Application details

Application details: SDC/20CM009
Planning application ref:



Edgehill Quarry, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6DH


Infilling of redundant quarry with inert soils and clays to include temporary soils and aggregates recycling and recovery facility and restoration of quarry to provide 10 No. Recreational EcoPods.

Application date:


Registration date:


Publicity start date:


Publicity end date:


Decision date:




Extension of time to:

Application type:

Waste Major

District / Borough:

Stratford-on-Avon District


Ratley and Upton

Electoral Division:

Kineton & Red Horse


Granted on 23-Feb-2022


This application has already been decided, and you cannot comment on it.

Case officer:

Matthew Williams 

Applicant details





Surname/company name:


Company contact name:



Boddington Demolition Ltd, Oak Farm, Priors Hardwick Road, Upper Boddington, Daventry, NN1 6DW 

Case officer:

Matthew Williams 

Agent details





Surname/company name:

SBrice Ltd 

Company contact name:



Treath, Trewartha Road, Praa Sands, Penzance, TR20 9ST 

Publicity details

Publicity start date:


Publicity end date:


Associated media

Click on column headings to sort.

Description Filename
Application Form - Without Personal Data ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf
Design & access statement BaugEQ-DAS_FINAL.pdf
Planning Statement BaugEQ-PS.May20.FINAL.pdf
Site & other plans AppendixW-BaugEQ.PRoW.Map.pdf
WCCA Accommodation study 2019 AppendixV-BaugEQ-WCCAccommodationStudy2019.pdf
Financial Appraisal AppendixUb-BaugEQ-FinancialAppraisal.10EcoPods.pdf
Financial Appraisal AppendixUa-BaugEQ-FinancialAppraisal.6EcoPods.pdf
HNS report Nov 2016 November2016.pdf
Housing Need Survey report April 2019 April2019.pdf
Housing Need Survey report Dec 2017 December2017.pdf
Email AppendixS-BaugEQWCCtoOperatorJuly2015.pdf
Landscaping details AppendixRc-BaugEQ.2020.LVIA.Addendum.pdf
Landscaping details AppendixRb-BaugEQ-TLP_LVIA_FIgs+Viewpoints.pdf
Landscaping details AppendixRa-BaugEQ-TLP_LVIA.pdf
Heritage Statement AppendixQd-BaugEQ.2020.HA.Addendum.pdf
Heritage Statement AppendixQc-BaugEQ-HeritageAssessment_Nov2019_Part3.pdf
Maps and drawings - Heritage Statement AppendixQb-BaugEQ-HeritageAssessment_Nov2019_Part2.pdf
Heritage Statement AppendixQa-BaugEQ-HeritageAssessment_Nov2019_Part1.pdf
Air Quality Assessment AppendixP-BaugEQ-DustAssessment_August2019.pdf
HRA Part 3 AppendixNc-BaugEQ-HRA.Part3.pdf
HRA Part 2 AppendixNb-BaugEQ-HRA.Part2.pdf
HRA Part 1 AppendixNa-BaugEQ-HRA.Part1.pdf
Highways Access Plan AppendixM-BaugEQ-1-1-006A-HighwaysAccesPlan.pdf
Flood Risk Assessment AppendixKb-BaugEQ.2020.FRA.Addendum.pdf
Flood Risk Assessment AppendixK-BaugEQ-FRA+SuDsReport.pdf
Highways objection letter AppendixJc-BaugEQ-WCCHighways_OBJECTION_Dec2019.pdf
Transport Assessment AppendixJb-BaugEQ.2020.TS.Addendum.pdf
Transport Assessment AppendixJa-BaugEQ-TransportStatement_Oct2019.pdf
Noise impact assessment AppendixI-BaugEQ-NoiseReport_Oct2019.pdf
SUPERSEDED Prop Restoration Scheme Plan AppendixH-BaugEQ-1-1-003I-PropRestorationSchemePlan.pdf
Landscaping details AppendixGb-BaugEQ-1-1-008B-PropLandscaping.pdf
Site & other plans AppendixGa-BaugEQ-1-1-007-HabitatMap.pdf
Site & other plans AppendixFb-BaugEQ-1-1-009-SweptPaths.pdf
Site & other plans AppendixFa-BaugEQ-1-1-004B-PropConstructionPhasingPlan.pdf
Eco Camping Pod AppendixDb-BaugEQ-EcoCampingPod.pdf
Site & other plans AppendixDa-BaugEQ-1-2-001-PropDwellingPlan+Elevs.pdf
Site & other plans AppendixC-BaugEQ-1-4-001B-SiteSections.pdf
Site & other plans AppendixB-BaugEQ-02004_001_T_A-EdgehillQuarryExistTopo.pdf
The location plan AppendixA-BaugEQ-1-5-001B-SiteLocationPlan.pdf
Screening response letter 32040_AppendixL-BaugEQ-ScreeningResponse_Nov2018_Redacted.pdf
Biodiversity Impact Assessment AppendixO-BaugEQ.BIA_(1).xlsm
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Appendix_E__Preliminary_Ecological_Appraisal.pdf
