Application details

Application details: RBC/20CM002
Planning application ref:



Land at Ling Hall Quarry Landfill Site, Coalpit Lane, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9HH


Application seeks permission for the variation of condition 53 (Date upon which sand and gravel and waste operations must cease – the landfill must cease operation by 14th May 2021) of planning permission R16/890805 (the extraction of sand and gravel with restoration by landfill) in order to extend the life of the landfill for a further 10 years, resulting in a revised end date of 14th May 2031. In addition, a number of waste management facilities (Street Sweeping Recycling Facility; Incineration Bottom Ash and an Open Windrow Green Waste Composting Facility) have planning permission to operate within the site, with their use limited to the duration of the landfill operations. These facilities would be retained on site for the extended life of the landfill, until 14th May 2031.

Application date:


Registration date:


Publicity start date:


Publicity end date:


Decision date:




Extension of time to:


Application type:

Waste Major

District / Borough:

Rugby Borough


Wolston Long Lawford Church Lawford Thurlaston

Electoral Division:

Earl Craven Dunsmore & Leam Valley


Granted on 11-Mar-2021


This application has already been decided, and you cannot comment on it.

Case officer:

Sally Panayi 

Applicant details





Surname/company name:

Veolia ES Landfill Ltd 

Company contact name:



Veolia ES Landfill Limited, The Old Paddocks, New Works, Telford, Shropshire, UK, TF6 5BP 

Case officer:

Sally Panayi 

Agent details





Surname/company name:

SLR Consulting Limited 

Company contact name:



Aspect House Aspect Business Park, Bennerley Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG6 8WR 

Publicity details

Publicity start date:


Publicity end date:


Associated media

Click on column headings to sort.

Description Filename
Application Form ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf
Planning Statement 1911_LingHall_PS_FINAL(1).pdf
Environmental Statement - Content 1912_LingHall_ES Contents_FINAL.pdf
Environmental Statement - The Development and Alternatives 3 1912_LingHall_ES_chp03_FINAL(1).pdf
Environmental Statement - Ecology 11 1912_LingHall_ES_chp11_FINAL(1).pdf
Appendix 9/1 to 9/4 LingHall_Appendix_9-1_to_9-4.pdf
Appendix 12/1 to 12/3 Cultural Heritage LingHall_Appendix_12-1 to 12-3.pdf
Appendix11/5 LingHall_Appendix 11_5__EcIA_Bat Survey Report_2019_vf.pdf
Appendix11/4 LingHall_Appendix 11_4_Bird Survey Report_vf.pdf
Appendix11/3 LingHall_Appendix 11_3_EcIA_Reptile_Report_vf.pdf
Appendix11/2 Target Notes LingHall_Appendix 11_2_Target Notes_vf.pdf
Appendix11/1 - Legislation & Policy LingHall_Appendix 11_1_Legislation_Guidance.pdf
Appendix 10/1 Flood Risk Assessment Linghall_Appendix_10-1_FRA_FINAL.pdf
Appendix 8/1 Accident data LingHall_Appendix_8-1_AccidentData.pdf
Appendix 7/1 to 7/5 Landscape & Visual Assessment Method LingHall_Appendix 7-1 to 7-5.pdf
Appendix 2/2 Survey LingHall_Appendix_2-2_Survey.pdf
Appendix 2-1 PlanA1.3 LingHall_Appendix_2-1_PlanA1.3.pdf
Drawing LH12/4 Heritage events Drawing_LH12-4_Heritage Events.pdf
Drawing LH12/2 Designated sites Drawing_LH12-2_Designated Sites.pdf
Drawing LH12/1 Non-designated sites Drawing_LH12-1_Non-designated Sites.pdf
Drawing LH10/1 to LH10/4 Drawing LH10-1_to_LH10-4.pdf
Drawing LH7/10 to LH7/14 Drawings_LH7-10_TO_LH7-14_SM_R.pdf
Drawing LH7/7 to LH7/9 Drawings_LH7-7_TO_LH7-9_SM_R.pdf
Drawing LH7/1 to LH7/6 DrawingsL_LH7-1_TO_LH7-6_SM_R.pdf
Planning Application Boundary 03523.00025.16.LH2.1 Planning Application Boundary-SLR_Copyright.pdf
Site Location Plan 03523.00025.16.LH1.1 Site Location-SLR_Copyright.pdf
Non technical Summary 1911_LingHall_ES_NTS_FINAL.pdf
Environmental Statement - Cumulative Effects 13 1912_LingHall_ES_chp13_FINAL.pdf
Environmental Statement - Cultural Heritage 12 1912_LingHall_ES_chp12_FINAL.pdf
Environmental Statement - Water Environment 10 1912_LingHall_ES_chp10_FINAL.pdf
Environmental Statement - Noise 9 1912_LingHall_ES_chp09_FINAL.pdf
Environmental Statement - Transport 8 1912_LingHall_ES_chp08_FINAL.pdf
Environmental Statement - Landscape and Visual Impact 7 1912_LingHall_ES_chp07_FINAL.pdf
Environmental Statement - Site Description 2 1912_LingHall_ES_chp02_FInal(1).pdf
Environmental Statement - Introduction 1 1912_LingHall_ES_chp01_FINAL(1).pdf
Environmental Statement - Air Quality 6 1912_LingHall_ES_chp06_FINAL.pdf
Environmental Statement - Planning Policy 5 1912_LingHall_ES_chp05_FINAL.pdf
Environmental Statement - Approach to EIA 4 1912_LingHall_ES_chp04_FINAL.pdf
Appendix 11/6 Appendix11_6_EcIa_eDNA_vf_Redacted.pdf
Appendix 3/1 Permission R16 - 890805 Appendix_3-1_Permission_R16-890805(1)_Redacted.pdf
Drawing LH12/3 DrawingLH12-3_v2.pdf
Drawing LH12/5 DrawingLH12-5_v2.pdf
Drawings LH11/1 to LH11/3 DrawingsLH11-1_to_LH11-3_v2.pdf
00156.00215.27.01.0 BIA Land Parcels 00156.00215.27.01.0_BIA_Land_Parcels.pdf
Email from agent 21.04.20 re BIA land parcels Email_from_agent_21.04.20_re_BIA_land_parcels.pdf
Final Post Settlement Restoration Contours - 320FRC804 (1) Final_Post_Settlement_Restoration_Contours_-_320FRC804_(1).pdf
Pre settlement contours 320_30PRESETT_0506 (1) Pre_settlement_contours_320_30PRESETT_0506_(1).pdf
Final response 01 10 2020 additional document 200930_LingHallResponse_Final_01.10.20_redacted.pdf
S106 Agreement 24.02.21 S106_Agreement_signed_and_dated_24.02.21_Redacted.pdf
Decision Notice RBC20CM002_Planning_Decision_v1_Redacted.pdf
Discharge of Condition 3 221121_Ling_hall_CEMP_v3_PostConsultation.pdf
Discharge of Condition 3 DISCHARGE_OF_CONDT_3_and_14_Ling_Hall_extn.pdf
Discharge of Condition 14 221121_Ling_Hall_LEMP_v3_PostConsultation.pdf
Discharge of Condition 14 DISCHARGE_OF_CONDT_3_and_14_Ling_Hall_extn.pdf

