB
Mr Smith 19, The Grange, Newton Aycliffe, DL5 4SZ
Mrs S Herman 117, Birmingham Road, Warwick, CV34 5XW
Mr C Locker 34, Bridge Street, Barford, CV35 8EH
Mr S Ridyard 19, Ashmore Road, Gloucester, GL4 6SY
Mrs Samantha Ridyard 19, Ashmore Road, Gloucester, GL4 6SY
Miss K Locker 34, Bridge Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EH
Mr J Hobson 48, Mountford Close, Warwick, CV35 9QQ
Mr Sam Wither 1, Carter Drive, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8ET
Mrs Sylvia Veater 3, Barton Drive, Hedge End, SO30 2FD
Mr A Butler 5, Springhill close, Shipston-on-stour, CV36 4PU
Mr Ian Shephard 27, Swinburne Avenue, Coventry, CV2 5LH
Mr Barry Gilbert 20, Lonsdale Road, Leamington Spa, CV32 7EP
Ms Sarah Fielding 22, Woodcote Road, Warwick, CV34 5BZ
Mr liam Mcghie 26, Sandgate Crescent, Coventry, CV2 5LE
Mr Barry Lord Long Barn, Kineton Road, Tysoe, Warwickshire, CV35 8EQ
Mrs Carol Lord Long Barn, Kineton Road, Tysoe, Warwick, CV35 0DY
Mrs Sarah MacKinlay Manor Court, Manor Court, Kineton, Warwick, CV35 0JT
Mrs M Wheeler 4, Field Close, Ufton, Leamington Spa, CV33 9PU
Mrs Elena Lord-richards Long Barn, Kineton Road, Tysoe, Warwick, CV35 0DY
Mr Peter Phillips 4, Farriers Court, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Mr Isaac Hudson 5, Knights Lane, Tiddington, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 7BS
Mrs Kay Smith 12, Sunderland Place, Wellesbourne, CV35 9LE
Mrs Ann Morgan Home Farm, Loxley, CV35 9JS
Ms Emily Tyers 2, Willett Gardens, Wellesbourne, CV35 9PQ
Mrs Elizabeth Harvey 1, Middle Street, Armscote, Stratford ,on Avon, CV37 8DG
Ms Sue Renshaw 17, Overbury Way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NL
Mr Roger Quint 46, Ettington Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RJ
Ms Shirley Hall 38a, Kineton Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9LQ
Mrs R Goy 26, Avenue Road, Leamington Spa, CV31 3PQ
Mrs M Kerr 32, Mourdant Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9DR
Mr Robert Rupawe 22, Oak Road, Tiddington, CV37 734
Mr Roy Amos 8, Lower Grinsty Lane, Callow Hill, Redditch, B97 5PJ
Mrs Jane Quinn 22, Oak Road, Tiddington, CV37 7BU
Mr Colin Bowen Flat 26, Lawrence Mackie House, St Peters Road, Wellesbourne, CV36 9NG
Ms Anne Gumbley 17, Newbold Place, Wellesbourne, CV35 9DB
Mrs Margaret Pierce 15, The. Green, Radway, Warwick, CV35 0UG
Mr Timothy Thorpe 50, Anderson Avenue, Wellesbourne, CV35 9WR
Ms Joanne Horsman 20, Gloster Gardens, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TQ
Mrs Jill Darrow 7l, Farringtoin Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TL
Mrs Mary Wootton 12, Castle Road, Kineton, Warwick, CV35 0HY
Mr Jack Johnson Smith 17, Delaney Avenue, Warwick, CV35 9WA
Ms Effie Meecham-jones 21, Hopkins Way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9UE
Mrs N Macis-Amos 8, Lower Grinsty Lane, Callow Hill, Redditch, B97 5PJ
Miss Julie Wright Howarth Broomcroft, Charlecote, Warwick, CV35 9AW
Mr John Christian 1, Sadler Place, Wellesbourne, CV35 9UY
Mr Michael Hart 18, Pembroke Gardens, Wellesbourne, CV35 9PX
Mrs Barbara Smith 78, Willow Drive, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RX
Mr Malcolm Smith 78, Willow Drive, Wellesbourne, CV35 9BX
Mrs Sam Wither 1, Carter Drive, Barford, CV358ET
Mrs Nicola O'Connell 37, Manor Lane, Harlaston, Tamworth, B79 9JS
Ms Wendy Newberry 21, Baker Drive, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RQ
Miss Emily Taylor 3, Hawkins Way, Wellesbourne, CV35 8PG
Mr James Bain 18, Willet Gardens, Wellesbourne, CV35 9PQ
Mr Kevin Pearson 64, Garford Rose, Coventry, CV3 2RW
Mrs E Shirley 2, Hampton Road, Deddington, Oxforfd, OX15 0QA
Mr David Tilley 16, Church Street, Wellesbourne, CV359LS
Ms Lorna McMaster Springbank, Walton Lane, Pillerton Priors, Warwick, CV35 0PJ
Mrs K Fisher Combroke Huse, Wellesbourne, CV35 9HN
Mrs G Bliss 2, Badenwest Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9QJ
Miss Rowena Thomas 30, Cymbellane Way, Wellesboiurne, CV35 6VQ
Mrs M Knight 5, Cozen Street, Wellesbourne, CV35 9SU
Mr D Andrews 7, Tait Way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9SW
Mrs S Perkins 205, Dovehuse Drive, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NW
Mr Roger Kirby 48, Elliott Drive, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RS
Mr Andrew Laycock 19, Verden Avenue, Warwick, CV34 6RX
Mrs E kelly 22, Brookside Avenue, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RZ
Mrs Gill Lee 4, Parrott Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TY
Mr Ian Frampton 8, Mountford Place, Wellesbourne, CV35 9QQ
Mrs Pauline Harwood 14, Whitworth Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NQ
Mrs Valerie Lees 79, Telford Avenue, Leamington Spa, CV327HQ
Miss Katdie Lamb Willow Cottage, Loxley, Warwick, CV36 9JS
Mrs R Sheppard 47, Collingham Lane, Southam, CV47 9QW
Mr T Goodhead Appletrees, Spring Lane, Combrook, CV35 9HN
Dr Nickie Charles 10, Brookside Avenue, Kenilworth, CV8 1ET
Mr D Griffiths 10, Hotchkiss close, Warwick, CV35 9JD
Mr Andrew Rhead 1, Magnolia Drive, Whitnash, Leamington Spa, CV31 2SZ
Mrs Clair Rhead 1, Magnolia Drive, Whitnash, Leamington Spa, CV31 2SZ
Mrs Rebecca Standley The Old Roost, Tachbrook Hill Farm, Bishops Tachbrook, Leamington Spa, CV33 9QG
Mr David Mcgee 53, Hardwick Field Lane, Chase Meadow, Warwick, CV34 6LN
Mrs Caroline Laycock 19, Verden Avenue, Warwick, CV34 6RX
Mr James Rose 28, Robins Grove, Warwick, CV34 6RF
Mr David Arundale 12, Wake Grove, Warwick, CV346PN
Mrs Sarah Charker Combehead Meadow, Hillerton, EX175AA
Mrs G Ward 50, Willow Drive, Warwick, CV35 9RX
Mrs Alison Watts 105, Tilehouse Green Lane, Knowle, Solihull, B93 9EN
Mr Clive Warrilow 26, Eborall Close, Warwick, CV34 5QA
Mrs Jane Findlay 39, Meadow Close, Hockley Heath, Solihull, B946PG
Mrs Victoria Hillier 40, Daly Avenue, Hampton Magna, CV35 8SE
Mr Mark Ellerington 12, Macaulay Lane, Wellesbourne, CV35 9QF
Mr Nicholas Boddington 10, Boyse lane, Wellesbourne, CV35 9UN
Mr Raymond KIERCZEK 85, Buffery Road, Dudley, DY2 8EE
Mrs Rosaleen Fahy 20, Shipston Road, Stratford on Avon, CV37 7LP
Mr David Pratt 77, Foxes Way, Warwick, CV34 6AY
Mr Andrew Evans 24, Saddler Place, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UY
Mr C G Sutton 37, 37, KENILWORTH, CV8 1FN
Mrs Jane Happy Pets Yorkshire Loch Earn, Ox Carr Lane, Strensall, York, YO32 5TD
Miss Yvette Sargent Flat 1, 9 Sandford road, Moseley, Birmingham, B13 9BP
Miss Maddy Chambers Bryhers Reach, Wasperton, Warwick, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Ms Zoe McWilliams 2, The Villa, Barford Hill, CV35 8BZ
Mr Mike Rotch 1, Wellesbourne Market, Coventry, CV35 9RY
Mr Christopher Grady 4, Lincoln Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV359JE
Mr John Watkins 2, Carter Drive, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8ET
Wilson 48, Pembroke Gardens, Wellesbourne, CV35 9PX
Ms Lucy Emsden 38, Bridge End, Warwick, CV34 6PB
Miss Whatsize 1, CV370EY
Mr Malcolm Fennell 34, Humphrey Burton Road, Styvechale, Coventry, CV3 6HX
Dr M Gillies 15, Chestnut Square, Wellesbourne, CV35 9QS
Mrs linda Yeates 5, Ramsay Green, Wellesbourne, CV35 9EE
Ms Lynette Brand 2, Steeds Court, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, CV35 8DZ
Miss Elizabeth Birtley 6, Elliott Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RS
Mrs P Santana-Vaz Valhalla, Alveston Lane,Alveston, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 7QQ
Miss Jackie Slora 5, Church Street, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8BE


Click on column headings to sort.