Amended Details 29 09 2020 Proposed Landscaping Plan AppendixGb-BaugEQ-1-1-008D-PropLandscaping.pdf
Amended Details 29 09 2020 Proposed Restoration Scheme Plan AppendixH-BaugEQ-1-1-003L-PropRestorationSchemePlan.pdf
Amended Details 29 09 2020 Highways Access Plan AppendixM-BaugEQ-1-1-006C-HighwaysAccesPlan.pdf
Amended Details 29 09 2020 Design & Access Statement Addendum BaugEQ.2020Sept.DAS.Addendum_FINAL.pdf
Amended Details 29 09 2020 Planning Statement Addendum BaugEQ.2020Sept.PS.Addendum_FINAL.pdf
Decision Notice SDC20CM009_Planning_Permission_redacted.pdf
Section 106 Agreement SDC20CM009_S106_Agreement_redacted.pdf
1. Discharge of Condition 16 - Noise Monitoring Scheme 37956_210714BaugEQ-EdgehillQuarryNoiseMonitoringScheme_v1.0.pdf
2. Discharge of Condition 12 - Landscape and Ecological Management Plan 37957_AEL1628_LEMP_v1.0_20220429vr2.pdf
3. Discharge of Condition 14 - Dust Management Plan 37958_220426BaugEQ-DMP_FINAL.pdf
4. Discharge of Condition 13 - Construction and Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) 37959_220519BaugEQ-CEMP_FINAL.pdf
7. Discharge of Conditions Application Form (Redacted version) 37962_ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf
8. Discharge of Condition 17 - Proposed Restoration Levels 37963_BaugEQ-2-1-001-PropRestorationLevels.pdf
9. Discharge of Conditions 13 & 14 - Appendix A : Site Location Plan 37964_CEMP_AppendixA-BaugEQ-SiteLocationPlan.pdf
10. Discharge of Conditions 13 & 14 - Appendix B : Proposed Construction Phase Plan 37965_CEMP_AppendixB-BaugEQ-PropConstructionPhasingPlan.pdf
11. Discharge of Conditions 13 & 14 - Appendix C : Restoration Scheme Plan 37966_CEMP_AppendixC-BaugEQ-PropRestorationSchemePlan.pdf
12. Discharge of Condition 13 - Appendix D : Existing Habitat Plan 37967_CEMP_AppendixD-BaugEQ-ExistingHabitatMap.pdf
13. Discharge of Condition 14 - Appendix D : Dust and Air Quailty Assessment 37968_DMP_AppendixD-BaugEQ-DustAssessment_August2019.pdf
5. Discharge of Conditions Covering Letter 37960_220602BaugEQ-ConditionsCoveringLetterToWCC_Redacted.pdf
17. Discharge of Condition 10 - Rota Mill Crusher 38192_2008_Rota_Mill_Crusher.pdf
15. Discharge of Condition 10 - Covering Letter 38193_220816BaugEQ-Conditions10_31CoveringLetterToWCC_FINAL.pdf
16. Discharge of Condition 10 - Steel Anti Vandal Office 38194_32ft-x-10ft-steel-anti-vandal-office-buy.pdf
14. Application Form Redacted - Discharge of Condtions 10 & 31 38196_ApplicationFormRedacted.pdf
24. Discharge of Condition 31 - SARF Details 38198_BaugEQ-2-1-003B-SARFDetails.pdf
18. Discharge of Condition 10 - Crushers 38199_Crushers_-_Baughans.pdf
19. Discharge of Condition 10 - Ecobath by Wheelwash 38200_Drive_through_wheel_wash_bath_system_-_Ecobath_by_Wheelwash.pdf
20. Discharge of Condtion 10 - Construction Details Sheet 38201_EQ-HSP-ZZ-ZZ-DR-C-0116-P01_S278_Construction_Details_Sheet_1.pdf
23. Discharge of Condition 10 - Final Brochure 38202_ZX250_300_350_Final-Brochure.pdf
22. Discharge of Condtion 10 - Powertrack 800 38203_powertrack800.pdf
21. Discharge of Condtiion 10 - Triple Shaft 8 Series Screener 38204_terex-finlay-883-triple-shaft-8-series-screener.pdf
22. Discharge of Conditions 14 & 16 - Noise Monitoring Scheme 220927BaughEQ-EdgehillQuarryNoiseMonitoringScheme_v2.0.pdf
23. Discharge of Conditions 14 & 16 - Dust Management Plan 221003BaugEQ-DMP_FINALvr1.pdf
27. Discharge of Conditions 14 & 16 - Covering Letter DISCHARGE_OF_CONDT_14_and_16_Edgehill_Quarry.pdf
25. Discharge of Conditions 14 & 16 - EHO Response SDC20CM009_SDC_EHO_final_response.pdf
8a. Discharge of Condition 17 - Discharge Letter DISCHARGE_OF_CONDT_17_Edgehill_Quarry24.10.22.pdf
25. Discharge of Conditions 10 & 31 DISCHARGE_OF_CONDT_10_and_31_Edgehill_Quarry.pdf
NMA Decision Notice NMA_Edgehill_Quarry_Decision_Letter_11.01.23_Redacted.pdf
NMA Officer Report NMA_SDC20CM009_Edgehill_QuarryOfficer_Assessment_04.01.23_Redacted.pdf