Appeal details

There are no appeal details for this application

Legal agreements

There are no legal agreements for this applicationsss


Click on column headings to sort.

There are no consultees for this application

Name Address Last letter date Target response date
Mrs Vicki Barnard Planning Strategy Warwickshire County Council, PO Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX
Ms Stephanie Chettle-Gibrat Head of Growth & Investment Rugby Borough Council, Town Hall, Evereux Way, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 2RR 12-Mar-2021
Mr David Burrows Regulatory Services Manager Rugby Borough Council, The Retreat, Newbold Road, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 2LG 12-Mar-2021
Mr Andy Hixon Coventry Airport Ltd, Airport House, Rowley Road, Coventry, CV3 4FR 12-Mar-2021
Mrs Maria Meede Wolston Parish Council The Baptist Church, 2, Main Street, Wolston, Coventry, CV8 3HJ 12-Mar-2021
Miss Deborah Groves Long Lawford Parish Council 7, College Road, Willoughby, Rugby, CV23 8BN 12-Mar-2021
Mr Matthew Nahit Church Lawford Parish Council 34, Church Road, Church Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9EG 12-Mar-2021
Ms Sylvia Jacques Thurlaston Parish Council 95, Stocks Lane, Thurlaston, Rugby, CV23 9JU 12-Mar-2021
Councillor Mrs Heather Timms Spinney Close, Speedway Lane, Coventry, CV8 3GL 12-Mar-2021
Councillor Howard Roberts 7 Catesby House, Guys Common, Dunchurch, Rugby, CV22 6NQ 12-Mar-2021
Mr P Gethins Environment Agency Sentinal House, 9 Wellington Road, Fradley Park, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS13 8RR 12-Mar-2021
Ms Sarah McCluskey HR Advisory Team Council Warwickshire County Council, Barrack Street, Warwick, CV34 4TH
Flood Risk and Water Management Warwickshire County Council, Warwick, CV34 4SX
Mr Kieran Amos Chief Fire Officer Warwickshire Fire & Rescue Service, Service Headquarters, Warwick Street, Leamington Spa, CV32 5LH 16-Jan-2020
Ms Joanne Archer Principal Highway Control Engineer Warwickshire County Council, PO Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX
Miss Anna Stocks Archaeological Information and Advice Warwickshire County Council, P O Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX
Mr David Lowe Ecology Services Warwickshire County Council, P O Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX
Mr Richard Timothy Highways England The Cube, 199, Wharfside Street, Birmingham, B1 1RN 12-Mar-2021
Land Use Planning Hub Natural England Level 2 County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester, WR5 2NP 12-Mar-2021
Mrs Carolyn Cox Landscape,Ecology & Historic Environment, Warwickshire County Council, P O Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX
Mr Neil Rimmington Historic England The Axis, 10, Holiday Street, Birmingham, B1 1TG 12-Mar-2021
Planning Casework Unit Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government, Planning Casework Unit, 5, St Philips Place, Colmore Row, Birmingham, B3 2PW 12-Mar-2021