There are no consulted neighbours for this application

Name Address Last letter date Target response date
Unit 3 Barford Exchange, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8AQ 04-Jan-2023
Unit 2 Barford Exchange, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8AQ
Unit 1 Barford Exchange, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8AQ
Unit 4 Barford Exchange, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8AQ
Unit 5 Barford Exchange, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8AQ
Unit 6 Barford Exchange, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8AQ
Unit 7 Barford Exchange, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8AQ
Unit 8 Barford Exchange, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8AQ
Mr Bill Young Unit 9 Barford Exchange, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8AQ
1, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DE
3, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DE
5, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DE
7, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DE
9, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DE
11, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DE
15, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DE
17, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DE
19, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DE
21, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DE
23, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DE
25, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DE
Country Car, Wellsbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DS
72 Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DS
74 Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DS
76 Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DS
78 Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DS
80 Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DS
82 Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DS
84 Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DS
86 Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DS
43 Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DS
Flat 3 Lambert Court, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DS
Flat 6 Lambert Court, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DS
12 Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
13 Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
14 Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
15 Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
16 Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
17 Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
18 Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
19 Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
20 Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
21 Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
22 Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
23 Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
24 Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
25 Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
26 Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
27 Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
28 Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
29 Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
26 Wasperton Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DU
28 Wasperton Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DU
26 Dugard Place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DX
28 Dugard Place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DX
51 Dugard Place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DX
Middle Watchbury Farm, Wasperton Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DH
Dr Malcolm Eykyn Lower Watchbury Farm, Wasperton Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DH
Gable End, Wasperton Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DH
The Green Barn House, Wasperton Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DH
Watchbury Hill, Hareway Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DD
Woodlands, Hareway Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DD
Woodlands House, Hareway Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DD
Wasperton Hill Farm, Wasperton Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DQ
1 Marl Pit Cottages, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EE
2 Marl Pit Cottages, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EE
Seven Elms Barn, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EE
Seven Elms, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EE
Glebe Farm, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EE
J & A Growers Ltd, Bradshaw Farm, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8BF
Wasperton House, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
1 Holloway Farm Cottages, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EA
2 Holloway Farm Cottages, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EA
The Forge Cottage, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EA
Wasperton Farm House, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EA
Miss E , Lees 16, Church Street, Barford, Warwickshire, CV35 8EN
Mrs Michelle , Hardy 11, Canon Price Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EQ
Mr S Unl, Underhill 26, Horseshoe Crescent, Warwick, CV35 9SX
Mrs S , Cartwright 64, Mordaunt Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9QA
Mr J , Cartwright 64, Mordaunt Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9QA
Mrs caroline , Walton 18 Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
Mr James , Knight 33, Sandy Way, Barford, CV35 8DY
Mr Peter , Taylor 1, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DE
Mrs E Woodward, Woodward 32, Church Street, Warwick, CV35 8EN
Mr Nick , Perkins 11, Canon Price Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EQ
Mrs Katherine , Reilly 1, Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
Mrs F. , Chiarelli 75, Bremridge Close, Warwick, CV35 8DE
Mr M Littlewood Flat 7, Westham House, Westham Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DP
Mr Tomas , Elek 8, Gaskell Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EU
Mrs Emily , Thelwell 2, Yew Tree Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EF
Mrs Angela , Watkins 2, Carter Drive, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8ET
Mrs R Miatt, Miatt 2, Fairfax close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8ER
Miss C , Smith 3, Sandy Way, Barford, CV35 8DY
Mrs S , Hall 17, Hewitt Road, Barford, CV35 8EZ
Mr Ben , Ranner 6, Church street, Barford, CV35 8EN
Mr Gregory , Weston 5, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DE
Mrs Rachel , Fenwick 14, Hotchkiss Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9JD
Mr A , Fenwick 14, Hotchkiss Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV359JD
Mr Garry , Delday 63, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DE
Mr Anthony , Stein Home Close House, Grovefields Farm, Hampton Lucy, CV35 8AT
Mrs S , Earland 21, The Spinney, Hampton Lucy, CV35 8DJ
Mrs Rachel , Williams 20, Church street, Warwick, CV35 8EN
Mr E , Williams 20, Church street, Warwick, CV35 8EN
Mr Gary Swetman, Swetman 16, Wyvern Close, Wellesbourne, CV359TA
Mrs Anita , Swetman 16, Wyvern Close, Wellesbourne, CV359TA
Mr Craig , Purkiss 6, Avon Close, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 7ST
, Norton Flat 7, Westham House, Westham Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DP
Mrs M C , Beeston 20, Bristol Way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TJ
Mr A F , Beeston 20, Bristol Way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TJ
Mr A A , Pitcher 20, Bristol Way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TJ
Mr R , Jones 15, Keytes Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EP
Mrs G , Jones 15, Keytes Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EP
Mrs E , Courtney-Fox 16, The Spinney, Hampton Lucy, CV35 8DJ
Mrs Hayne , Topham School House, Banbury Road, Ettington, CV37 7TB
Mrs Sally , Davis 5, Charlecote, Village next to Barford, Warwick, CV35 9EW
Mr A , Baker 31, Dugard Place, Barford, Warwickshire, CV35 8DX
Mr Lewis , Copeland 83, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DE
Mr James , Busby 7, Twigger Drive, Barford, CV35 8EY
Mrs Laura , Busby 7, Twigger Drive, Barford, CV35 8EY
S , Charters 32, Manston Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TG
Mrs Sharon Bolt Jasmine Cottage, 31, Church Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BS
Mr Steve , Smith 16, Horseshoe Crescent, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SX
Miss Julia , Adams 46, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DG
Mr Andrew , Walsh 1, Hemmings Mill, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BP
Mr David , Cox Newstead, Charlecote, Warwick, CV35 9EW
Mr B , Topham School House, Banbury Road, Ettington, CV37 7TB
Mrs Angela Bailey 248, Dovehouse Drive, Wellesbourne, WARWICK, CV35 9NN
Mr Mark , Webb Sagera, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Mr Ben , Davis 5, Charlecote, Village next to Barford, Warwick, CV35 9EW
Mrs Lorraine Hunt 179, Dovehouse Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, CV35 9NW
Mr Robert , Baylis 33, Cranwell drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PT
Mrs J , Howell 3, The Close, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8AY
Mrs Lorna , Grew 64, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, CV35 9EY
Mr Oliver , Jarratt 9, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, WARWICK, CV35 8EL
Mrs Lindsey , Stickley 24 Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
Mr Luke , Ballard 5, Bristol Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TJ
Mrs Angie , Jones 18, Cozens street, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SU
Mrs Julia , Bradbury 23, Yew Tree Way, Barford, CV35 8EF
Mr Nick , Phillips 15, Cranwell Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, CV359PT
Mrs Linda , Parker 6, Oxford Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LW
Ms Ameera , Patel 14, Jeacock Place, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UZ
Mr Benjamin , Herbert 14, Jeacock Place, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UZ
Mr Joseph , Parker 6, Oxford Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LW
Mr Barrie , Stickley 24 Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
Mr G , Thyeson 124, Dovehouse Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NR
Mrs Lisa , Reynolds 16, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, CV35 9EE
Miss J , Bennett 124, Dovehouse Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NR
Mr & Mrs Swann 30 Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
Mr Mitchell , Haberfield 5, Farriers Court, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Mrs Claire , Jackson 21, Church Street, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LS
Mr Chris , Jackson 21, Church Street, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LS
Mr John , Grove 38, Hastings Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PS
Mr Susan , Grove 38, Hastings Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PS
Mrs Helen , PROSSER 57, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EY
Mrs Anne , Anderson Larchdale, Lowes Lane, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TU
Mr Vince Hall 35, Dugard Place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DX
Mrs Laura , Mills 25, Wyvern Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TA
Mr Ian , Mills 25, Wyvern Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TA
, Knowles 21, Horseshoe Crescent, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SX