Appeal details

There are no appeal details for this application

Legal agreements

There are no legal agreements for this applicationsss


Click on column headings to sort.

There are no consultees for this application

Name Address Last letter date Target response date
Mr Robert Weeks Head of Environment Stratford on Avon District Council, Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford Upon Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 6HX 28-Feb-2022
Sir/Madam Environmental Health Team Leader Stratford On Avon District Council, Elizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6HX 15-Jun-2020
Mr Jeremy Obbard Ratley & Upton Parish Council 7, Grange Close, Ratley, OX15 6DP 28-Feb-2022
Councillor Chris Williams 23, Meadow Way, Fenny Compton, CV47 2WD 28-Feb-2022
Mrs Vicki Barnard Planning Strategy Warwickshire County Council, PO Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX 16-Jun-2020
Dr Jon Radley Heritage & Culture Museum & Natural Env Warwickshire Museum, Market Place, Warwick, CV34 4SA 28-Feb-2022
Flood Risk and Water Management Warwickshire County Council, Warwick, CV34 4SX 15-Jun-2020
Ms Joanne Archer Principal Highway Control Engineer Warwickshire County Council, PO Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX
Mr David Lowe Ecology Services Warwickshire County Council, P O Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX 15-Jun-2020
Mrs Rachael Dimbleby Warwickshire Fire & Rescue Service, Water Supplies Planning Officer, Water Department, Bedworth Fire Station, Park Road, Bedworth, CV12 8LB 15-Jun-2020
Mr P Gethins Environment Agency Sentinal House, 9 Wellington Road, Fradley Park, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS13 8RR 28-Feb-2022
Mr John Mills Planning & Landscape Officer Cotswolds Conservation Board, The Old Prison, Fosse Way, Northleach, Gloucestershire, GL54 3JH 28-Feb-2022
Miss Anna Stocks Archaeological Information and Advice Warwickshire County Council, P O Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX 15-Jun-2020
Head of Planning Head of Planning, Cherwell District Council, Bodicote House, White Post Road, Bodicote, Banbury, OX15 4AA 28-Feb-2022
Head of Planning Oxfordshire County Council, County Hall, New Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX1 1ND 28-Feb-2022
Ms Kerry Finlayson Tysoe Parish Council 22, South Ridge, Coventry, CV5 9LL 28-Feb-2022
Mr Ian Wilson Radway Parish Council 2, School Hill, Mollington, Banbury, OX17 1BL 28-Feb-2022
Ms Yana Burlachka West Midlands Area Team Natural England, Hornbeam House, Crewe Business Park, Electra Way, Crewe, Cheshire, CW1 GJ 28-Feb-2022
Mr J Obbard Ratley & Upton Parish Council 7 Grange Close, Ratley, Banbury, OX15 6DP 28-Feb-2022
Mrs Carolyn Cox Landscape,Ecology & Historic Environment, Warwickshire County Council, P O Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4SX