Interested parties

There are no interested parties for this application

Name Address Last letter date Target response date
Mr A Senior Contract Officer Rugby Borough Council, Environment & Waste Services, Town Hall, Evereux Way, Rugby, CV21 2RR 12-Mar-2021
Mr Dale Brinklow Quarry, Coventry Road, Brinklow Rugby Warwickshire 12-Mar-2021


Click on column headings to sort.

There are no consulted neighbours for this application

Name Address Last letter date Target response date
Mr Chris Yardley Listers, Unit 3, Lawford Heath Industrial Estate, Lawford Heath Lane, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EU 13-Feb-2020
Mercury Material Management Ltd, Lawford Heath Lane, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EU
D K Packing & Casemaking Ltd, Unit 5, Lawford Heath Industrial Estate, Lawford Heath Lane, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EU
Lifford Holdings Ltd, Lawford Heath Lane, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EU
R D Atwell (Professional Haulier) Ltd, Unit 6, Lawford Heath Industrial Estate, Lawford Heath Lane, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EU
Satellite Mediaport Services Ltd, Lawford Heath Lane, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EU
Rosegrove Manor, Lawford Heath Lane, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EU
The Retreat, Lawford Heath Lane, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EU
Sunnyside, Lawford Heath Lane, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EU
3, The Crescent, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EW
4, The Crescent, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EW
6, The Crescent, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EW
Mr R Parrish 5, The Crescent, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EW 03-Feb-2020
7, The Crescent, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EW
8, The Crescent, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EW 15-Jan-2020
2, The Crescent, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EW
Mr & Mrs Joanna & Julian Messing 1, The Crescent, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EW 12-Mar-2021
Blue Boar Farm, London Road, Dunchurch, Rugby, CV23 9LH
South Lodge Farm, Wolston Grange, Rugby, CV23 9HJ
Wolston Grange Home, Wolston Grange, Rugby, CV23 9HJ
The Cottage, Wolston Grange, Rugby, CV23 9HJ
Wolston Grange Cottage, Wolston Grange, Rugby, CV23 9HJ
North Lodge Farm, Wolston Grange, Rugby, CV23 9HJ
North Lodge, Coalpit Lane, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9HH
Badgers Close, Coalpit Lane, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9HH
Manor Farm, Coalpit Lane, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9HH
Rookery Cottage, Ling Lane, Church Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9HE
Lawford Lodge Farm, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9ES
The Cottage, Lawford Lodge Farm, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9ES
Mr Andrew Wright Heathfields, Lawford Heath Lane, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EU 12-Mar-2021
Lawford Heath Farm, Lawford Heath Lane, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EU
1, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
2, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
4, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
3, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
6, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
5, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
7, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
Mr P Berta 8, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN 12-Mar-2021
9, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
10, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
11, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
12, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
13, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
15, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
16, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
17, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
18, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
19, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
20, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
21, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
22, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
14, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
23, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
24, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
25, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
26, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
27, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
Ms Roberta Pozzo & Mr Craig Hobson 28, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN 12-Mar-2021
29, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
56, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
54, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
55, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
53, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
52, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
51, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
50, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
49, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
48, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
Mr Richard Davies 46, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN 12-Mar-2021
47, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
45, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
44, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
43, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
42, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
41, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
40, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
39, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
Ms Sarah Kelly 38, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN 12-Mar-2021
37, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
36, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
35, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
34, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
33, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
32, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN
31, The Ryelands, Lawford Heath, Rugby, CV23 9EN


There are no amendments for this application

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  • To check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans.

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