, Downing 21, Horseshoe Crescent, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SX
Miss Rebecca Phipps, Phipps 17, Honeysuckle Lane, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SG
Mrs Kim , Ballard 5, Bristol Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TJ
Miss Leah , Walker 6, Bettridge Place, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV359LY
Mrs Ruth , Roberts 38, Hammerton Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NT
Mr & Mrs , AYLETT 10, Charlecote, Warwick, CV35 9EW
Mrs Marilyn None - Retired, Hall 35, DUGARD PLACE, BARFORD, Warwick, CV35 8DX
Mrs J , Cush 46, Warwick road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EA
Mrs Catherine , White 17, Wilkins Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EX
Mr Richard , Blackie 6, Whitworth Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NQ
Mr Mark , Turner 27, Daniell Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UD
Mr John , Lloyd 15, School Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NH
Mr David , Barton 1, Church Road, Sherbourne, CV35 8AN
Miss Charlotte , Allan 28, Hammerton way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NT
Miss Victoria , Nunn 18, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EY
Mr Gavin , Bassford 18, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EY
Mr Kenneth , Rotchell Redhill house, Lowes Lane, Warwick, CV35 9TU
Mrs Suzanne , Dargan The Pheasantry, 1, Charlecote Fields, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PG
Mrs Kim Murray-Barton Apple Tree Cottage, 1, Church Road, Sherbourne, CV35 8AN
Dr Chris , Magson 3, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EL
Mrs Emma , Hunt Stable House, Charlecote, Warwick, CV35 9EW
Mr Nigel , Gough 5, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EY
Mr Russell , Clinton 20, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EY
Mr Oliver , Bertram 7, High Street, Barford, CV35 8BU
Miss J Living Ground, Harvey 32, Cozens Street, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SU
Mr N , Bull 7, St Luke Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9AW
Mrs S , Norton 18, Keytes Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EP
Mr & Mrs B , Crawford The Garden House, 8A Carter Drive, Barford, CV35 8ET
Mrs C , Parsons 17, Anslow, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, CV35 9UT
Mrs E Dovey, Dovey 3, Mountford Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QG
Mr Johan , Landman 15, Vicarage lane, Sherbourne, CV358AB
Mr T , Sewards 8, Sandy Way, Barford, CV35 8DY
Mr C , Whyte 6, Hampdon Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NX
Mr Richard , White 17, Wilkins Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EX
Mrs Pamela , Harben 4, Moat green, Sherbourne, Warwick, CV358AJ
Mrs Anne , Thomas 19, School Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NH
Mr Alexander , Trevellyan 26, Bridge street, Barford, Warwick, CV358EH
Mrs Lisa , Loquens 18, Tait Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SW
Mr Ross , Jacobs 60, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DS
Mr David , Stephenson 2, Anderton Avenue, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UQ
Mr Mark , brindle 5 Wellington Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9JQ
Mrs Beverley , Stephenson 2, Anderton Avenue, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UQ
Miss Lesley , Maynard 12, Cranwell Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PT
Miss Sarah The English Garland Company Ltd, VAUGHAN 2 Cedar House, Bridge Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EH
Mrs Denise , Phipps 17, Honeysuckle lane, Wellsbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SG
Mr S , Stockill 28, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EY
Mr Kevin , McKeown 21, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EY
Mr Gary N/A, Moyce 15, Dugard Place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DX
Mr Colin , Reed 2, Macaulay Lane, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QF
Miss Claire , Brookes 2, Macaulay Lane, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QF
Mr Gregory , Young 27, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EY
Mrs Anthea , Dickie 35, Church Street, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8BE
Mrs L , Harrison 7, Joseph Arch Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9JH
Miss Tina , Borer 48, Bristol Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TJ
Mr Adam , Coates 6, Redhill Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QN
Mr John , Peake 7, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EL
Mrs A , Wilson 55, Chapel Street, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QU
Miss Rachael , Burns 41, Valletta Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TB
Mr James , Prowting 5, Grange Gardens, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RL
Miss Stephanie , Painter 5, Grange Gardens, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RL
Mrs Jennifer , Boyle 5, Huntington Court, Lowes Lane, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RF
Mr D H , Langstone 8, Whitehead Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PW
Mrs Tricia , Mostyn 9, Hopkins Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UE
Mr Jonathan , Walls Fairlawns, Moreton Paddox, Moreton Morrell, Warwick, CV35 9BU
Mrs Kim , Watts 4, Rose Lane, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QW
Mr , Watts 4, Rose Lane, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QW
Mrs Caroline , Findlay 8, Anderton Avenue, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UQ
Mrs M , Marfa 8, Grange Gardens, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RL
Mr Andy , Woods 9, Paulet Lane, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9US
Mr Richard , Grey 21, Keytes Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EP
Mr Serban , Marfa 8, Grange Gardens, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RL
Mrs Samantha P , Bonnington 28, Cozens Street, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SU
Mr ANDREW , GUICE 16, Canberra Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TR
Mrs Sally , GUICE 16, Canberra Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TR
Dr Thomas , Hase 16, Bremridge Close, Barford, CV35 8DG
Mrs Adele , Cooke 8, Redhill Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SP
Mr Jaroslaw , Sowa 2, Anslow road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UT
Mrs Saffron , Lovell Water's Edge, Verdon Place, Barford, CV35 8BT
Mrs Rachel , Macrae 10, Constance Harris Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PZ
Nikki Hamilton, Cooper Solutions Unit 6 Barford Exchange, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8AQ
Mr Paul , Barker 24, The Spinney, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8DJ
Miss Z , Townsend 18, Chapel street, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QU
Mrs Fiona Select..., Aylett 10, Charlecote, Warwick, CV35 9EW
Ms Karen , Burton 1, Snowberry Lane, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SN
Mrs C , Morgan 15, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, CV35 8EL
Mr David , Rose 15, Sycamore Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SH
Mr C , Davies 2, Horseshoe Crescent, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SX
Mrs Pilar , Brown 69, Dugard Place, Barford, CV35 8DX
Miss Victoria , Austin 29, Keytes lane, Barford, CV35 8EP
Mr P , Broughton-Foxall 8, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EY
Mr Andrew , Redmayne 10, Kents Lane, Ettington, CV37 7SJ
Mr Mark , Broughton-Foxall 8, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EY
Mr L , Clarke 2, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EY
Mr Richard , Beard 54, Loxley Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RU
Ms Bridie , Sullivan 3, The Spinney, Hampton Lucy, CV35 8DJ
Miss Anne , Davis 48, Bristol Way, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, CV35 9TJ
Mr Robert , Hooke 20, Mill Lane, Barford, CV35 8EJ
Mr G , Turner 6, Horseshoe Crescent, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SX
Mrs Cara , Montiel 5, Loxley Close, Wellesbourne, WARWICK, CV35 9RU
Mr A , Hiley 7, Cozens Street, Wellesborne, Warwick, CV35 9SU
Mr John , Smith 16, Wheelwright Way, Warwick, CV35 9SZ
Sir/Madam D , Cockburn 6 Cedar House, Bridge Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EH
Mrs S , Denby-Lang 11, Bradley walk, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UU
Miss H , Jolly 6, Dugard Place, Barford, Warwick, CV358DX
Mr Karl Lang, Lang 11, Bradley walk, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UU
Mrs Hilary , Hatcher 10, Kineton Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NF
A , Hollis 15, Daniell Road, Warwick, CV35 9UD
Miss R , Taylor 37, Willow Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SB
Mrs Jo , Woods 9, Paulet Lane, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9US
Miss Beth , Clough 8, Crosslands, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TN
Mrs G , Baker 28, Redhill Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QN
Mr Edward , Walker 8, Crosslands, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TN
Miss , Hiorns 20, Home Furlong, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV359TW
Mrs E , Leigh 29, Delany Avenue, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UA
Mr Timothy , Jolly 6, Dugard Place, Barford, Warwickshire, CV35 8DX
Mr Raymond , Whinray 13, Grange Gardens, WELLESBOURNE, CV35 9RL
Mrs Joanne , Chorley 25, Swan Meadow, Chase Meadow, Warwick, CV34 6HZ
Mr Gary , Larner 4, Church street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EN
L , Murphy 16, Tait Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SW
Mr Peter , Rowan 27, Bristol Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TJ
Mr Ian , Sutton 2, Smithy Lane, Ettington, Stratford Upon Avon, CV37 7FE
Mr Oliver , Murray-Bates 11, Dugard Place, Barford, CV35 8DX
Mr Ken , Sykes 40, Mordaunt Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QB
Mrs S K , Sykes 40, Mordaunt Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QB
Mrs Jackie , Bennett 3, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DE
Mr Graeme , Ford 30, High Street, Barford, CV35 8BU
Ms polly , rosa 14, Newbold Place, Wellesbourne, WARWICK, Warwickshire, CV35 9PB
Ms Jeanette , Morgan 9, Westfield crescent, Warwick, CV35 9RP
Mrs Carol , Mackay 1, Keytes Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EP
Mrs L aura , Hall 38, Bristol way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TJ
Mr Robert , Payne 4, Wyvern Close, Warwick, CV35 9TA
Miss Molly , Payne 4, Wyvern Close, Warwick, CV35 9TA
Miss Sally , Hancock 4, Wyvern Close, Warwick, CV35 9TA
Mr R , Walls 14, Keytes Lane, Barford, CV35 8EP
Mr & Mrs Maby , Maby The Bothy, Barford Hill, Barford, CV35 8BZ
Mr James , Catlin 10, Lancaster Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9JF
Ms A J , Johnston 2, Gaskell Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EU
Mrs G , Baker 28, Redhill Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QN
Mrs M , Haberfield The Linhay, 5 Farriers Court, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Ms M , Okeeffe 14, Saddler place, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UY
Miss Kaci , Daly 12, Orchard Court, Ettington Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TX
Mr Matthew , Seymour 8, Primrose Hill, Warwick, CV34 5HW
Mrs Charlotte Woodcock, Woodcock Charlotte House, 4 Verdon Place, Barford,, Warwick, CV35 8BT
Mrs A , McAteer 18, Cranwell Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PT
Ms C , Parso 17, Anderson, Warwickshire, CV35 9UT