Interested parties

There are no interested parties for this application

Name Address Last letter date Target response date
Mr Steve Donovan Bell Cottage, High Street, Ratley, OX15 6DS 28-Feb-2022
Mrs Jennifer Hudson Westwinds, Chapel Lane, Ratley, Near Banbury, OX15 6DS 28-Feb-2022
Mr W Morgan 3, Grange Close, Ratley, Banbury, OX15 6DP 28-Feb-2022
Mrs Manor Farm Bungalow, Ratley, OX15 6DS 28-Feb-2022
Ms Andrea Stable House, Chapel Lane, Ratley, OX15 6DS 28-Feb-2022
Mr Jeremy Jubilee House, Smalley Place, Kenilworth, CV8 1QG 28-Feb-2022
Mr N A M CPRE 41a, Smith Street, Warwick, CV34 4JA 28-Feb-2022
Mrs Veronica Egge Cottage, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6DJ 28-Feb-2022
Mr Brad Rose House, Quarry Road, OX15 6DQ 28-Feb-2022
Ms Melissa Fisher German 8, Stephenson Court, Fraser Road, Priory Business Park, Bedford, MK44 3WJ 28-Feb-2022
Ms Trish Forge Cottage, Ratley, Banbury, Oxon, OX15 6DT 28-Feb-2022
Ms Malgosia Rose House, Quarry Road, OX15 6DQ 28-Feb-2022
Mr Michael Cromwell Lodge, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6DJ 28-Feb-2022
Mr & Mrs Mark & Patricia Motte Hollow, Ratley 28-Feb-2022
Mr & Mrs TJ & HC 8, Grange Close, Ratley, Banbury, OX15 6DP 28-Feb-2022
Mrs Marcia High Ridge, Edgehill, nr Banbury, OX15 6DJ 28-Feb-2022
Mr & Mrs M & B The Old Barn, Ratley, OX15 6DS 28-Feb-2022
Mr J Darby The Steps, High Street, Ratley, Banbury, OX15 6DT 28-Feb-2022
Mr & Mrs Pete & Liz Rutland House, Chapel Lane, Ratley, Banbury, OX15 6DS 28-Feb-2022
Ms Kim Hardwick Consultancy Office, National Trust, The Crofts, Doe Lea, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S44 5QJ 28-Feb-2022
Claire & Stuart Church Farm, Ratley, OX15 6DS 28-Feb-2022


Click on column headings to sort.

