Application details

Application details: RBC/20CM010
Planning application ref:



Wolston Field Farm Quarry, Wolston Lane, Wolston, CV8 3ES


Proposed erection and operation of a sand and gravel processing plant and weighbridge with associated silting facilities.

Application date:

Registration date:


Publicity start date:


Publicity end date:


Decision date:




Extension of time to:


Application type:

Minerals Major

District / Borough:

Rugby Borough


Ryton-on-Dunsmore Wolston

Electoral Division:

Earl Craven Dunsmore & Leam Valley


Granted on 08-Feb-2022


This application has already been decided, and you cannot comment on it.

Case officer:

Paul Wilcox 

Applicant details





Surname/company name:

Smith Concrete Ltd 

Company contact name:



Southam Road, Banbury, Oxfordshire 

Case officer:

Paul Wilcox 

Agent details





Surname/company name:


Company contact name:



Landesign, Ark Business Centre, Unit 3 Gordon Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11N1JP 

Publicity details

Publicity start date:


Publicity end date:


Associated media

Click on column headings to sort.

Description Filename
Flood Risk Assessment 2962_FRA_vn_F1_(Apr_20)_complete.pdf
Specification for Archaeology works Phases 4 - 8 Archaeology_Phases_4-8_-_PC373_-_WSI_4-8_v.i_(2).pdf
Maps & Drawing E1944-GA-001-D_Smiths_-_Wolston_Fields_Quarry_OPTION_3.pdf
Hedgerow protection Plan Hedgerow_Protection_Plan_16-8-2016_(1).pdf
Map & Drawing LD127-WFQ-001_Landscape_Plan-A3L.pdf
Application Form PA_FORM_COMPLETED.pdf
Planning statement Planning_Statement__20200530_v2_(1).pdf
Map & Drawing W179_56_(1).pdf
Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment Wolston_Landscape_Appraisal_report_.pdf
Certificate B 32045_CertificateB_Redacted.pdf
Agricultural Holding Certificate 32059_WolstonAgriculturalHoldingCertificate_Redacted.pdf
Specification for Archaeology works Phases 1 - 3 Archaeology_Phases_1-3__.pdf
Air Quality Impact Assessment Final January 2020 Air_Quality_Impact_Assessment_Final_Jan_2020.pdf
W179/59 Revised Proposed Silt Lagoon System Jan 2021 W179_59.pdf
W179 49e- Proposed Plan Layout Jan 2021 W179_49e-A3L.pdf
W179 53b Planning Application Area Jan 2021 W179_53b-A2P.pdf
Letter Response from Harfren Water Jan 2021 Letter_Response_(Jan_2021)_complete_Redacted.pdf
LD127-WFQ-002 Site Administration Layout Jan 2021 LD127-WFQ-002-A3L_(1).pdf
LD127-WFQ-003 Post Extraction Restoration & Landscapes Plan Dec 2020 LD127-WFQ-003-WWT-A2P_(2).pdf
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Report Jan 2021 210107_406.00027.00529_Wolston_Fields_PEA(final).pdf
Noise Impact Assessment Jan 2020 Wolston_Fields_Farm_Noise_Oct_2020_(1).pdf
Habitat Impact Assessment Wolston_Fields_WCS_BIA_v.19.1.xls
MAFF Maps Wolston_Fields_MAFF_Maps.pdf
Decision Notice 08/02/2022 RBC20CM010_Planning_Decision_Redacted.pdf
Section 106 Agreement - Redacted Section_106_Agreement_Redacted.pdf
Discharge of Condition 20 - Drainage Maintenance Plan 38365_Condition_20_-_Maintenance_Plan_for_Water_Management_Scheme.pdf
SUPERSEDED Discharge of Condition 21 & 24 - LEMP 38548_Condition_21_and_Condition_24_-_Landscape_and_Ecological_Management_Plan.pdf
Discharge of Condition 22 & 29 - Construction and Environmental Management Plan 38550_Condition_22_and_29_-_CEMP.pdf
Discharge of Condition 23 - Hedgerow Protection 38560_Condition_23_-_Hedgerow_Protection_Plan_2022_25-8-2022.pdf
Discharge of Condition 25 & 49 - Aftercare Plan 38557_Condition_25_and_49_-_Wolston_Fields_25_Year_Aftercare_Aug_2022.pdf
Discharge of Condition 27 - Lighting Plan 38559_Condition_27_-_Lighting_PLan_C577797-SP1289-LAYOUT-01B.pdf
Discharge of Condition 21 & 24 38548_Condition_21_and_Condition_24_-_Landscape_and_Ecological_Management_Plan.pdf
Discharge of Condition 21 & 24 DISCHARGE_OF_CONDITION_LETTER_18.11.22Wolston_Fields_Farm.pdf
Discharge of Condition 21 & 24 LEMP_rec'd_02.06.23_LD127-WFQ-004apdf.pdf
Discharge of Condition 21 & 24 RBC20CM010_Ecology_response_17.11.22.pdf
Discharge of Condition 21 & 24 RBC20CM010_Ecology_response_23.11.22.pdf
Discharge of Condition 21 & 24 RBC20CM010_Wolston_Fields_Farm_DOC_letter_Condition_21_and_24.pdf
Discharge of Condition 25 & 49 38557_Condition_25_and_49_-_Wolston_Fields_25_Year_Aftercare_Aug_2022.pdf
Discharge of Condition 25 & 49 RBC20CM010_Ecology_response_17.11.22.pdf
Discharge of Condition 21 & 24 RBC20CM010_Ecology_Response_21.06.23.pdf

Appeal details

There are no appeal details for this application

Legal agreements

There are no legal agreements for this applicationsss


Click on column headings to sort.

