Application details

Application details: NWB/20CM016
Planning application ref:



Hartshill Quarry, Nuneaton Road, Nuneaton, CV10 0RT


Proposed Aggregates washing plant and ancillary plant.

Application date:

Registration date:


Publicity start date:


Publicity end date:


Decision date:




Extension of time to:


Application type:

Minerals Major

District / Borough:

North Warwickshire Borough



Electoral Division:

Hartshill & Mancetter


Granted on 11-Jul-2022


This application has already been decided, and you cannot comment on it.

Case officer:

David Cooper 

Applicant details





Surname/company name:

Crown Aggregates 

Company contact name:



Hartshill Quarry, Nuneaton Road, Nuneaton, CV10 0RT 

Case officer:

David Cooper 

Agent details





Surname/company name:


Company contact name:



Castellum Consulting, Marymead, Lower Woodside Road, Wootton Bridge, PO33 4JT 

Publicity details

Publicity start date:


Publicity end date:


Associated media

Click on column headings to sort.

Description Filename
NWB/20CM016 - Planning Statement S2-14_Planning_Statement_Final.pdf
NWB/20CM016 - Appendix 2 Magic Designations Map Appendix_2_Magic_Designations_Map.pdf
NWB/20CM016 - Appendix 3 Flood map Appendix_3_EA_Flood-map.pdf
NWB/20CM016 - Appendix 4 Landscape Visual Appraisal Appendix_4_LVA.pdf
NWB/20CM016 - Environment Noise Impact Assessment Appendix_5_Noise.pdf
NWB/20CM016 - Appendix 6 Ecology Appendix_6_Ecology.pdf
NWB/20CM016 - Appendix 7 Flood Risk assessment Appendix_7_FRA.pdf
NWB/20CM016 - Appendix 8 Listers Report Appendix_8_Listers_Report.pdf
NWB/20CM016 - Appendix 9 Topographical Plan Appendix_9_S2-14-20-06_Topographical_Plan_1965_15-10-2020.pdf
NWB/20CM016 - General view 001_20200119.2_00_01_D-General_view.pdf
NWB/20CM016 - Plan view washing system 001_20200119.2_00_02_D-Plan_view_Washing_system.pdf
NWB/20CM016 - Frontal view washing system 001_20200119.2_00_03_D-Frontal_view_Washing_system.pdf
NWB/20CM016 - Lateral view washing system 001_20200119.2_00_04_D-Lateral_view_Washing_system.pdf
NWB/20CM016 - Plan view filterpress 001_20200119.2_00_05_D-Plan_view_Filterpress.pdf
NWB/20CM016 - Lateral view filterpress 001_20200119.2_00_06_D-Lateral_view_Filterpress.pdf
NWB/20CM016 - Site Location Plan S2-14-20-01_Site_Location_Plan_15-10-2020.pdf
NWB/20CM016 - Site Plan S2-14-20-02_Site_Plan_15-10-2020.pdf
NWB/20CM016 - Site Layout Plan S2-14-20-03_Site_Layout_Plan_15-10-2020.pdf
NWB/20CM016 - Conveyor Section S2-14-20-04_Conveyor_Section_15-10-2020.pdf
NWB/20CM016 - Historic Use Plan S2-14-20-05_Historic_Use_Plan_1965_15-10-2020.pdf
NWB/20CM016 - Topographical Plan S2-14-20-06_Topographical_Plan_1965_15-10-2020.pdf
NWB/20CM016 -Context Plan S2-14-20-07_Context_Plan_15-10-2020.pdf
NWB/20CM016 - Application Form Application_Form_Redacted.pdf
NWB/20CM016 - Context Plan 2 S2-14-20-08_Context_Plan_2_12-11-2020.pdf
NWB/20CM016 - Proposed Levels S2-14-20-09_Proposed_Levels_12-11-2020.pdf
NWB/20CM016 - Guidance for Biodiversity Impact Assessment Guidance_for_BIA_v19.0(final)_(1).pdf
NWB/20CM016 - Biodiversity Impact Assessment WCS_BIA_v.19.1_(4).xls
NWB/20CM016 - Decision Notice - Redacted NWB20CM016_Signed_Decision_Notice_Redacted.pdf
DOC 8, 15, 17 - Application Form DOC_8,_15_&_17_-_ApplicationForm_Redacted.pdf
Discharge of Condition 8 - Dust Management Plan Condition_8_-Dust_Management_Plan_Final.pdf
Discharge of Condition 15 - Drainage Condition_15_-_40319_Drainage_Proposals_-Appendices_2-3.pdf
Discharge of Condition 15 - Drainage Condition_15_-_40320_Drainage_Proposals_-Appendix_1.pdf
Discharge of Condition 15 - Drainage Condition_15_-_40321_Drainage_Proposals_-Appendix_4.pdf
Discharge of Condition 15 - Drainage Condition_15_-_40322_Drainage_Proposals_-Report.pdf
Discharge of Condition 17 - Noise Management Condition_17_-_Noise__Management_Plan_Letter.pdf
Discharge of Condition 17 - Noise Management Condition_17__Noise_Assessment_and_Management_Plan.pdf
Discharge of Condition 8 Email_23.05.23_SP_to_NWBC_EHO.pdf
Discharge of Condition 8 NWB20CM016_DISCHARGE_OF_CONDT_8_and_17.pdf
Discharge of Condition 8 NWB20CM016_NWBC_EHO_response_23.01.24.pdf
Discharge of Condition 17 Condition_17_-_Noise__Management_Plan_Letter.pdf
Discharge of Condition 17 Condition_17__Noise_Assessment_and_Management_Plan.pdf
Discharge of Condition 17 Email_23.05.23_SP_to_NWBC_EHO.pdf
Discharge of Condtion 17 NWB20CM016_DISCHARGE_OF_CONDT_8_and_17.docx
Discharge of Condition 17 NWB20CM016_NWBC_EHO_response_23.01.24.pdf