Mr Wesley , Parsons 17, Anslow Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UT
Mrs Sarah , Carrott 8, Joseph Arch Road, Warwick, CV35 9JH
Mr Sean , Bosworth 25, Frost Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UF
Mr Tony , Sheridan 19, Warwick Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NA
Mrs , Seymour 8, Primrose Hill, Warwick, CV34 5HW
Miss A , Chadwick Flat 12A, Warwick Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9ND
Mr John , Murray The Shielings, Stratford Road, Loxley, CV35 9JN
Mrs J , Collins 31, Saddler Place, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UY
Mrs Joanne , Loukes 26, The Spinney, Hampton Lucy, Warwickshire, CV35 8DJ
Mrs W , Woodhouse 42, Willow Drive, Wellesbourne, CV35 9SB
Mrs Kerrie , Humphriss 15, HEWITT ROAD, BARFORD, WARWICK, CV35 8EZ
Mrs Penelope , KnightAdams 36, Priors Grove Close, Chase Meadow, Warwick, CV34 6LY
Miss Lauren , Digiorgio 31, Dugard place, Warwick, CV358DX
Mr Connor , Baker 31, Dugard Place, Barford, Warwickshire, CV35 8DX
Mr S SBEC, Backman 4, Yewtree way, Barford, CV35 8EH
Mrs Caroline , Bolton King 25, Canon Price Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EQ
Dr Michael , Stellakis 18, Kineton Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LQ
Mrs Rachel , Hartley 42, Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
Dr Nikolay , Cherkasov 77, Sunnybank, Coventry, CV3 4DS
Mrs Hayne , Topham School. House, Banbury Road, Ettington, CV37 7TB
Mr Martin , Willis 22, Daniell Road, Wellesbourne, Warks, WV133RL
Mr Simon , Hobson 16, Ryland Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BY
Mrs Alison , Shingler 187, Alcester Road, Hollywood, Birmingham, B47 5HE
Mrs Denise , Hobson 16, Ryland Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BY
Mr Duncan , Pomeroy 18, Bristol Way, Warwick, CV35 9TJ
Mrs Marie , Pomeroy 18, Bristol Way, Warwick, CV35 9TJ
Mr Richard , Loukes 26, The Spinney, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8DJ
Mr S , Herrick-Blake 6, Anson Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9LL
Mr , Butterworth Bay Tree Villa, Ashorne, Warwick, CV35 9DR
Miss Carly 07890631488, Vadasz 2, Home Furlong, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TW
Mrs Harley , Mannina 29, Anslow Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UT
Mr Luke , Turner 29, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, CV359EY
Mrs Deborah , Ransley 29, Tait Way, WELLESBOURNE, Warwick, CV35 9SW
Mrs Sarah , Russell 28, Horseshoe Crescent, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SX
Mr Mark , Holland 5, Gaskell way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EU
Mrs Sally Majid, Majid 45, Verdon Place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BT
Mr William , Worrall 24, High Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BU
Mrs Vicki , Calvano 2, Thelsford Cottages, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EJ
Mrs T.A. , WORRALL 24, High Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BU
Mr B , Robinson 37, Horseshoe Crescent, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SX
Mrs T , Robinson 37, Horseshoe Crescent, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SX
James NSP Ltd, Hunt Stable House, Charlecote, Warwick, CV35 9EW
Mrs Joanna , Linfield 44, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DG
Mr Tobias , Hunt 4, Carter Drive, Warwick, CV35 8ET
Mrs H , Compton 14, Hopkins Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UE
Mrs Alison , Gadsden 5, Avon Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BX
Mr Derek , Manning 76, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV358DS
Mrs A , Hickman 56, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV359EY
, Brown 125, Cape Road, Warwick, CV34 5DH
Ms Rachel , Akerman Bluff Edge, Barford Hill, Barford, CV35 8BZ
Mrs Sarah , Danks 58, Church Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EW
Miss Sarah Sarah, Sarah 9, Bridge street, Hampton lucy, CV35 8BA
Mr Richard N/A, Knox 9, Bridge street, Hampton lucy, CV35 8BA
Mrs Gaye , Teasdale 80, West Street, Warwick, CV34 6AW
Mrs Sue , Anness 58, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, CV35 9EY
James Dewhurts, J & A Growers Ltd Bradshaw Farm, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8BF
Mr Terry , McAteer 18, Cranwell Drive, Warwick, CV35 9PT
Dr Keith , James 26, Whitehead Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PW
Mr Nick , Hawkins 10, Grantham Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9JJ
Miss Catherine , Knight 85, Willow Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RX
Mr K , Elliott 9, Bridge street, Hampton lucy, CV35 8BA
Mr David William , Cleary The Haycroft, Manor Barns, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Miss J , Leith 4, Herwin Close, WARWICK, CV35 9WD
Mrs Susan Jane , Cleary The Haycroft, Manor Barns, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Miss Renny , Wodynska 11, Avon`fields Close, Alveston, Stratford upon Avon, CV37 7RD
Mrs Margot , Rowdon Freers Mews, Warwick, CV34 6DP
Mrs Emily , Attwood Hill House, Snitterfield Road, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8AU
Mrs Charlotte Thompson, Thompson 12, Waterloo close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9JG
Dr Jo Healthcare4Kids Ltd, Jones 9, Bridge street, Hampton lucy, CV35 8BA
Miss Angharad , Elliott 9, Bridge street, Hampton lucy, CV35 8BA
Mrs J , Taylor 1, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DE
Mr Mark , Trimble 6, MOAT GREEN, SHERBOURNE, Warwick, CV35 8AJ
Mrs Bridget , Gillett 41, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DE
Mr Matthew , Adam 21, Yew Tree Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EF
Miss Ivy , Adam 21, Yew Tree Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EF
Miss Georgia , Crump 32, Canon Price Road, Barford, CV35 8EQ
Mrs Rose , Jolly 2, Elliotts Orchard, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8ED
Mr Robin K , Fraser Holly House, Goldicote Road, Loxley, WARWICK, CV35 9LA
Mrs L , Berry 35, Lyttelton Road, Warwick, CV34 5EW
Mrs , Campbell 17, Hampdon Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NX
Mr William , Barber 5, Keytes Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EP
Mrs Jodi , Driessen 56, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DS
Mrs Joanna , Rowan Hadland House, Goldicote Road, Loxley, CV35 9TZ
Mrs K , Salmon 5, Verdon Place, Barford, CV35 8BT
Mr brian g , harris 23, Stratford Road, hampton lucy, nr warwick, CV35 8BH
Mr David , Cox Newstead, Charlecote, Warwick, CV35 9EW
Mr James Hawkesford, Hawkesford 1, Elliotts Orchard, Warwick, CV35 8ED
Mr , Harrison 5, CV35
Miss K , Varney 10, Anderton Avenue, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UQ
Mr J , Hudson 10, Anderton Avenue, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UQ
Mrs Karen , Dent 14, Charlecote, Warwick, CV35 9EW
Miss Tracey , Smith 5, Steeds Court, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DZ
Mr Paulo , Chiarelli 75, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DE
Miss S , Lines 85, Stratford Road, Warwick, CV34 6BG
Mr L , Shepherdson Jukes cottage, Sherbourne park, CV35 8AP
Mr Simon , Lovell Waters edge, Verdon place, Barford, Warwickshire, CV35 8BT
Miss Rebecca , Didierserre 9, Canon price road, Barford, Wareick, CV35 8EQ
Mr Neil , Thomas 21, Waterloo Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9JG
Mr Daniel , Forrester 12, Purser Drive, Warwick, CV34 6BW
Miss Emma , Wimpenny 10, Bettridge Place, Wellesbourne, CV35 9LY
Mr Richard H H , Wimpenny 10, Bettridge Place, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LY
Mrs OJ , Joyce 26, Bridge street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EH
Mrs A Bates, Bates 15, Hamilton Drive, Warwick, CV35 9UH
, Forshaw 4, Mill Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EJ
Mr Scott , McAnespie 36, Gloster Gardens, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TQ
Mrs Rebecca , Hawkley-Graham 59a, Warwick Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9LX
Mrs Rachel , Harratt 16, High street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BU
Mr Aaron , cookes 15, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DE
Mrs Pippa , Shirley 7, Church Walk, Wellesbourne, CV35 9QT
Mrs L , D 40, Bremridge Close, Barford, CV35 8DG
Mr Nick , Murray Loxley Farm, Stratford Road, Loxley, Warwick, CV35 9JN
Mr mathew , Speller 32, valletta way, wellesbourne, CV35 9TB
, Henstridge 3, Verdon Place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BT
, Finn 19, Verdon Place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BT
Mrs Nancy , Williamson 14a, Bridge Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EH
Mrs Caroline , Murray- Bates 11, Dugard Place, Barford, CV35 8DX
Miss Michelle , Hughes 15, Mordaunt road, Warwickshire, Wellesbourne, CV35 9QB
Ms Deborah , Harman 21, Sandy Way, Barford, CV35 8DY
J , Kluzniak 17, Vulcan View, Wellesbourne, CV35 9SY
Miss Natalie , Moor 21, Loxley Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RU
Mr N , Empson 2, Keytes Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EP
Ms Maria , Dando 60, Willow Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RX
Mr Gerald , Keogh 60, Willow Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RX
Dr Lucy , Blunt Barford Grange, Westham Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DP
Miss L , Fowler 18, Baker Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RQ
Mrs A , Richardson 21, Kineton road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NE
Ms Pat Mills, Mills 3, Walton Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RD
Miss L , Harris 25, Verdon Place, Barford, Warwick, CV358BT
Ms Kirsty , Healey 22, Keytes Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV358EP
Mr Kevin , Davies 3 Orchard Court, Ettington Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TX
Mr A Na, Bailey 12, Home Furlong, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TW
Mrs L , Bailey 12, Home Furlong, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TW
Mrs Louise , Jones 27, Church Street, Warwick, CV35 8EW
Mr Haydn , Cooper Gable End, Wasperton Lane, Barford, CV35 8DH
Mr S , Homer 31, Bridge End, Warwick, CV34 6PB
Mrs J , Homer 31, Bridge End, Warwick, CV34 6PB
Mrs R , Gurnani 6, Leylands Way, Warwick, CV34 6DQ
Miss Natali , Welsh 21, Ettington close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RJ
Mr Stephen , Barnett Mulberry House, Barnfields, Moreton Morrell, Warwick, CV35 9AQ
Mrs Lisa , Nicolle 1, Verdon Place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BT
Mrs Jessica , Brinkworth 4, Beaufort close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NU
Mr Jason , Humphriss 15, HEWITT ROAD, BARFORD, WARWICK, CV35 8EZ
Mrs T , Morris 7, Copeland Avenue, Warwick, CV35 9LZ
Mr Kevin , McDonnell 29, Wellington Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9JQ
Mrs Hannah Brittan, Brittan 65, Horseshoe crescent, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SX
Mr P , Wear 39, Frost Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UF
Mrs Pamela , Withers 4, The Mews, Wellesbourne House, Walton Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TP
Mr George , Cowcher 8, Sunderland Place, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LE
Mrs R , Tompkins 57, Chapel Street, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QU
Mr Derek , Wells 3, Canberra Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TR
Mrs S , Witcomb 1, Beaufort Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NU
Mrs Patricia , Harris 11, Whitworth Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NQ
Mr Tim , Gibson 6, Manston Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TG
Mrs Patricia , Hooper 14, Bridge Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EH
