Application details

Application details: RBC/23CM015
Planning application ref:



Rugby Cement Plant, Lawford Rd, Rugby, CV21 2RY


Installation of a new cement mill and raw material store with ancillary infrastructure including conveyors, construction of new raw materials store and associated systems, gypsum store extension, demolition of silos 9 and 10 and installation of new bank of eight product silos and one plasterboard silo, new blender building, redesign of main site entrance access and creation of new second access onto Lawford Road, with demolition of former agricultural building and provision of new parking area with associated pedestrian access, provision of new security huts and access controls, new weighbridges, reconfigured tanker operational area, and other engineering and associated works.

Application date:


Registration date:


Publicity start date:


Publicity end date:


Decision date:



Extension of time to:


Application type:

Waste Major

District / Borough:

Rugby Borough


Rugby unparished

Electoral Division:



Consultations sent - Regulatory Committee decision to be made

Case officer:

David Cooper 

Applicant details





Surname/company name:

Cemex UK Cement Ltd 

Company contact name:



Cemex House, Binley Business Park, Harry Weston Road, Coventry, CV3 2TY 

Case officer:

David Cooper 

Agent details





Surname/company name:


Company contact name:




Publicity details

Publicity start date:


Publicity end date:


Associated media

Click on column headings to sort.

Description Filename
Carpark Option G 2 Lighting Scheme OPTION G _CCL-06.09.6300.C.453_461-Location E-Car Park Lights (1) 06.9.6300.C.pdf
Carpark Option G 2 of 2 OPTION G _CCL-06.09.6300.C.461-Loc E - Proposed Car Park Sht2.pdf
Carpark Option G 2 OPTION G _CCL-06.09.6300.C.453-Loc E - Proposed Car Park.pdf
Site/Block Plan - Existing 22-11-P22-RUGBYWRKS-2D Existing Site Plan.pdf
File Size: 4812890, HREF: , Reference: Biodiversity survey and report P23-182 Cemex Preliminary Ecological Appraisal .pdf
Transport assessment 332410837-500-Transport Assessment 3.pdf
Transport assessment 332410837-500-Transport Assessment 2.pdf
Transport assessment 332410837-500-Transport Assessment 1.pdf
Other relevant information Cert B confirmation.pdf
Air quality assessment 332410837 Cemex Rugby Cement Mill AQA_Final.pdf
L D S Appendix F 332410837 Cemex Rugby Cement Mill Upgrade Project TVA with Appendices part 6.pdf
L D S Appendix F 332410837 Cemex Rugby Cement Mill Upgrade Project TVA with Appendices part 5.pdf
L D S Appendix E 332410837 CEMEX Rugby Cement Mill Upgrade Project TVA with Appendices part 4.pdf
L D S Appendix A Figures 332410837 Cemex Rugby Cement Mill Upgrade Project TVA with Appendices part 3 .pdf
L D S Appendix A Figures 332410837 Cemex Rugby Cement Mill Upgrade Project TVA with Appendices part 2 .pdf
Townscape Visual Appraisal 332410837 Cemex Rugby Cement Mill Upgrade Project TVA with Appendices part 1 .pdf
Statement of community involvement Cemex Rugby SCI FINAL.pdf
Other relevant information Statement of Resource Efficiency.pdf
Noise impact assessment 332410837_Cemex_Rugby_ACO01_Final_29062023.pdf
Additional plans 60183 Topo 2D (05-06-23)_RevA.pdf
Additional plans 60183 Topo (09-05-23).pdf
Topographical Information 25113Y_03.pdf
Topographical Information 25113Y_02.pdf
Topographical Information 25113Y_01.pdf
File Size: 1071475, HREF: , Reference: Other relevant information GI Report part 4.pdf
File Size: 9707645, HREF: , Reference: Other relevant information GI Report part 3.pdf
File Size: 10030975, HREF: , Reference: Other relevant information GI Report part 2.pdf
File Size: 5811700, HREF: , Reference: Other relevant information GI Report part 1.pdf
Tree survey Arboricultural Impact Assessment _ Cemex Rugby_Main Site Part 2.pdf
Application Form - Without Personal Data ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf
Travel Plans 332410837-100.005-Travel_Plan_Rev_A.pdf
Technical Note 332410837-100-005-TN001_Issue.pdf
Focused Results Spreadsheet VM220571.Sp001_-_Focused_Results_Spreadsheet.xlsx
Turning Flows Spreadsheet VM220571.Sp002_-_Turning_Flows_Spreadsheet_Issue.xlsx
Proposed Site Plan 10.1.7510.008.07_-_Planning_Drawing_-_Proposed_Site_Plan.pdf
ATC Site ID06844_Rugby_Cement_Plant_-_ATC_Site_2_Resurvey.xlsx
ATC Site ID06844_Rugby_Cement_Plant_-_ATC_Site_3.xlsx
Car Parking WCC_-_Car_Parking_during_Major_Outages.pdf
Revised Noise Impact Assessment 332410837_Cemex_Rugby_Revised_Noise_Impact_Assessment.pdf
Noise Impact Assessment 332410837_Cemex_Rugby_Noise_Impact_Assessment.pdf
Travel Plan Rev B 332410837-100.005-Travel_Plan_Rev_B.pdf
Technical Note Rev A 332410837-100-005-TN001_Rev_A_Issue.pdf
AIA Assessment 240613-2.0-AIA-CRCM-MW.pdf
Access and Visability 332410837-005-001_Rev_C.pdf
BNG 784-B066357_Cemex_Rugby_The_Statutory_Biodiversity_Metric_Calculation_Tool_V8.xlsx
BNG 784-B066357_Cemex_Rugby_BNG_V8___Issue.pdf
BNG Tree Planting Copy_of_784-B066357_Cemex_Rugby_The_Statutory_Biodiversity_Metric_Calculation_Tool_V8_-_tree_planting_for_WCC.xlsx
22-05-P22-RUGBYWRKS-2G 22-05-P22-RUGBYWRKS-2G_Existing_Site_Plan.pdf
24-10-P24-RUGBYWRKS-1 24-10-P24-RUGBYWRKS-1_Site_location_plan.pdf