Appeal details

There are no appeal details for this application

Legal agreements

There are no legal agreements for this applicationsss


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There are no consultees for this application

Name Address Last letter date Target response date
Mr J Brown Head of Planning North Warwickshire Borough Council, PO Box 6, The Council House, South Street, Atherstone, Warwickshire, CV9 1BG 10-Oct-2022
Councillor Margaret Bell Abbey Field, Castle Road, Hartshill, Nuneaton, CV10 0SE 10-Oct-2022
Mrs Vicki Barnard Planning Strategy Warwickshire County Council, PO Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX 31-Dec-2020
Mr P Gethins Environment Agency Sentinal House, 9 Wellington Road, Fradley Park, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS13 8RR 10-Oct-2022
Ms Sarah Steele Canal & River Trust Canal & River Trust, Strategy, Planning & Design, Fradley Junction, Alrewas, Burton-on-Trent, DE13 7DN 10-Oct-2022
Mr Neil Rimmington Historic England The Axis, 10, Holiday Street, Birmingham, B1 1TG 10-Oct-2022
Mr Jagjit Mahal Flood Risk and Water Management Warwickshire County Council, Warwick, CV34 4SX 31-Dec-2020
Ms Joanne Archer Principal Highway Control Engineer Warwickshire County Council, PO Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX 31-Dec-2020
Mr David Lowe Ecology Services Warwickshire County Council, P O Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX 31-Dec-2020
Mr Paul Scott Consultations Team - Operations Delivery Natural England, County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester, WR5 2NP 10-Oct-2022
Mr I Powell Environmental Health Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough Council, Town Hall, Coton Road, Nuneaton, CV11 5AA 31-Dec-2020
Mr Ian Powell Planning & Public Protection Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough Council, Town Hall, Coton Road, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV11 5AA 31-Dec-2020
Dr Jon Radley Heritage & Culture Museum & Natural Env Warwickshire Museum, Market Place, Warwick, CV34 4SA 31-Dec-2020
Mr Matthew Green Environmental Health Officer North Warwickshire Borough Council, PO Box 6, The Council House, South Street, Atherstone, Warwickshire, CV9 1BG 10-Oct-2022

Interested parties

There are no interested parties for this application

Name Address Last letter date Target response date
Mr Paul David L Walker Limited 89, Station Road, Eckington, Sheffield, S21 4FW 10-Oct-2022


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There are no consulted neighbours for this application

Name Address Last letter date Target response date
D A Brockwell Ltd, Mancetter Road, Hartshill, Nuneaton, CV10 0RT
Anchor Inn, Mancetter Road, Hartshill, Nuneaton, CV10 0RT


There are no amendments for this application

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  • For consultation purposes
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