Mr Ben , Phyall 47, Newbold Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9QD
Dr D Woodcock, Woodcock 4, Verdon Place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BT
Mrs Angela , Chambers Bryhers Reach, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Mr Nicholas , Chambers Bryhers Reach, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Mrs S , Wear 39, Frost Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9UF
Miss A , Hinton 8, Willet Gardens, Wellesbourne, CV35 9PQ
Mrs Tanya , Weaver Corner Cottage, 2 Hareway Lane, Barford, CV35 8DB
Mr Jon , Pilling Corner Cottage, 2 Hareway Lane, Barford, CV35 8DB
Mr Timothy , Dale 8, Lawson Avenue, Tiddington, Stratford-upon-avon, CV37 7BT
Mrs Jennifer , Down 10, Grange gardens, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RL
Mr Lee , Jackson 11, Fairfax Close, Barford, CV35 8ER
Mr Ciprian , Stanciu 31, Yew Tree Way, Barford, Warwickshire, CV358EF
Mrs Sam , Parasannavar Castleview, Hareway lane, Barford, WARWICK, CV35 8DD
Mr Matthew , Kennerley 17, Wasperton Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DT
Mrs Jenny , Bevan 4, Bishops Close, Leamington, CV33 9RP
Mr H , Rankin 19, Church street, Barford, Warwickshire, CV35 8EW
Mr Ed , Kimberley 29, Elliott Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RS
Mrs Bonnie , Cooper Gable End, Wasperton Lane, Barford, CV35 8DH
Mr Theodore , Cooper Gable End, Wasperton Lane, Barford, CV35 8DH
Mr Harry , Cooper Gable End, Wasperton Lane, Barford, CV35 8DH
Mr Paul , Featonby 1, Hammerton Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NS
Miss Lorna , Hobart 5, Keytes Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EP
Mrs Jane , Jackson 11, Fairfax Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8ER
Mr Collin , Baker 18, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DG
Dr R , Jolliffe 7, The Langlands, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8BN
Mr Alexander , Bolton King Vine House, 25 Canon Price Road, Barford, CV358EQ
Ms Ruth Lockwood, Lockwood 6, Bridge street, Hampton lucy, Warwick, CV35 8BA
, Peters 2, Westham Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DP
Miss K Levy, Levy 34, Copeland Avenue, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LZ
Miss S , Stanley 30, Copeland Avenue, Warwick, CV35 9LZ
Mrs R , Gilks 33, Saddlers Place, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UY
Miss Laura Risbridger, Risbridger 9, Cherry orchard, Warwick, CV35 9NB
Mrs H , Corfield 8, Dovehouse Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QZ
Mr Raymond , Byrne 5, Cherry Close, Ettington, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 7TG
Mr Stuart , Nicolle 1, Verdon Place, Barford, CV35 8BT
Mrs Joanna N/a, Kennerley 17, Wasperton Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DT
Mr Richard , Gee Mile House, Luddington Road, Stratford upon Avon, CV37 9SE
Ms Kristi Carrier, Carrier 31, Verdon Place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BT
Mrs Joy Thornton, Thornton 7, Daniell Road, Warwick, CV35 9UD
Mr Richard , Thornton 7, Daniell Road, Warwick, CV35 9UD
Miss Claire , Maclachlan 25, Keytes Lane, Barford, CV35 8EP
Miss Jacqueline , Eborall 16 Orchard Court, Ettington Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TX
Mrs S , Cartwright 64, Mordaunt road, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, CV35 9QA
Mr A , Rowles 29, Horseshoe crescent, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, CV359SX
Mrs Amanda , Rowles 29, Horseshoe crescent, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, CV359SX
Mrs D , Adams-EVERITT 10, Gaskell Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EU
Mrs Elaine , George 18, HUNTINGTON COURT, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RF
Mrs Leonie , Walls 14, Keytes Lane, Barford, CV35 8EP
Mr Ian N/a, Bradley 1, Grange Gardens, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RL
Mrs Helen , Simms Malt Cottage, Charlecote, Warwick, CV35 9EW
Mrs Hannah Mackay, Mackay 1, Canon Price Road, Warwick, CV35 8EQ
Miss C , Fletcher 25, Overbury Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UL
Mrs Danielle , Latham 32, Redhill Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QN
Mr Ben , Miloudi 22, Bridge Street, Barford, CV35 8EH
Mr Karl , Owens 12, Herwin Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9WD
Miss Elena , Sokola 49, Bremridge Close, Barford, CV35 8DE
Miss Hollie , Lunch 18, Hewitt Road, Barford, CV35 8EZ
Mrs Nina , Hope 11, Hemmings Mill, Barford, CV35 8BP
Mr P , Stowe 2, Home Furlong, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TW
Mrs Anna , Baker 18, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DG
Mr Lee , Gilks 33, Saddlers Place, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UY
Mr Tony , Latham 32, Redhill Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QN
Mr David , Hollis 15, Daniell Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9UD
Miss A , Leggett 11, Saddler place, Wellesbourne, CV35 9UY
Miss M , Davies 9p 23, Overbury Way, Warwick, CV35 9UL
Mrs R , Valentine-Prior 35, Grantham road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9JJ
Jim , Harris 14, Mill Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EJ
Mrs , Davies 48, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EY
Mrs Kate , Trimble 6, Moat Green, Sherbourne, CV35 8AJ
Miss Debbie , Thomson Flat 13, Staplehill house, Wellesbourne, CV35 9LH
Mrs L , Molson 30, Hammond green, Warwick, CV35 9EY
Mrs Paula , Hotten 30, Horseshoe crescent, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SX
Mr Sam , Hotten 30, Horseshoe Crescent, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SX
Mrs L , Brennan 10, Dovehouse Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QZ
Mrs Kate , Bertram 7, High Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BU
Mr Withycombe, Withycombe 21, The Close, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8AY
Mrs F , Mcguire 80a, Mountford close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QQ
Mr Stuart , Perrott 18, Bridge Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EH
Miss C Daniell, Daniell 29, Hathaway drive, Warwick, CV34 5RD
Mr Ian , Oliver 3, Keytes Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EP
Mrs Elizabeth Brookes, Brookes 8, Hemmings Mill, Barford, CV35 8BP
Mr Matthew , Cobb 54, Wellesbourne road, Barford, CV35 8DS
Mr James , Darbyshire 22, Yew Tree Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EF
Mr Thomas , Brookes 8, Hemmings Mill, Barford, CV35 8BP
Miss Sophie Brookes, Brookes 8, Hemmings Mill, Barford, CV35 8BP
Mr B , Saunders 60, Mountford Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9QQ
Mrs Lesley , Gilbert Woodnooke, Church Road, Sherbourne, Warwick, CV35 8AN
Heather , Harvey 12, Ryland Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BY
Mr J , Shakespeare 83, Elliott Drive, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RT
kowalewski, kowalewski 6, Frost Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UF
Dr Bhavin , Bakrania 4, Twain Gardens, Warwick, CV34 6TR
Mr Carl , Smith 2, Farriers Court, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Miss Katy , Harris 14, Mill Lane, Barford, CV35 6BQ
Mrs Wendy , Smith 2, Farriers Court, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Mrs Samantha P , Bonnington 28, Cozens Street, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SU
Mrs N , Tolley 41, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwickshire, CV35 8DS
Mr J , Tolley 41, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwickshire, CV35 8DS
Dr Adam , Griffiths 2, Sherbourne Court, Warwick, CV35 8AW
Mrs A , Hawkesford 7, Carter Drive, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8ET
Mrs Holly , Andrew 2, Sherbourne Court, Warwick, CV35 8AW
Ms Tracey , Rose Elderleigh, Lowes Lane, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TU
Miss Isabel , Harrison-Hall 24, Church Street, Barford, CV35 8EN
Mrs E , Harrison-Hall 24, Church Street, Barford, CV35 8EN
Mr J , Tompkins NA, NA, NA, NA, CV35 9EA
Mr Huw , Griffiths 3, Gaskell Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EU
, Williams 11, Church Street, Warwick, CV35 8EN
Mr Michael , Roberts 3, Bridge Street, Barford, CV35 8EH
Mrs Catherine , Steed 18, Canon Price Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EQ
Ms H , Miles 15, Chestnut Square, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QS
Ms , Venuto 5, Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
Miss Helen , Leathers 10, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DG
Dr Helen , Veater 13, Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
Mr Adam , KIng 13, Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
Mrs M Crawford, Crawford 8a, The Garden House, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8ET
Mrs Mary , Peirson 46, Church Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EN
Mrs Rebecca , Fraser 4, Hareway Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DB
Miss May , Markham 6, Farriers Court, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Mr Mark , Davies 35, Daniell Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9UD
Mr Paul , Johnstone 5, Dugard Place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DX
Mr J , Roper The Old Forge, Snitterfield Street, Hampton Lucy, Warwickshire, CV35 8AX
Mrs A , Gold 2, Theatre Court, Theatre Street, Warwick, CV34 4DY
Miss Danielle , Moyce 3, Paulet Lane, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9US
Mr Jack , Troth 2, Otters Rest, Leamington Spa, CV31 1AD
Mr John , Stather 10, Keytes Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EP
Mrs Claire , Restell 15, Grantham Road, Warwick, CV35 9JJ
Dr Caitlin , Imray 48, Wellesbourne Rd, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DS
Mr Waleed , Agabani 122, Dovehouse Drive, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NR
Ms Nicola , Owen-Smith 6, Vulcan View, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SY
Mrs L , Butterworth 30, Cozens Street, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SU
Mr Robert , Morrissey Woodlands, Hareway Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DD
Sarah , Poskitt 26, Hewitt Road, Barford, CV35 8EZ
Neal , Layton 26, Hewitt Road, Barford, CV35 8EZ
Mr S , Alford 16, Wasperton Road, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Mrs SUSAN , DAVIES 35, Daniell Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9UD
Mrs Emma , Billingham Sherbourne Manor, Vicarage Lane, Sherbourne, Warwickshire, CV35 8AB
Mr Jonathan , Billingham Sherbourne Manor, Vicarage Lane, Sherbourne, Warwickshire, CV35 8AB
Mr Espen , Oshaug 43, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DS
Mrs Michelle L , Adam 21, Yew Tree Way, Barford, CV35 8EF
Mr Stephen , Panter The Loft, 1, Church Street, Barford, CV35 8EN
Mr Julian , Morgan 15, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EL
Mr Michael , Storey 15, Church Lane, Alveston, CV37 7QJ
Mr P , Bader 40, Hammond Green, Warwick, CV35 9EY
Mr Andrew , Clarke Eastfields, Friz Hill, Walton, CV35 9HH
Mr Richard , None 6, Lilac Grove, Warwick, CV34 5SU
Miss Macy , Adam 21, Yew Tree Way, Barford, CV35 8EF
Miss Ina , Drewitz 3, Yew Tree Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EF
dan , barton 34, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, CV35 9EY
Mrs Sandra , Blake 3, Alveston, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 7QG
Mrs Katherine , Underhill 26, Horseshoe Crescent, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, CV35 9SX
Mr I , Mobbs 30, Beale Close, Bishops Tachbrook, Leamington Spa, CV33 9QT
Mrs S , Mobbs 30, Beale Close, Bishops Tachbrook, Leamington Spa, CV33 9QT
Mr D. , McCourt Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BP