There are no consultees for this application

Name Address Last letter date Target response date
Ms Stephanie Chettle-Gibrat Head of Growth & Investment Rugby Borough Council, Town Hall, Evereux Way, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 2RR 09-Feb-2022
Mr David Burrows Regulatory Services Manager Rugby Borough Council, The Retreat, Newbold Road, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 2LG 09-Feb-2022
Mr P Gethins Environment Agency Sentinal House, 9 Wellington Road, Fradley Park, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS13 8RR 09-Feb-2022
Mr Andy Hixon Coventry Airport Ltd, Airport House, Rowley Road, Coventry, CV3 4FR 09-Feb-2022
Miss Lindsay Foster Ryton on Dunsmore PC Village Hall, High Street, Ryton on Dunsmore, Coventry, CV8 3EY 09-Feb-2022
Mrs Maria Meede Wolston Parish Council The Baptist Church, 2, Main Street, Wolston, Coventry, CV8 3HJ 09-Feb-2022
Councillor Mrs Heather Timms Spinney Close, Speedway Lane, Coventry, CV8 3GL 09-Feb-2022
Councillor Howard Roberts 7 Catesby House, Guys Common, Dunchurch, Rugby, CV22 6NQ 09-Feb-2022
Mrs Vicki Barnard Planning Strategy Warwickshire County Council, PO Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX 22-Jun-2020
Ms Jane Hancox Brandon & Bretford PC 16, Avondale Road, Brandon, Coventry, CV8 3HS 09-Feb-2022
Mrs Carolyn Cox Landscape,Ecology & Historic Environment, Warwickshire County Council, P O Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX 22-Jun-2020
Flood Risk and Water Management Warwickshire County Council, Warwick, CV34 4SX 22-Jun-2020
Ms Elaine Bettger Rights of Way GIS and Access Information Warwickshire County Council, PO Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX 22-Jun-2020
Ms Joanne Archer Principal Highway Control Engineer Warwickshire County Council, PO Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX 22-Jun-2020
Mr David Lowe Ecology Services Warwickshire County Council, P O Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX 22-Jun-2020
Mrs Vicki Barnard Planning Strategy Warwickshire County Council, PO Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX 22-Jun-2020
Head of Planning and Local Auth Liaison The Coal Authority 200, Lichfield Lane, Berry Hill, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 4RG 09-Feb-2022
Mr Nick Halliday Severn Trent Water Ltd Asset Protection Waste Water (East), Severn Trent Water Ltd, Leicester Water Centre, Gorse Hill, Leicester, LE7 7GU 09-Feb-2022
Civil Aviation Authority Safety Regulation Group, Aviation House, Gatwick Airport South, Gatwick, West Sussex, RH6 0YR 09-Feb-2022
Mr Michael Bird Footpath Secretary Ramblers Association Warwickshire Area, 16, Melford Hall Road, Solihull, B91 2ES 09-Feb-2022
Land Use Planning Hub Natural England Level 2 County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester, WR5 2NP 09-Feb-2022
Ms Annie English Warwickshire Wildlife Trust Brandon Marsh Nature Centre, Brandon Lane, Brandon, CV3 3GW 09-Feb-2022
Mr Neil Rimmington Historic England The Axis, 10, Holiday Street, Birmingham, B1 1TG 09-Feb-2022

Interested parties

There are no interested parties for this application

Name Address Last letter date Target response date


Click on column headings to sort.

There are no consulted neighbours for this application

Name Address Last letter date Target response date
Wolston Fields Farm Cottage, Wolston Lane, Wolston, Coventry, CV8 3FQ
Wolston Fields Farm, Wolston Lane, Wolston, Coventry, CV8 3FQ
Ryton Fields Farm, Wolston Lane, Ryton on Dunsmore, Coventry, CV8 3ES
Eco Creations, Ryton Organic Gardens, Wolston Lane, Ryton on Dunsmore, Coventry, CV8 3ES
Henry Doubleday Research Association, Ryton Organic Gardens, Wolston Lane, Ryton on Dunsmore, Coventry, CV8 3LG
Fields House, Wolston Lane, Wolston, Coventry, CV8 3FQ
30, Millennium Way, Wolston, Coventry, CV8 3PE
28, Millennium Way, Wolston, Coventry, CV8 3PE
26, Millennium Way, Wolston, Coventry, CV8 3PE
24, Millennium Way, Wolston, Coventry, CV8 3PE
31, Millennium Way, Wolston, Coventry, CV8 3PE
33, Millennium Way, Wolston, Coventry, CV8 3PE
35, Millennium Way, Wolston, Coventry, CV8 3PE 19-Jun-2020


There are no amendments for this application

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  • For consultation purposes
  • To compare current applications with previous schemes
  • To check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans.

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