Appeal details

There are no appeal details for this application

Legal agreements

There are no legal agreements for this applicationsss


Click on column headings to sort.

There are no consultees for this application

Name Address Last letter date Target response date
Mrs Nicola Smith Head of Growth & Investment Rugby Borough Council, Town Hall, Evereux Way, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 2RR 20-Sep-2023
Environmental Health Officer Rugby Borough Council, The Retreat, Newbold Road, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 2LG 20-Sep-2023
Ms Keira Murphy Environment Agency Sentinal House, 9 Wellington Road, Fradley Park, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS13 8RR 20-Sep-2023
Sir/Madam Town Planning Team Network Rail 1st Floor, Square One, 4, Travis Street, Manchester, M1 2NY 20-Sep-2023
Mrs Sarah Feeney 2, St. Edith's Close, Monks Kirby, CV23 0RE 20-Sep-2023
Planning Policy Team Warwickshire County Council, PO Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX 20-Sep-2023
Mr Clint Parker Arboricultural Team Leader Forestry Warwickshire County Council, Unit 7, Montague Road, Warwick, CV34 5LW 20-Sep-2023
Ms Joanne Archer Principal Highway Control Engineer Warwickshire County Council, PO Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX 20-Sep-2023
Miss Anna Stocks Archaeological Information and Advice Warwickshire County Council, P O Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX 20-Sep-2023
Mr David Lowe Ecology Services Warwickshire County Council, P O Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX 20-Sep-2023
Mr Steve Carter Cadent Gas Ltd - Plant Protection Brick Kiln Street, Hinckley, LE10 0EB 20-Sep-2023
Mrs Carolyn Cox Landscape,Ecology & Historic Environment, Warwickshire County Council, P O Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX
Active Travel England West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA
Net Zero Team Warwickshire County Council, Shire Hall, Market Place, Warwick, CV34 4RL 23-Aug-2024
Mr Jagjit Mahal Flood Risk and Water Management Warwickshire County Council, Warwick, CV34 4SX

Interested parties

There are no interested parties for this application

Name Address Last letter date Target response date
Mr A Ray-chaudhuri 3, Bartley Walk, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9DB
Rugby Green Christian Group 30, Rugby, CV20 7BY
Mr Simon Millington 24, CV22 6AU
Warwickshire Climate Alliance 18, Rugby, CV22 7AU


Click on column headings to sort.