Mr William , Pusey Old Manor House, Queens Street, Halford, Shipston on Stour, CV36 5BT
Mrs Claire , Brook Prunier, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
, Shaw 19, Valletta Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TB
Miss Zoe , Versey 71, Bremridge Close, Barford, CV35 8DE
Mrs Jane , Pusey Old Manor House, Queens Street, Halford, Shipston on Stour, CV36 5BT
Mrs , Ashley Manor Orchard, Bridge Street, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QP
Mrs Sarah , Reynolds 23, Westham Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DP
Mr Alex , Packwood-Price 41, MORETON MORRELL, WARWICK, CV35 9BB
Mr Michael , Brook Prunier, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Mr Chris , Bolton King Heath Rise, Witney Road, Oxfordshire, Finstock, OX7 3DE
Mrs Charlotte , Bolton King Heath Rise, Witney Road, Oxfordshire, Finstock, OX7 3DE
Miss Emma , Lewis 2, Brook lane, Moreton Morrell, CV35 9AT
Mr Chris Jones , Jones 6, Halford, SHIPSTON-ON-STOUR, CV36 5DD
Mrs Hazel , Jones 6, The Lays, Halford, SHIPSTON-ON-STOUR, CV36 5DD
Mr Matthew , Hartley 42, Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
Mr E , Remi 37, Ettington Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RJ
Mrs Kimberley , Pulley 17, Bridge Street, Barford, CV35 8EH
Miss R , Niblett The Treehouse, Charlecote, Warwickshire, CV35 9GZ
Mr Mike , Smith 4, Findons Field, Warwick, CV35 0PP
Mrs Emma L , Smith 4, Findons Field, Warwick, CV35 0PP
Mr Simon , Lytton 40, Maple Road, Bicester, OX26 6QY
Ms N 30, Hendry 30, Church Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EN
J , Jeffery 18, High Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BU
Mr Lewis , McAuliffe 3, Pickard Place, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, CV35 9UR
Mr Sam , Gartenfeld-Archer 26, Hillman Grove, Birmingham, B36 9LX
Miss Jessica , Harrison 37, Bremridge Close, Barford, CV35 8DE
Mrs L , Tuck The Oaks, Snitterfield Street, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8AX
Mr Simon , Wilson 55, Chapel Street, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QU
Mrs Susan , Lockyer 51, Dugard Place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DX
Mr Paul , Lockyer 51, Dugard Place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DX
Mrs Charlotte , Scott 35, Church Street, Barford, CV35 8BS
Mr Jim , Bryant 14, Verdon Place, Barford, CV35 8BT
Mr Oliver , Yazdianpour 6, Gaskell way, Warwick, CV35 8EU
Miss Emma , Bryant 14, Verdon place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BT
Mrs Catherine , Horsfall Fieldbank, 6, Verdon Place, Barford, CV35 8BT
Mr Andrew , Hawkins 25, Wasperton lane, Barford, Near Warwick, CV358DT
Mr Ian P , Phillips 148, Dovehouse Drive, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NR
Mrs Violet , Liddington 34, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DG
Mrs K , Liddington 28, Bremridge close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DG
Mr Chris , Walkingshaw 4, Gaskell Way, Warwick, CV35 8EU
Mrs Colleen , Walkingshaw 4, Gaskell Way, Warwick, CV35 8EU
Mrs P , Phillips 148, Dovehouse Drive, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NR
Cegielski, Cegielski Staddlestones, Warwick, CV35 9DR
Mr Paul , Jackson 10, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Mr Martin , Woodcock 2, Hopkins Way, Warwick, CV35 9UE
Miss Caitlin , Bryant 14, Verdon Place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BT
Mr J , FOX 355, Green Lane, Finham, Coventry, CV36EJ
Mrs B , FOX 355, Green Lane, Finham, Coventry, CV36EJ
Miss Georgia , Tolley 41, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, CV35 8DS
Mr Joshua , Cooper 2, Yew Tree Way, Barford, CV35 8EF
Mrs Gillian , Glover The Retreat, Hareway Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DD
Mrs M , Baker 5. Avoncliffe, Main Street, Tiddington, Stratford on Avon, CV37 7AS
Mr , Jacobs 60, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DS
Mrs J , Jacobs 60, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DS
Mr , McGinty 12, Hemmings Mill, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BP
, Wither 1, Carter Drive, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8ET
Dr A , De Martino 38, Lillington Road, Leamington Spa, CV32 5YZ
Mrs Sara , Begg Claremont House, Grovehurst Park, Kenilworth, CV8 2XR
Mr David/D , Coleman 8, Bridge Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EH
Ms Carmel/C , O'Hagan 8, Bridge Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EH
Mr Neil , Bayliss Quince Corner, Combrook, CV35 9HP
Miss T , Burrow 53, Bristol Way, Warwick, CV35 9TJ
Mrs Helen , Sollis 8, Cranwell Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PT
Mr Rory , Hayden 21, Wilkins Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EX
Mrs Ann , Hayden 21, Wilkins Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EX
Mrs C , Lees 3, Elliotts Orchard, Warwick, CV35 8ED
Mr Alex , Lees 22, Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
Mrs C , Palfreyman 10, Rivermead Drive, Stratford upon Avon, CV37 7AL
Mrs S , Leung 2, Culworth Close, Leamington spa, CV31 3DH
Mrs Emma , Alford 16, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Dr Martyn , Pitt 3A, High Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BU
, Monticelli 7, Farriers Court, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Mr adam , donfrancesco 6, Wellesbourne Road, Warwick, CV35 8EL
Ms cleo , donfrancesco 6, Wellesbourne Road, Warwick, CV35 8EL
Mr R , donfrancesco 6, Wellesbourne Road, Warwick, CV35 8EL
Mr Christopher , Thorn 18, Manor Lane, Ettington, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 7TE
Mrs Maureen , Ankrett 7, Walton Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RD
Mr CM , Ankrett 7, Walton Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RD
Mr David , Howell 3, The Close, Hampton Lucy, CV35 8AY
Mr Tim , Warwick 7, Hemmings Mill, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BP
Mrs Jennie , Carter 20, Wasperton Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DU
Mrs Charlotte , Warwick 7, Hemmings Mill, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BP
Mrs Hilary , Burvill 41, Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
Mr B , Blackham The Dovecote, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Miss N , Ellis The Dovecote, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Miss Siobhan , ffrench 8, Church Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8ES
Mr , Uppal 2, Emerson Close, Warwick, CV34 6NQ
Mr Mark S , Hambly 11, Valletta Way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TB
Mr M , Williams 9, Church Street, Barford, CV35 8EN
Mr J SharpPR, Sharp 5, Ryland Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BY
Mrs Katie , Matthews-Male 15, Fairbanks, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Mr Thomas , Male 15, Fairbanks, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Ms CHRISTINE , GRAHAM 15, Ryland Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BY
Mr M , Harry 9, Gaskell Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EU
Miss Abigail , Burvill 41, Sandy way, Barford, CV35 8DY
Mr Duncan , Carter 20, Wasperton Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DU
Dr Blaire , Davies Avon Gate, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Mr Craig , Turner 11, Bremridge Close, Barford, CV35 8DE
Mr Simon , Sharp 5, Ryland road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BY
Miss I , Pery 4, Church Lane, Warwick, Barford, CV35 8ES
Mr B , Campbell 17, Hampdon Way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NX
Mrs Suzanne N/A, Pery 4, Chruch Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8ES
Dr Richard , Powe 10, Hewitt Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EZ
Mrs Arlette , Henry 10, Hewitt Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EZ
Mr Peter , Tindall 22, Dugard Place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DX
Mr Christopher , Day 6, Herwin Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9WD
Mr A , Newman 47, Westfield Crescent, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RP
Mr Simon , Peet 6, Steeds Court, Barford, CV35 8DZ
Mr John , Billingham Hallows, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Miss Megan , Jenkins 14, Gloster gardens, Warwick, CV35 9TQ
Mrs Andrea , Billingham Hallows, Wasperton, Warwick, CV358EB
Rev. William , Howard 21, Daniell Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UD
Mr D , BOWSKILL 36, Hammond Green, Warwick, CV35 9EY
Mrs C , Bowskill 36, Hammond Green, Warwick, CV35 8EY
Mr Michael , Cooke 30, Bristol Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TJ
Miss J , Bowskill 36, Hammond Green, Warwick, CV35 9EY
Mrs Sarah , Ransome 23, High Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BU
Mrs Claire N/A, Day 14, Gloster Gardens, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TQ
Mrs Deborah Howes, Howes 23, Dugard Place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DX
Mr Russell , Stevens 37, Verdon Place, Barford, CV35 8BT
Jane , Markham 6, Farriers Court, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Dr Matija , SOKOLA 49, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DE
Mrs Emma , Saych 7, Lincoln Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9JE
Mr Robert , Prance 55, Bremridge close, Barford, CV35 8DE
Ms Sheila , Barclay 1, Gaskell Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EU
Miss Gabriela , Tanase 6, Herwin close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9WD
Mr Elliot , Cooke 2, Moat Green, Sherbourne, Warwick, CV358AJ
Mr T , andrews 75, Horseshoe crescent, Wellesbourne, CV35 9SX
Gregory , Hanna 5, Yew Tree Way, Barford, Warwick, CV358EF
Dr Carrie , Hurst 5, Yew Tree Way, Barford, CV35 8EF
Dr Craig , Joyce 37, Sid Courtney Road, CV37 7FA
Miss Charlotte , Jones Cobb Cottage, Carter’s lane, Tiddington, CV37 7AP
Mr Steadman 19, Waterloo Close, Warwick, CV35 9JG
Miss J , Ellershaw 61, Anslow Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9UT
Mr L , Northwood 61, Anslow Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9UT
Ms Jane , Burgoyne 18, Keytes Lane, Barford, CV35 8EP
Dr F , Ramadani 1, The Cedars, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DW
Mr , Cenciotti 3, Horseshoe Crescent, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SX
Mr Dominic , Bes-Jeary 42, Cozens Street, Warwick, CV35 9SU
Mrs Rebecca , Stewart 81, Bremridge Close, Barford, CV35 8DE
Mr Louis , Mildred 30, Bridge street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EH
Mrs Susan , Hewitt 17, Sid Courtney Road, Tiddington, Stratford upon Avon, CV37 7FA
Mr S , Timms 17, Cranwell Drive, Wellesbourne, CV35 9PT
Mr Andy , Steel 94, Loxley Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 7DS
Mr Andrew , Kitching Woodlands House, Hareway Lane, Barford, CV35 8DD
Mr M , Woollard Leawood, 22 Kineton Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9LQ
Miss Charlotte , Jones Cobb Cottage, Carter’s lane, Tiddington, CV37 7AP
Mr justin , pegg 3, Hewitt Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EZ
Mrs Catherine Anne , Pegg 3, hewitt road, barford, warwick, CV35 8EZ
Miss A , Lazarus 26a, Keytes Lane, CV35 8EP
Mrs Lorraine , Facer 16, Lancaster close, Warwick, CV35 9JF
Mr Matthew , Facer 16, Lancaster Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9JF
Mr H , Addis 55, Hopkins Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UE
Mrs Maureen , Prosser 31, Sid Courtney road, Tiddington, CV37 7FA
Mr Derek , Webb 26, Carters Lane, Tiddington, Stratford on Avon, CV37 7AP
Mrs Judith , Letchford 5, Farther Sand Close, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8BL
Mr Jack , Bingley 1, Lamb Close, Stratford-Upon-Avon, CV37 7FT
Mrs Claire , Kovacs 25, Hewitt Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EZ