There are no consulted neighbours for this application

Name Address Last letter date Target response date
Westcote Manor, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6HS 15-Jun-2020
Edgehill Farm, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6HS
2 Edgehill Cottages, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6HS
1 Edgehill Cottages, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6HS
Hunters Cottage, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6HS
Hunters Lodge, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6HS
Westcote Manor Farm, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6HS
Grove End, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6DH
Ms Daisy Hughes Romanys Rest, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6DH 28-Feb-2022
Edgehill House, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6DQ
Mr Cameron Fraser The Vicarage, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6DQ 28-Feb-2022
White Bottoms Farm, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6DG
Edgecombe House, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6DG
Mr Brad Keenes The Rose House, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6DQ
The Studio, The Rose House, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6DQ
Aston House, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6DQ
Sunnyside Cottage, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6DJ
Hillside, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6DJ
Castle Inn, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6DJ
Woodlands View, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6DJ
Mr J Walters Egge Cottage, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6DJ 28-Feb-2022
Mr Brian Russell The March House, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6DJ 28-Feb-2022
Griffins, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6DJ
Mr & Mrs Alex & Amy Towne Cromwell Cottage, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6DJ 28-Feb-2022
Ms Joanna Bradford Cromwell Lodge, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6DJ 28-Feb-2022
Flat B, The Old Bakehouse, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6DJ
Flat A, The Old Bakehouse, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6DJ
Rupert House, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6DJ
Jade Manufacturing Ltd, Edgehill Garage, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6DJ
2, Cromwell Court, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6EB
3, Cromwell Court, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6EB
Craigy Nook, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6DJ
Grange Hollow, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6DX
Mr Alexander Graham 1, Cromwell Court, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6EB 28-Feb-2022
Mrs Elaine McCauley 2, Cromwell Court, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6EB
Mr Ken McCauley 2, Cromwell Court, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6EB
Mrs Debbie Simpkins 3, Ratley, Banbury, OX15 6DR 28-Feb-2022
Mr Andrew Baxter Woodlands View, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6DJ
Mr George Thomas Edgehill Farm, Banbury, OX15 6HS 28-Feb-2022
Mrs Jessica Thomas Edgehill Farm, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6HS 28-Feb-2022
Mr Kevin French Griffins, Edgehill, OX15 6DJ 28-Feb-2022
Mrs Clare Rankin Hemp Cottage, Langdon Lane, Radway, Radway, CV350UQ 28-Feb-2022
Mr Jon Simpkins 3 Town Hill, Ratley, Banbury, OX15 6DR 28-Feb-2022
Mr Pete Simkin Rutland House, Chapel Lane, Ratley, Banbury, OX15 6DS 28-Feb-2022
Dr Andrea Graham 1, Cromwell Court, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6EB
C. Mahler Edgehill House, OX15 6DQ 28-Feb-2022
S Walton Emberley Leys, OX15 6DS 28-Feb-2022
Mr Chris Bampton Swift Barn, Farnborough Road, Radway, CV35 0UN 28-Feb-2022
Mr John Mahler Edge Hill House, OX15 6DQ 28-Feb-2022
Mrs Sarah Jarvis Homewood, Chapel Lane, Ratley, Banbury, OX15 6DS 28-Feb-2022
Dr Julie Whitehouse Wayside Cottage, Ratley, Banbury, OX15 6DS 28-Feb-2022
Mr Jason Darby The Steps, High Street, Ratley, Banbury, OX15 6DT 28-Feb-2022
Mr Adrian Berry Emberley Leys, Ratley, Banbury, OX15 6DS 28-Feb-2022
Mr Mark Sloan 1, Stable Mews, Langdon Lane, Radway, CV35 0UQ 28-Feb-2022
Mrs Hester MacAnara Hillside, Edgehill, Banbury, OX156DJ 28-Feb-2022
Mr Adrian , Ruskin 1, Edgehill Cottages, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6HS 28-Feb-2022
Mr Ken , McCauley 2 Cromwell Court, Edgehill, OX15 6EB 28-Feb-2022
Mrs Elaine , McCauley 2 Cromwell Court, Edgehill, Near Banbury, OX15 6EB 28-Feb-2022
Mrs Susan , Flintoff Glendale, Chapel Lane, Ratley, OX15 6DS 28-Feb-2022
Dr Andrea , Graham 1, Cromwell Court, Edgehill, Banbury, OX15 6EB 28-Feb-2022
Mr Andrew , Baxter Woodlands View, Edge Hill, Banbury, OX15 6DJ 28-Feb-2022
Mr & Mrs Andrew and Sue , Baxter Woodlands View, Edge Hill, Banbury, OX15 6DJ 28-Feb-2022
Mrs Elaine , McCauley 2 Cromwell Court, Edgehill, Near Banbury, OX15 6EB
Mr Ken , McCauley 2 Cromwell Court, Edgehill, OX15 6EB


There are no amendments for this application

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Plans, drawings and material submitted to the Council are protected under Copyright. You may only use material that is downloaded and/or printed as follows :-

  • For consultation purposes
  • To compare current applications with previous schemes
  • To check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans.

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