There are no consulted neighbours for this application

Name Address Last letter date Target response date
1, Townsend Lane, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9DQ
3, Townsend Lane, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9DQ
Mrs Kat Walsh 5, Townsend Lane, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9DQ
Mr & Mrs H-G Trevers 7, Townsend Lane, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9DQ
9, Townsend Lane, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9DQ
8, Townsend Lane, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9DQ
11, Townsend Lane, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9DQ
13, Townsend Lane, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9DQ
15, Townsend Lane, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9DQ
17, Townsend Lane, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9DQ
19, Townsend Lane, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9DQ
21, Townsend Lane, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9DQ
23, Townsend Lane, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9DQ
25, Townsend Lane, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9DQ
25a, Townsend Lane, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9DQ
27, Townsend Lane, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9DQ
29, Townsend Lane, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9DQ
1, Lodge Farm Close, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9GJ
2, Lodge Farm Close, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9GJ
3, Lodge Farm Close, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9GJ
4, Lodge Farm Close, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9GJ
5, Lodge Farm Close, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9GJ
6, Lodge Farm Close, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9GJ
7, Lodge Farm Close, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9GJ
8, Lodge Farm Close, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9GJ
9, Lodge Farm Close, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9GJ
10, Lodge Farm Close, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9GJ
11, Lodge Farm Close, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9GJ
12, Lodge Farm Close, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9GJ
13, Lodge Farm Close, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9GJ
14, Lodge Farm Close, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9GJ
1, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
10, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
11, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
12, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
14, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
15, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
16, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
17, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
18, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
19, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
2, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
20, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
21, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
22, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
3, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
4, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
5, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
6, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
7, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
8, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
9, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
23, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
26, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
27, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
28, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
29, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
30, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
31, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
32, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
33, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
34, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
35, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
36, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
37, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
38, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
39, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
40, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
41, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
42, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
43, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
24, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
25, Lawford Bridge Close, Rugby, CV21 2AE
Shawsheet Metal Ltd, 2-6 Upton Road, Rugby, CV22 7DL
A R Turn, 1 Upton Road, Rugby, CV22 7DL
Rugby Fabrications, Unit 9, Upton Road, Rugby, CV22 7DL
A-Head 4 Healeys Ltd, Unit 7, Upton Road, Rugby, CV22 7DL
Midland Commercial Services Ltd, 11, Upton Road, Rugby, CV22 7DL
Direct Print Technology, 10, Paynes Lane, Rugby, CV21 2UH
I N G Engineering, 10a, Paynes Lane, Rugby, CV21 2UH
6, Paynes Lane, Rugby, CV21 2UH
Crossfit Volentia, Unit 1, 20 Paynes Lane, Rugby, CV21 2UX
UK Storage Co, Unit 7-8, Stepnell Park, Rugby, CV21 2UX
Hybrid Power Hire, Unit 6, Stepnell Park, Rugby, CV21 2UX
Off Grid Energy, Unit 5, Stepnell Park, Rugby, CV21 2UX
Unit 3-4, Stepnell Park, Rugby, CV21 2UX
Acenta Steel, Paynes Lane, Rugby, CV21 2UW
Exergyn Ltd, Unit 2B, Stepnell Park, Rugby, CV21 2UX
B & S Distribution, Unit 2A, Stepnell Park, Rugby, CV21 2UX
Tool France, Unit 1A, Stepnell Park, Rugby, CV21 2UX
Unit 1B, Stepnell Park, Rugby, CV21 2UX 25-Sep-2023
Miss J , Tomasso 6, Avon Way, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9FF
Mr JASDEV Jhuti, JHUTI 11, Lodge Farm Close, Rugby, CV23 9GJ
Mr Darren , Goodwin 13, round avenue, Long Lawford, rugby, CV239AF
Mr David Raines 66, Woodleigh Road, Long Lawford, Rugby, CV23 9FB
256, Parkfield Road, Rugby, CV21 1EY


There are no amendments for this application

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