Mr Robert , Kovacs 25, Hewitt Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EZ
Mr Matthew , Watson 21, Loxley Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RU
Mr S , Lovatt 24, Valletta way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TB
Miss Suzanne , Taylor 38, Manston Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TG
Mr Thomas , Mancini 113, Elliot Drive, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RT
Mrs Alison , Selwood 2, Long Ground, Wellesbourne, CV35 9AH
Mr Steven , Anderson Larchdale, Lowes Lane, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TU
Miss Amanda , Oldfield 4, Hammerton Way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NT
Mrs Kathryn , Goodwin 9, Constance Harris close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PZ
Ms H , Bissell The Flat, 4-6 Bridge Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EH
Chloe , Medlock-Webb 16, Claypitts Boulevard, Warwick, CV34 6HQ
Miss Amelia , Burgess 136, Dovehouse Drive, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NR
Mrs Tracy , Armstrong 56, Pembroke Gardens, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PX
Mr Ian , Hyde 1, Pitt Avenue, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UJ
Miss N , Mason 1 Overbury way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UL
Mr C , Lange 1 Overbury way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UL
Miss L Barton, Barton 1, Lamb Close, Stratford-Upon-Avon, CV37 7FT
Mrs Sharon , Gibbs 7, Loxley Close, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, CV35 9RU
Mrs Olesea , Vlasiuc 26, Hammerton Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NT
Mrs Vicki , Lally 7, Constance Harris Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PZ
Mr Levi , Edwards 17, The Spinney, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8DJ
Mrs Tess , Venus 15, Blenheim Walk, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LJ
Mrs S J , Appleyard 28, The Close, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8AY
Mr Mark , Revell 23, Lancaster Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9JF
Manjit , Ray 24, Horseshoe Crescent, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SX
Mr D , Francis 3, Stratford Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RN
Mr Christopher , Robinson Avonside, Church Street, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8BE
Mrs Catherine , Barker 29, Ettington Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RJ
Mrs Kathryn , Goodwin 9, Constance Harris close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PZ
Mrs N , Sun 4, Maple way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9SR
Mr P , Sun 4, Maple way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9SR
Mr James , Statham 25, Cozens Street, Warwick, CV35 9SU
Ms G , Tennant Tile Barn Farm, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8BQ
Ms Laura , Thompson 10, Lincoln Close, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, CV35 9JE
Mr A , Punnett 2, The Close, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8AY
Mr Liam , Bailey 31, Horseshoe crescent, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SX
Mr David , Gillam Swan House, 22 The Spinney, Warwickshire, Hampton Lucy, CV35 8DJ
Mrs Teresa , Gillam Swan House, 22 The Spinney, Warwickshire, Hampton Lucy, CV35 8DJ
Mrs Andrea , Smith 5, Sherbourne Court, Warwick, CV35 8AW
Mr Robert , Vaughan 46, Pembroke Gardens, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PX
Miss Helen , Scott 47, Wharf Street, Warwick, CV34 5LA
Mrs Carolyn , Brown 53, Horseshoe Crescent, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SX
Miss Hazel , Prickett 38, Horseshoe crescent, Warwick, CV35 9SX
Mrs Michelle , Hackett 27, Pembroke Gardens, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PU
Mr Paul , Hackett 27, Pembroke Gardens, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PU
Mr D , Francis 3, Stratford Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RN
Mr Nick , Manning 8, Redhill Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SP
Mr Geoffrey Langworthy, Langworthy 8, Bridge Street, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QP
Miss PATRICIA , SOLOMON 24, Loxley Close, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, CV35 9RU
Mrs Rita , Poole 3, Valletta Way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TB
Mr Bhushan , Virulkar 10, Cozens street, Wellesbourne, CV35 9SU
Mrs Dhanashree , Mahurkar 10, Cozens street, Wellesbourne, CV35 9SU
Mrs Susan , Thornett 9, Sunderland Place, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LE
Ms Janine , Dickinson 53, Chapel Street, Wellesbourne, CV35 9QU
Mr Danny , Nussbaum 15, Hotchkiss Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9JD
Ms Jayne , Bartlett 15, Hotchkiss Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9JD
Mr David , Howe 7, Lowes Lane, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RB
Miss Amelia , Burgess 136, Dovehouse Drive, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NR
Mr Neil , Harrison 27, Keytes Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EP
Mrs Nicole , Harrison 27, Keytes Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EP
Mrs Jayne , Delday 63, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DE
Ms Timothy , Bugg 1, Hithersand Close, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8BW
Miss Joanne , Griffiths 89, Bremridge Close, Barford, CV35 8DE
Mrs Jael , Smart 4, Wheelwright way, Wellesbourne, Stratford upon avon, CV35 9SZ
Mr Andrew Shaw , Shaw 38, Valletta Way, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, CV35 9TB
Mr Donald , Lee 32, Gloster Gardens, Wellesbourne, Warkwickshire, CV35 9TQ
Mrs Susan , Lee 32, Gloster Gardens, Wellesbourne, Warkwickshire, CV35 9TQ
Mr Stephen , Dixon 23, Gloster gardens, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TQ
Mrs Angela , Dixon 23, Gloster gardens, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TQ
Mrs Kim , Allsopp 19, Hampdon Way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NX
Mr Nick , Jones 9, Wilkins close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EX
Mrs Jacqueline , Newton 43, Kineton Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LQ
Mr marc , cooper College House, School Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NH
Mr Mark , Rigby 22, Whitehead Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PW
Miss L , Keatinge 27, Canon Price Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EQ
Mr M , Holbrook 5, Charlecote Fields, Wellesbourne, CV35 9PG
Mr Anthony , Barr 37, Mountford Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QG
Miss C , Walton 39, Warwick road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NA
Mr John , Holmes 27, Canon Price Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EQ
Mr Gary , Thorne 39, Willow drive, Wellesbourne, CV35 9SB
Mrs Sheena , Jose 10, Whitehead Drive, Warwick, CV35 9PW
Mrs Jane , Cann 21, Hotchkiss Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9JD
Mrs S , Naylor 10, Chapel Street, Wellesbourne, CV35 9QU
Mrs Hannah , Holloway 1, Oak Avenue, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SS
Mr Sabu , Vadakkel 10, Whitehead drive, Warwick, CV35 9PW
Mrs Jessica , Newton 4, Kineton road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NF
Mr Ben , Newton 4, Kineton road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NF
Mrs Laura , Bader 40, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, CV35 9EY
, Lewis 38, Cozens Street, Wellesbourne, CV35 9SU
Mr John , Holmes 27, Canon Price Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EQ
Mrs Alison N/A, Cooper College House, School Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NH
Mr Richard , Bryan 37, Elliott Drive, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RS
Mr Alex , Jefferson 35, Gloster Gardens, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TQ
Mrs Claire , Bryan 37, Elliott Drive, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RS
Mrs Katherine , Smith 24, The Close, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8AY
Miss C , Walton 39, Warwick road, Warwick, CV35 9NA
Mr James , Anderson 43, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, CV359EY
Mr Karen , Anderson 43, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, CV359EY
Miss Emma , Nicklin 5 The Mews, Wellesbourne House, Walton Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TP
Mr Andrew , GRIDLEY 6, Ramsay Green, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EE
Miss L , Blythman 34, Westfield Crescent, Warwick, CV35 9RP
Miss Eleanor , Rowe 3, St. Luke Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9AW
Miss N , Padar 6, Mordaunt Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QB
Mrs Lynda , Smith 15, Lysander Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TD
Mr B , Lenton 5, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NZ
Miss L , Waugh 2, Newbold Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NZ
Miss A , Lenton 2, Newbold Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NZ
Mrs Nancy , Wells 3, Canberra Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TR
Mr , Hawtin 6, Sunderland Place, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LE
Miss Katherine , Hemsley 4, St Luke Drive, Wellesbourne, CV35 9AW
Dr Scott , Bottles The Little House, 17 Chestnut Square, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV37 9QS
Mr Mark , Elliott 29, Gloster Gardens, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TQ
Mr M , Leggett 15, Bristol way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TJ
Miss G , Leggett 15, Bristol way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TJ
Miss C , Leggett 15, Bristol way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TJ
Mrs J , Leggett 15, Bristol way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TJ
Dr Christopher , Morrow 38, Bremridge Close, Barford, WARWICK, CV35 8DG
Ms Helen , Robertschild 74, Fields Court, Warwick, CV34 5HP
Mrs Kelly , Hall 12, Oaktree Close, Moreton Morrell, Warwick, CV35 9BB
Mr Jamie , Kendall 1, Wellington Close, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, CV35 9JQ
Mrs j , keogh 3, Crosslands, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TN
Mr p , keogh 3, Crosslands, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TN
Miss Isabelle , Markham 6, Farriers Court, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Mrs J , Aiello 83, Willow drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RX
, Ashman 41, Mordaunt Road, Warwick, CV35 9QA
Mr O , Brazier 1b, Mountford Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QG
Mrs Jayne , Gillitt Watchbury Barn, High Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BU
Mr Andrew , Gillitt Watchbury Barn, High Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BU
Miss Lucy , Gillitt Watchbury Barn, High Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BU
Mr Alex , Gillitt Watchbury Barn, High Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BU
Mr James , Nicholls 43, Dugard Place, Barford, CV35 8DX
Mr Nicholas , Kajkowski 4, Hemmings Mill, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BP
Miss Katie , Birditt 11, Frost road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UF
Mr N , Thomas 29, Price Close West, Warwick, CV34 6NR
Mr M , Kelly 5, Vine Cottages, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8BD
Mrs Clare , Stretton 10, Home Furlong, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TW
Mr Digby , Stoneman 5, Croft Close, Bishop’s Tachbrook, Leamington Spa, CV33 9RH
Mrs Ai-Huen , Taverner 59, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, CV35 9EY
Mr Colin , Pomfret 9, Dugard Place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DX
Mr Patrick , Hyland 45, Price close west, Warwick, CV34 6NR
Mr Jason , Taverner 59, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, CV35 9EY
Mrs J.M.R. , Smith 6, Hammond Green, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EY
Mr D , Whitehouse 5, Young Close, Warwick, CV34 6PW
Mr Paul , Lockwood 27, Narrow Hall Meadow, Chase Meadows, Warwick, CV346DR
Mrs Susan , Stephenson 36, Newbold Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QE
Mr Duncan , Wilson 35, Dugard Place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DX
Mr David , Hunt 3 New cottages, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Miss Alex , Pearce 2, The Cedars, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DW
Mrs T , Crawford 10, Home furlong, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, CV35 9TW
Ms Jenny , Marshall 27, Grantham road, Wellsbourne, Warwick, CV35 9JJ
Mrs Barbara , Morris 3, Shelby Lane, Snitterfield, Stratford upon Avon, CV37 0LU
Mrs Charlotte , Halasa 57, Elliott drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RT
Mr Ryan , Leech 79, Bremridge Close, Barford, CV35 8DE
Mr Lakhbir , Jaspal The Paddocks, Upper Farm Meadow, Gaydon, CV35 0HJ
Ms SUMANPREET , KAUR ?, mullard drive, leamington spa, CV31 2QE
Mrs Amanda , Massey 1, Old Rectory Cottages, Sherbourne, Warwick, CV35 8AB
Miss Tracy Jones, Jones 7, Canon Price Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EQ
Mr James , Lomas 1, Barford Woods, Warwick, CV34 6SZ
Miss Gabriella , Gal Copperfields, Shipton Road, Alderminster, CV37 8NX
Mr Philip , Savva Oakham Cottage, Loxley, Warwick, CV35 9HY
Ms J , Steele 37, The Greswoldes, Leamington Spa, CV31 1TP
Mrs Sarah , Taylor 8, Chance Fields, Leamington Spa, CV31 1TR
Mr John , Griffiths 1 The Templars, Bridge End, Warwick, CV34 6PF
Mr A J , Stewart Whiteacre, Moreton Paddox, Moreton Morrell, Warwick, CV35 9BS
Ms Kathleen , McNicholls 19, Price Close West, Chase Meadow, Warwick, CV34 6NR
Mr T , Hansen 18a, Bridge Street, Barford, CV35 8EH
Mr Gary Dunn, Dunn 8, Carter Drive, Barford, CV35 8ET
Mr D Sol Golf Society, Amor 21 Blackbades Boulevard, Warwick, CV34 6DT
Mr Marc , Wassall 14, Gloster Gardens, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TQ
Mrs Caroline L , Aspden St John’s House, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Mrs Joanne , Myatt 3, Westfield Crescent, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, CV35 9RP
Mr , Allen 40, Delany Avenue, Warwick, CV35 9UA
Mr James , Walker 32, Mountford close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QG
Mr Edward , Hoare 2, The Laglands, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8BN
Mrs J , Bradbury 23, Yew Tree Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EF
Mrs Alison , McFall 6, Canberra close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TR
Mr Martin , Nevin Lindens, Wasperton, CV35 8EB
Mr S , Morris Seven Elms, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EE
Mrs m , sanders 1, Dugard Place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DX
Dr Sam , Ibbs 1, The Cedars, Wasperton Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DW
Mrs L , Badger 21, Mordaunt Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9QB
Miss J , Matthews 108 Lowbrook Lane, Tidbury Green, Solihull, B90 1QS
Mrs Hayleigh , Powell 20, Yew Tree Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EF
Mrs H , Lynch 15, Kineton Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NE
Mrs H , Moore 14, Ryland Road, Barford, CV35 8BY
Mrs Evie , Layton 11, Nurseries road, CV35 9QL
Miss Jacqueline , Slora 5, Church Street, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8BE
Mr Stewart , MacKinlay Manor Court, Manor Lane, Kineton, CV350JT
Mr Matthew , Webb Sagera, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Mr C , Bennett 6, Twigger Drive, Adjoining village, Barford, CV35 8EY
Mr Louis Hamilton-Smith Technologies, Hamilton-Sm 23, Verdon Place, Barford, CV35 8BT
Mrs Katie , Skan Avonview, Manor Farm Barn, Wasperton, CV35 8EB
Mr Tom , Skan Avonview, Manor Farm Barn, Wasperton, CV35 8EB
Mr Tom , Miles 12, Admiral Cowan way, Kineton, CV35 0QG
Mrs Jayne , Tutt 18, Stratford Road, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8BH
Mr Martin , Nevin Lindens, Wasperton, CV35 8EB
Mrs Dominique , Mowle 29, Canon Price Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EQ
Mrs , Perez Coach House Mews, Coventry Road, Warwick, CV34 4LD
Mr , Lozano 19, Wasperton Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DT
Mrs , Puszczynska 19, Wasperton Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DT
Mr Nick , Hansen 18a, Bridge Street, Barford, CV35 8EH
Miss Holltt , Hughes 14, Shreres Dyche, Warwick, CV34 6BX
Mrs A , Parker 20, Brookside avenue, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9RZ
Miss j , inglis 49, Warwick Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9LX
Ms , Sanghera 26, Sandy Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DY
Miss Sandra N/A, Sokola 49, Bremridge Close, Barford, CV35 8DE
Miss Heather , Mitchellart 12, Admiral Cowan Way, Kineton, Warwick, CV35 0QG
Mr Ryan , Norris 1, Church Street, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8BE
, O’Neill 73, Bremridge Close, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DE
Mr Brian , Franks The Kimbels, 5 Hewitt Road, Barford, WARWICK, CV35 8EZ
Mrs Isla , FRANKS The Kimbels, 5 Hewitt Road, Barford, CV35 8EZ
Mr Anthony , Harrison 72, Foxes way, Warwick, CV34 6AY
Mrs Nicola , Savery 4, Westham Lane, Barford, CV35 8DP
Mrs Hellen , empson 2, Keytes Lane, Barford, CV35 8EP
Miss Rosemary , Way 111, West Street, Warwick, CV34 6AH
Mrs Carolyn , Broadfield 8, Keytes Lane, Barford, CV35 8EP
Mr Charles , Broadfield 8, Keytes Lane, CV35 8EP
Mrs S , Prenton-Jones 6, Willow Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SB
Mr Neil G , Hayes 6, Willow Drive, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SB
Mr Antoni , Kajkowski 4, Hemmings Mill, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BP
Miss Lucy A R , Harris 36, Frost Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UF
Mr Simon , RICHES 50, Green Farm End, Kineton, CV35 0LD
Mrs Barbara , Moore Priors Garden, Watery Lane, Sherbourne, Warwick, CV35 8AL
Mrs T , Crosby Garden House, CV35 8BZ
Mr Jamie , Hardy 8, Wasperton Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DT
Mr Daniel , Richards Glebe Farm, Wellesbourne road, Wasperton, CV35 8EE
Mrs Amy , Brant-Richards Glebe Farm, Wellesbourne road, Wasperton, CV35 8EE
Mr Malcolm , Knowles 61, Bridge End, Warwick, CV34 6PD
Ms Fiona , Jefferson Seven Elms Barn, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EE
Mr Thomas , Spankie 8, Church Lane, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8ES
Mrs Diana , Phillips 4, Farriers Court, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Mrs Rose , Lord 23, Canon Price Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EQ
Mrs Rhian , Bailey 4, Chapel street, Bishops Itchington, Southam, CV47 2RB
Mr Simon , RICHES 50, Green Farm End, Kineton, CV35 0LD
Mr Gerard , Swan 35, Wellesbourne Road, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DS
Ms Tina , Payne 4, Angelas Meadow, Wellesbourne, CV36 4GG
Mr Daniel , Richards Glebe Farm, Wellesbourne road, Wasperton, CV35 8EE
Mr Philip , Evans Priors Garden, Watery Lane, Sherbourne, Wrawick, CV35 8AL
Ms Susan , Packnell 53, Elliot Drive, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RT
Ms Tanya , Williams 26, Newbold Place, Wellesbourne, CV35 9PB
Mrs Nina , Cooper Debden Hollow, Barford Hill, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BZ
Ms Jenny , Laight 100, Kingsley Road, Wellesbourne, CV33 9RY
Mrs Tatiana , Elek 8 Gaskell Way, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8EU
Mr John , Mousley 11, Oaktree Close, Morton Morrell, CV35 9BB
Mr Martyn , Barrington 12, Kineton Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NF
Mr Iain , Donnelly 4, Charlecote Road, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, CV35 9LU
Mrs Janet , Gargan 21, Lysander Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9TD
Mrs Susan , Lampitt Thelsford Farm, Charlecote, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9EJ
Mr Dan , Forrester 12, Purser Drive, Warwick, CV34 6BW
Mr David , Curneen The Granary, Manor Farm, Wasperton, Warwick, CV35 8EB
Mr F , Cooper Debden Hollow, Barford Hill, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BZ
Miss Georgina , Bartlett 33, Sandy Way, Barford, CV35 8DY
Mrs L P , Wright 11, Debden Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9TH
Mrs Samantha , Thomas 21, Waterloo Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9JG
Mr Martin , Gibson 3, Yew Tree Way, Barford, CV35 8EF
Mr Philip , Morris 47, Dugard Place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DX
Mrs , Hogg 33, Dugard Place, Warwick, CV35 8DX
Mr Ian , Hogg 33, Dugard Place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DX
Mrs Marion , McDonnell 18, Narrow Hall Meadow, Warwick, CV34 6DR
Mrs Emily , Cox Redwood House, 25 High Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BU
Mr Andrew , Cox 25, High Street, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8BU
Mr David , Barrott 4, Dugard Place, Barford, Warwick, CV35 8DX
Mrs Christine , Dawes 19, Lee Meadows, Warwick, Warwick, CV346BU
, walk-this-way-Warwickshire 7, Hickmans Green Close, Warwick, CV34 6LJ
Mrs Helen , Mercer 15, Warmington Grove, Warwick, CV34 5RZ
Mr Peter , Vale-Humohreys 23, Hampdon Way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NX
Miss Phoebe , Jefferson Seven elms barn, Wasperton, Warwickshire, CV35 8EE
Mr Daniel , Picariello 10, Lynnon Field, Warwick, CV34 6DH
Dr D , Patel 6, Ward Grove, Warwick, CV34 6QL
Mrs Kat , Brazier 1B, Mountford Close, Wellesbourne, CV35 9QG
Miss Leanne , Durnford 20, Lodge Crescent, Warwick, CV346BB
Mr Barrie , Powell 34, Church Street, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8BE
Mr Tony , Dowling 11, Mordant road, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, CV35 9QB
Mrs Heather , Newman 35, Hopkins Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9UE
Mr Owen , Vickery 3, Hampdon Way, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV359NX
Mr T M , Bryant 6, Hammerton Way, Wellesbourne, CV35 9NT
Mr Paul , Mas 43, Cherry Lane, Hampton Magna, Warwick, CV35 8SP
Mrs L , Booth Oak Avenue, 10, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9SS
C , Green Flat 2, Westham House, Westham Lane, Warwick, CV35 8DP
Mr Andy , Bacon 6, Verden Avenue, Warwick, CV34 6RX
Mr Neal , Marston 17, Hastings Road, Wellesbourne, CV35 9PP
Mr Malcolm , Knowles 61, Bridge End, Warwick, CV34 6PD
Mrs Peneope , KnightAdams 36, Priors Grove Close, Chase Meadow, Warwick, CV34 6LY
Mr G , D 40, Bremridge Close, Barford, CV35 8DG
Mr J Tolley The Coach House, 16, High Street, Barford, CV35 8BU
Mrs S Tolley The Coach House, 16, High Street, Barford, CV35 8BU
Dr Peter , Iredale 10, Little Field Close, Warwick, CV34 6HY
Ms Emily , Knowles 5, Elliott Drive, Wellesbourne, CV35 9RS
Mrs Elizabeth , McKenna Little Hands, Church Street, Hampton Lucy, CV35 8BE
Mrs S J , Appleyard 28, The Close, Hampton Lucy, Warwick, CV35 8AY
Miss Lauren , Digiorgio 31, Dugard place, Warwick, CV35 8DX
Mr David J , Allbright 69, Horseshoe Crescent, Warwickshire, CV359SX
Mrs Anne , Thomas 19, School Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9NH
Mrs Clare , Mcbeath 32, Bremridge close, Barford, Warwick, CV358DG
Mr R , Hanick 57, Tiddington, Stratford Upon Avon, CV37 7BU
Miss L , Walker 6, CV35 9LY
Mrs Rachel , Macrae 10, Constance Harris Close, Wellesbourne, Warwick, CV35 9PZ
Miss S , Lines 85, Stratford Road, Warwick, CV34 6BG


There are no amendments for this application

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